Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 863: Zombie: There is a problem with the road to the south

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North Jiangsu did not refute.

In such a big city, it is impossible for only two of them to be zombies.

Although they do not know where they are, as long as they are close, they will feel it.

And according to the original hunting habits of the original owner, bars and ktv are most likely.

Chu Yun hadn't been to these places very much. He could only follow the northern Jiangsu and walk through the crowd of demons.

Su Bei suddenly stopped and asked Chu Yun sideways, "Did you smell it?" Breath of blood.

Chu Yun nodded, and North Jiangsu pointed to the female toilet. "You bring it out."

Forget what went into the women's toilet, forget it.

Chu Yun nodded and said yes, then went into the bathroom.

Subei did not think that Chu Yun could handle a zombie. She had just sucked her blood just now, and her power must have increased.

Gee, so bad.

After a while, a punk girl was picked up by Chu Yun, probably beaten.

And because she didn't have the power, the punk girl looked miserable.

Subei raised the girl's hand and said to Chu Yun, "Taste."

Punk girls want to struggle, but Subei's strength is obviously greater than hers, so it's useless.

Chu Yun hesitated, bit it up, then raised his head and said, "Yes, it's very light, not as thick as you."

Subei took out his mobile phone and flipped the photos from the album to the south, and handed them to the punk girl, "Do you know this person?"

The punk girl nodded, "After seeing it once or twice, he voluntarily gave me blood. His blood is very sweet, but he is also terrible. I dare not **** too much."

Su Bei put away his mobile phone and asked, "How do you feel about sucking other people's blood now?"

The expression of the punk girl became a bit painful, "It's very smelly and unpalatable, but I can't help it! I really can't do it! Help me, you help me!"

The girl's emotions suddenly went out of control, her expression gradually changed from pain to grief, the whole person was also twitching, and the zombie teeth rolled out her lips uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the three of them were in the corner, and no one found any abnormalities.

Subei suppressed the punk girl so hard that she would not struggle.

The temperature of the punk girl is rising rapidly, and she is becoming more and more crazy.

Chu Yun shivered: "Her blood is boiling!"

When the words fell, the punk girl rolled her eyes, and nothing happened.

Subei looked at the punk girl that had disappeared from her fingertips and said, "Dead."

This look of death, he had seen it, was in the Internet cafe.

Chu Yun was afraid of pulling the sleeves of Northern Jiangsu. She was not stupid. This thing must be related to Lu Xiangnan. "Will I, will it become like this?"

North Jiangsu raised his hand and stretched out his two fingers. The flashing lights in the whole bar looked a bit evil.

Chu Yun bit his lip violently, "We will be fine, right."

Subei raised an eyebrow. "I don't know."

The two left the bar. No one knew that the bar was free of a zombie.

Chu Yun didn't let go of Subei's clothing corner, and the unknown panic almost overwhelmed her.

The gentle and kind-hearted person in the memory has become so terrible at the moment.

Chu Yun thought of something and asked carefully: "You and Lu Xiangnan ..."

"Huh?" Subei turned back, wondering what Chu Yun wanted to ask.

Chu Yun summoned the courage to say the next words, "Will you still be with him?"

North Jiangsu responded: "Yes."

Chu Yun's tone became a little eager, "Are you not afraid of what he does to you?"

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