Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 934: Mermaid: cooking

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The assistant froze for a moment, thinking he remembered that their president did not smoke.

But this kind of doubt can be put in the stomach. The correct way is to give the president a cigarette.

Li Tingxiao took a breath and smoked, "Is there a laboratory project?"

The assistant immediately read something about the laboratory project from his mind. "It seems there is such a person. They said that they want to study what mermaid and think that the mermaid really exists. So we hope that our company will fund them to find mermaids.

After he finished, he added a sentence, "When our company's people are stupid and have too much money? Return mermaid."

As a result, Li Tingxiao said decisively: "To vote, all the research equipment they want is given."

The assistants were all stunned. What kind of stimulus did their own president get, and actually invested money in this kind of laboratory.

He wanted to keep the president awake, but he couldn't, because he just had to do it.

After the assistant left, Li Tingxiao took another breath, then wiped it out, and found the apron brought by the assistant to put on.

Subei was attracted to the stairs by the smell of food.

Li Tingxiao does all seafood, fish, shrimp, crabs and the like.

The index finger of the watcher moved.

There is also a soup. Subei didn't see anything to make, but it also felt like a seafood soup.

Li Tingxiao took off her apron and served rice to Northern Jiangsu. "I haven't done it in a long time, I don't know how it tastes."

Northern Jiangsu is also polite, picking up chopsticks and starting to eat, but hasn't moved the crab, it's really troublesome.

Li Tingxiao noticed the subtle expression of Northern Jiangsu when he looked at the crab, and he quickly reflected what it was because of.

So, North Jiangsu began to enjoy the treatment of the male owner stripping the crabs.

It's just peeling alone, eating alone, it's very warm.

Then, the door opened, and Bai Weilan looked at the two of them in a dumbfounded manner, not knowing what expression to make.

Subei looked at Bai Weilan, and finally made such a big noise, he thought Bai Weilan would not come back.

Li Tingxiao did not see it, and continued to work diligently to peel crabs from northern Jiangsu.

Bai Weilan finally summoned the courage to say, "I haven't eaten yet."

However, no one answered her, which made Bai Weilan feel that he was air, so these two talents would not see themselves.

Suddenly thinking about her attack on Northern Jiangsu, she felt a little guilty, so she asked Northern Jiangsu: "Are you ... alright?"

She didn't ask directly because Li Tingxiao was there, and she was not sure how much Li Tingxiao knew.

Subei wanted to say that it was not good at all. If ordinary people were scratched by her like this, it would be seriously injured.

He frowned and responded, "Uh."

Bai Weilan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it should also be, the mermaid's self-healing ability is so strong.

Li Tingxiao guessed something from their only words and phrases, plus what he saw at the press conference that day, he was almost certain that the injury on Subei's shoulder was Bai's blue handwriting.

Thinking about this, Li Tingxiao's aura became a little suppressed, and Bai Weilan felt uncomfortable all over, regardless of whether he had eaten or not, he returned to his room.

Li Tingxiao stopped, "What is the reason for your previous engagement with her?"

North Jiangsu replied: "I am the most powerful mermaid, she is a mermaid princess, and the offspring must be the best."

Yes, Mermaid is so straightforward to choose a spouse, but it needs strength.

Li Tingxiao's expression was subtle, "You and her, have no feelings?"

North Jiangsu responded quickly, "No."

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