Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 917: Peony: Cunning Rabbit Three Caves

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It was Su Bei who led Su Su to discover that this daughter was not right.

He has carefully read the plot, although Cuihua occupies Su Ying's body, but it does not mean that she has all Su Ying's memories.

Su Su's doubts about Su Ying's authenticity are the best choice.

These days Duan Tianlang is a bit irritable, because the **** of the state teacher does not count.

Probably, the national teacher clearly agreed that as long as he played a game with him, he would save Subei, but after the game, the national teacher turned his face and didn't recognize anyone.

What can North Jiangsu say? After all, the plot of the National Teacher is not a good person. Duan Tianlang was deceived, and it seems that it is not so unacceptable.

In fact, there is another reason why Duan Tianlang is so irritable, that is, the situation in northern Jiangsu has become more serious and is becoming thinner.

However, due to the rebellion of the state teacher, Duan Tianlang had a high degree of vigilance against the state teacher, so when the state teacher shot the emperor, he was the first to discover.

It's just that this man from the State Division, the Three Caves of Cunning Rabbit, disappeared after the incident was revealed.

Cuihua was also taken away. After the state teacher disappeared, Su Ying returned to bed.

The national teacher tried to steal the peony several times before, but failed to succeed, so the peony is still in the North Jiangsu courtyard.

Duan Tianlang's busy feet did not touch the ground, and he tracked the whereabouts of the National Teacher, because he thought that if he could catch the National Teacher, Northern Jiangsu might be saved.

Subei also asked Qiqi to find a way, and he couldn't sit still and wait.

As soon as Duan Tianlang came back, he came to see Northern Jiangsu. The whole person was a bit of a servant. Northern Jiangsu could also smell a strong **** smell.

He was relieved when he saw the intact North Jiangsu. "I heard that you only ate a little more today?"

North Jiangsu gave Duan Tianlang a glance, "Can't eat."

Duan Tianlang's eyes flashed with distress, "I will grab the national teacher as soon as possible, and then there will be a way to cure you."

Oh, yes, just because Duan Tianlang knew he was the same because of the evil spirit.

So he took Subei into his yard, far away from the yard where carp essence and peony originally existed.

It was really miserable that only Qi Tianqi could secretly meet with Northern Jiangsu while Duan Tianlang was away.

North Jiangsu nodded indiscriminately, still could not help but said to Duan Tianlang: "You should be more careful."

That national teacher is not very simple. Although Duan Tianlang is a male, he is always a mortal.

Duan Tianlang was sweet in his heart. He looked at Subei Road seriously: "You care about me."

North Jiangsu rolled his eyes and cared, and what kind of neuropathy was this.

The corner of Duan Tianlang's mouth was slightly bent, and he reached over the back of Northern Jiangsu's neck. The palm with a cocoon was rough, with a hint of tingling.

He said seriously: "I am very happy."

Subei swallowed the words that came to his mouth, he actually wanted to ask, as for?

But it suddenly occurred to me that the original owner's personalities caused him to seem to talk to Duan Tianlang in a bad tone all the time.

The state teacher had a very strict possession. Duan Tianlang traced it for a long time, but he never found his trail.

Even, he seemed to evaporate.

Fortunately, Qiqi found Lingcao, which was able to resolve and invade the enchantment of Subei's body.

After using Lingcao, Su Bei's body gradually recovered.

Duan Tianlang did not continue to pursue the national teacher day and night, but allocated a lot of time to accompany Subei.

Originally, Duan Tianlang wanted to give a high-profile wedding to Northern Jiangsu, but it was not necessary to be stopped by Northern Jiangsu.

Over time, everything about the Su family was also forgotten by the people.

People themselves are a forgetful thing.

The emperor also because Duan Tianlang did not give up the relationship between northern Jiangsu, and he had promised many conditions for the emperor in order to protect Su father at that time, so the emperor did not fear him.

Guo Shi and Cui Hua also died in Northern Jiangsu, and they did not reappear. As for the reason, who knows?

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