Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 943: Mermaid: friendly cooperation

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Sneak to the mainland once, the marriage is gone, and the existence of the mermaid is exposed.

Although Li Tingxiao is wandering around the mainland, the power of live broadcasting is powerful. In a flash, everyone knows about the mermaid.

It ’s not just those people who want mermaids.

Countless fanatics, or crazy scientists, still think of this sea.

The singing of the mermaid and the destructive power of the Shanghai monster still prevent those people from really getting close to the deep sea.

Although the sea monsters were powerful, the weapons they brought wounded them.

Not fatal, but still very uncomfortable.

It is not a way to hide in this way. Subei thought of the nonsense made by Bai Weilan.

He found Bai Azure, "Let's go back to the land."

Bai Weilan was shocked by what North Jiangsu said, "What do you do when you go back to land?"

Subei looked at her, "Like you said, we can't hide far away, so why don't we coexist with humans."

Bai Weilan was dumbfounded. "But, the current situation is simply impossible."

North Jiangsu firmly said: "There is nothing impossible, if we directly contact the people of the country? Maybe there will be different results."

Before waiting for Bai Weilan to say anything, North Jiangsu said: "You are a mermaid princess, you have the responsibility to continue the entire mermaid, so do you want to try it?"

Bai Weilan was silent. Isn't that what she hoped for? You can live with people, get along with humans, and no longer hide in the deep sea.

Her eyes grew firmer, "Okay, let's try it."

Subei asked 748: "What is the biggest impact of the male halo plus the female halo?" Although he is not too happy to have too many connections between the two auras.

748 replied: "The biggest impact is to make everything impossible possible."

Taking advantage of the unfamiliarity between those people and the sea monsters, Northern Jiangsu and Bai Weilan quietly returned to the land and merged with Li Tingxiao.

That live broadcast did cause an uproar, but there were also many people who forced Xiaoxi's girlfriend to death because of the laboratory personnel, and strongly condemned these people.

This is a good thing, isn't it?

Subei and Li Tingxiao didn't have time to reunite. He told Li Tingxiao his thoughts, and Li Tingxiao also agreed.

And proposed that perhaps longevity can be used as a bargaining chip.

Who doesn't want a life span of three hundred years?

With enough chips and the blessing of the male and female auras, the negotiation was successful.

But in a day, the news came out. From then on, the mermaid and man coexist peacefully, and the existence of the mermaid is no longer a secret.

As for the question of lifespan, of course, it is concealed. Who would say it blatantly?

Many people said that they probably witnessed a new era of mankind in this year.

Because there is no longer only human beings, there are fish.

The deep sea was also classified as a protected area, and people were sent directly to expel.

Those who coveted the mermaid, no matter how dare they confront the navy, could only withdraw.

Subei is relieved, it is always useful, isn't it?

Not only North Jiangsu, Li Tingxiao also breathed a sigh of relief. He hugged North Jiangsu from the back: "I thought you would not come back."

Northern Jiangsu's Niutou didn't say a word to Mazui, "The lollipop is not waterproof and was eaten by seawater."

Li Tingxiao chuckled, "If it's not waterproof, it won't be waterproof. There are many lollipops at home."

748: "Raiders value increased by 10%, strategy progress 95%."

Suddenly, Li Tingxiao asked Subei seriously, "Do you wear clothes in the deep sea?"

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