Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 893: Peony: carp essence

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Subei is very innocent, "I just want to know the monster friends who know you, why is it too much?"

Cuihua couldn't go against the orders of Northern Jiangsu, so he was reluctant to take Northern Jiangsu toward the garden, and finally stopped by a pond.

Subei stood at the pond and rubbed Qiqi's head, "So where are your monster friends?"

The words fell, and it did n’t take long for a fish to jump out of the pond and land on the shore, turning into a man in red. "Peony, will you bring your friends to play?"

Yes, because of the Qiqi relationship, this person can't feel that there are actually individuals.

By the time he responded, it was too late.

Carp Jing stared at Subei in surprise and said, "You are the master of the Su family! Little Peony, what's going on?"

North Jiangsu said meaningfully: "Because she is now called Cuihua."

The carp essence reacted in an instant, "You actually called Xiaomu the name of the demon's danger! Surely humans are so insidious!"

North Jiangsu shrugged, feeling quite innocent, "I just tried it, and who knows it was so successful."

The carp was relieved, "Then you can cancel the contract, and Xiao Mudan can move freely. If you don't, I can teach you."

Northern Jiangsu refused, "I think it's pretty good now."

Lei Jing said with hate: "So you just don't want to help Little Peony! Cunning human!"

North Jiangsu simply admitted, "Yeah, I don't want to help her at all, and you and I will pick it up and give it away."

The carp spirit rolled his eyes, "You can't catch me, because before many carp, you can't tell which one I am."

North Jiangsu smiled and said: "Then wait and see."

Early the next morning, Subei ran to Duan Tianlang's courtyard.

Duan Tianlang has always been up early, so he is already practicing sword.

North Jiangsu held seven or seven ways: "You are not saying that you want to be a cow and a horse for me, but now I'm fishing for fish."

Duan Tianlang glanced at the cat in Subei's arms, "Where to fish?"

Yes, he understood that Subei had to fish for cats.

He has seen the waywardness of Northern Jiangsu, and it's okay to find someone to fish for a cat.

After a while, the two stood by the pond, Duan Tianlang said uncertainly: "Can't you eat this fish?"

Su Bei gave him a glance, "Let you fish, don't talk so much nonsense."

With that said, he pulled out a piece of paper, "Don't fish the fish like this, it looks more spiritual than other fish."

When Duan Tianlang heard the last sentence, he looked at Northern Jiangsu and always felt that Northern Jiangsu knew something that others did not know.

North Jiangsu urged: "Hurry up, and still be a cow and a horse, and fish like a fish."

Duan Tianlang shook his head helplessly, took off his outer skirt and jumped into the water.

He carefully observed the fish in the lake, trying to find the one that Su Bei said.

Of course, the carp essence heard what Su Bei said, and wished that it would become a curse, which was too much.

Duan Tianlang is Duan Tianlang, and even if the carp was digging deep into the water, he was caught.

Subei made a fish tank in his yard and put the fish in it.

Duan Tianlang looked at the fish raised in northern Jiangsu and felt a little funny. "I thought you fished it for cats."

Northern Jiangsu poked seven or seven, "Want to eat?"

Qiqi screamed and raised his paw, warning the carp spirit.

Subei pinched Qiqi's paw to Duan Tianlang, "Look, it doesn't eat."

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