Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 903: Peony: Women's Wear

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North Jiangsu, who looked away, didn't see the dim light of the national master. In fact, it didn't matter what he saw. Anyway, the story clearly said that the national master was a bad person.

Pushing the glass between the cups, the wine became stronger. The sound of the broken glass attracted the attention of several people, and then those people also froze.

Some people felt wrong and looked in their eyes, and then their eyes were almost glaring away.

Su Bei swallowed Su's sleeve with a smile, and wanted to ask him if he was so blatantly assassinated?

How to say, the existence that scares so many people is a group of muscular women.

There is a strong sense of disobedience. Think about it. The men in the top five and three thick, wearing the clothes of the dancing girl, are still walking and squeezing, how spicy eyes.

Duan Tianlang was already on alert when these gigolos appeared.

Father Su couldn't help but twisted his thigh, and faced North Jiangsu hardly: "Dad didn't know that they arranged this."

Subei wanted to vomit, but who came up with such an assassination plan, the assassins were too blatant?

Although wearing women's clothing, but also more obvious.

Laughter sounded one after another, and those gigolos had already started to dance, and their eyes were spicier.

Someone was already shaking with laughter.

It was at this time that something went wrong.

It wasn't these big men posing as men who changed their faces suddenly, but the dancers who were ready to dance a dance.

Everyone's attention was put on the men who dressed as men, so they didn't pay much attention to the assassins.

When the reaction came, the assassin rushed to the emperor.

Su Su responded quickly and dragged Su Bei to drill down. Su Bei was pulled and Su Su hid under the table.

He really wanted to know who came up with such an assassination plan.

Because nothing can be seen squatting under the table, Subei can only hear the sound of swords intersecting.

He and Su Su squatted silently under the table for a long time, and waited for a moment to get out.

Most of the assassins were captured alive, and the assassination came to an end.

Duan Tianlang's shot was affirmative. In order not to break his true identity, the emperor was also very cooperative. He only asked Duan Tianlang which servant, and then said that North Jiangsu had saved the driving and rewarded.

Father Su saw that the assassination plan had failed and slapped his thigh. "What should I do? Was Tian Lang's head kicked by a donkey? Go rescue someone!"

The assassination of the emperor was not a trivial matter. This time I investigated it directly, and I didn't know who was going to be unlucky.

In the end, Duan Tianlang returned to the palace with a lot of rewards from the emperor and Northern Jiangsu.

When he arrived at the palace, Northern Jiangsu bullied and said: "The rewards are to me!"

Duan Tianlang looked at Northern Jiangsu and asked seriously, "Why?"

Su Bei glared at him, "Although you saved the emperor, you are my little servant, so some rewards deserve to be mine!"

In fact, it's just a strong word, and North Jiangsu is just to maintain people's design, so I don't expect Duan Tianlang to really give him.

So when Duan Tianlang put the reward into the arms of Subei, he was a little dazed.

Duan Tianlang was amused by North Jiangsu ’s reaction. The young master was really cute. "Is n’t the master saying that the reward is yours?"

748: "Raiders value increased by 2%, Raiders progress 52%."

North Jiangsu holds the reward tightly, don't do nothing, turn around and leave.

Duan Tianlang smiled a little helpless, in fact, he didn't care much about rewarding such things.

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