Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 853: Zombie: conceal

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She can still remember clearly that Lu Xiangnan told her in a gentle tone at that time that she could go to him later if she was hungry.

Chu Yun was only hesitant for a moment. She thought that if Lu Xiangnan really did n’t want to hide North Jiangsu, she would definitely tell North Jiangsu.

Without telling North Jiangsu, Lu Xiangnan must have her own hardships, so she will keep their secrets secret.

Thinking this way, Chu Yun had no meaning to tell Northern Jiangsu.

Subei, who was back at school, was surrounded by several people from Song Zhi, and he asked for help, for fear that something might happen to him.

After confirming that Northern Jiangsu is fine, Song Zhi complained a little: "The road to the south is a pervert, just cut your wrist casually."

Luo Yiran pouted, "I think he will ... have some mental problems."

"My people said that when he fought, he killed people."

With that in mind, Luo Yiran shivered, "It's scary to think about it, Northern Brother, you will provoke him less in the future."

Northern Jiangsu shrugged, "I'm afraid not."

Song Zhi also persuaded: "The kind of pervert plus neuropathy, don't die."

Subei: "But he is now my boyfriend."

All around was quiet, and a quiet needle could be heard on the ground.

Song Zhi swallowed, "Brother, did I have a problem with my ear?"

Although Luo Yiran didn't ask so, his eyes showed everything.

Subei picked up the book and gave it to them. "If you have problems with your ears, you can read them and ask me what to do."

At this time, the class bell rang, Song Zhi and Luo Yiran returned to their seats, and some of them were dazed.

They just heard something, so they missed something and suddenly told them that Lu Xiangnan became his boyfriend.

It must have been awake, it must be like this.

The two of them sat on the table in a tacit understanding and decided to take a good night's sleep before facing this magical world.

In the afternoon, Su Bei wobbled out of the school, and Chu Yun followed him not far behind.

Because of their particularity, they did not choose to live on campus.

Chu Yun thought about it and asked, "Aren't you going to date Lu Xiangnan?"

Su Bei gave her a glance, "what about the two big men?"

Chu Yun responded, "Oh." Then he said nothing.

Song Zhi and Luo Yiran chased up, "Brother, do you want to go to the Internet cafe to fight?"

Northern Jiangsu stopped and told the truth, he didn't want to be alone with the creature like the hostess, so he agreed, "OK."

Then he looked at Chu Yun and said: "Go back first, I may not come back tonight."

Chu Yun bit his lip, "How can this work, you still, go back, it's not safe."

Song Zhi laughed, "If there is Northern Brother, what is unsafe, and unsafe is also unsafe for others."

Chu Yun was a little anxious. "It's not like that, North Jiangsu!"

North Jiangsu responded, thinking he was sorry, he was not the original owner, so he didn't want to depend on the heroine for anything. "Yes, they are right, and danger is also dangerous for others."

When Chu Yun heard it, he stomped his feet angrily and left.

Song Zhi said hesitantly: "Or Brother Bei, are you going to coax Chu Yun? Seems really angry."

North Jiangsu raised his eyebrows, somehow, "Why should I coax Chu Yun."

Song Zhi replied: "Don't you like Chu Yun?"

Subei looked at Song Zhi as a fool, patted his shoulder, and said with some sympathy: "It seems that you not only have ear problems, but also have problems with your head. Am I telling you that I have a boyfriend?"

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