Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 855: Zombie: Special ability

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Song Zhi and Luo Yiran did not dare to talk about the fact that Northern Jiangsu went to the toilet and brought back a man.

But even if Lu Xiangnan didn't have any expression, he didn't say anything. Going to that station, it gave a huge sense of oppression.

Shaking hands is common, and there is no way to play the game well.

After a game, Song was frightened and said: "Beige, don't you want to stop playing today? I'm a little, not in a state."

Luo Flammable also nodded madly.

The corner of Subei's mouth is slightly pumped. Is the road so scary towards the south? He glanced at the road to the south and could only say: "OK, next time."

Song Zhi and Luo Yiran fled the same way, leaving northern Jiangsu.

North Jiangsu looked at Lu Xiangnan, who asked indifferently, "Do you want to take you home?"

When he asked this sentence, he seemed to be completing his daily tasks without any emotional component.

Subei didn't really want to go back to face Chu Yun, but it seemed that there was no good place to go, so he nodded and said, "Go back."

Lu Xiangnan glanced at North Jiangsu, he heard the reluctant ingredient, but he didn't plan to do anything.

Soon the two arrived in the residential area in northern Jiangsu. Northern Jiangsu waved and prepared to go upstairs.

Lu Xiangnan stopped him, "Are you hungry?"

When Su Bei just wanted to say he was not hungry, he smelled the tantalizing sweet fragrance, saliva began to secrete unconsciously, and he felt thirsty.

This made him want to vomit, this kind of fishing law enforcement is too much.

But this is already the case, and North Jiangsu can only nod.

Lu Xiangnan raised his hand, and the gauze on his wrist was impregnated with blood. Northern Jiangsu could be 100% sure that he intentionally cracked the wound.

Subei's mouth twitched slightly, "The other hand."

Lu Xiangnan exchanged a hand with Yiyan, and North Jiangsu vomited: "Don't draw anymore, what to say when I look down on my teeth."

When the words fell, North Jiangsu bit his way to the south of the wrist, sucking a few bites of blood unkindly.

The whole person has a great sense of satisfaction from the inside out.

North Jiangsu opened his mouth and licked the two blood holes he had bitten out, and the blood holes healed at a rapid rate.

This is a little special ability as a zombie.

Then he untied the gauze on the other wrist to the south, hesitated, and licked his hideous wound.

Suddenly felt a little ashamed of this behavior, that is, he was a little bit shy.

Because this wound is a bit deep, the saliva in northern Jiangsu is only able to make the wound less gritty, and it takes a little time to heal.

Lu Xiangnan did not respond, so he let North Jiangsu play with it.

North Jiangsu said, "I don't want to see the wound break again next time."

Lu Xiang's eyes flashed slightly, his emotions finally fluctuated, "You care about me."

748: "Raiders value increased by 3%, Raiders progress 30%."

Su Bei rolled his eyes, "Hello, my boyfriend anyway."

After giving away his hand to the south, Subei Road said: "Yes, I will go back."

Lu Xiangnan responded, without hesitation, just turned around and left.

Helping the amount of money in northern Jiangsu, let's go, this is a public matter, but it is not his real boyfriend.

When he opened the door to go home, Chu Yun stood in the living room with a cup, which concealed the inquiry of northern Jiangsu, "how come back."

Subei opened the refrigerator and glanced at nothing, oh, forgot that the zombies only drank blood, but he wanted to drink yogurt, how could this be done.

However, he still answered Chu Yun's question, "Song Zhi was in a bad state, so he left early."

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