"We've arranged everything for you."

"You will be very busy in the next period of time. At that time, you will go to the four military regions, meet all senior officers, and officially take over the four military regions."

"Besides that, there will be a press conference announcing your promotion."

"This is a global press conference. When the time comes, representatives from all empires around the world will be sent. It is a meeting that must be attended."

Jiang Chen suddenly said in astonishment: "This is too troublesome!"

Li Jie seemed to have expected that Jiang Chen would say this, and explained with a smile: "The press conference is just a cover. In fact, the real purpose is for you to represent the Dragon Kingdom and express your opinions on the subsequent war support."

"War support?"

"That's right!" Li Jie nodded slightly and said with a serious face: "In addition to the popularization of martial arts, the most important thing in this meeting is to discuss war support!"

"Nowadays, the existence of martial arts can no longer be hidden from ordinary people, and the front line now requires a large supply of basic troops."

"An army composed of ordinary people is increasingly unable to adapt to today's ever-changing war situation."

"It just so happens that your use of the Heaven and Earth Formation this time has caused a huge sensation in all countries, so all empires are preparing to use this incident to officially declare the existence of martial arts."

"At that time, there will be a wave of martial arts for all people."

"And you will be a promoter, and your merits are not small. This is a greeting gift from each empire to show you goodwill."

"On top of that, there's war support every year."

"I wonder if you have ever heard of Starry Sky Battlefield?"

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, knowing something.

Li Jie took the trouble to explain: "This starry sky battlefield is the battlefield opened by our human race and more than 200 empires above the starry sky."

"The purpose is to prevent alien races from directly attacking the mainland of our planet."

"Although it was not completely stopped, the main force of the alien race was stopped. There are only some weak transmission channels left on our planet, and the strength of the alien race that is transmitted each time is not too strong."

"Countries can easily suppress it."

"But that was before. As the scale and intensity of wars have continued to increase over the years, the pressure on the starry sky battlefield has become quite high, and aliens have launched teleportation arrays on our planet."

"The power is also more powerful than before, and the size and strength of the alien armies that can appear are also increasing."

"This is why the Tianhuan Plan was brought to the forefront."

"We urgently need a powerful weapon that can carry out global strikes and can support small battlefields in any region of the world."

"Currently, our Dragon Kingdom has obtained the construction of the Sky Ring, but our contribution will be extremely huge, not just the manufacturing of the Sky Ring."

"Future maintenance and upkeep will be a huge expense."

"In addition, we have to defend against attacks from foreign races. If there is damage, we will be the sinners of all empires around the world. The benefits are great, but the disadvantages are also not small."

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, now he understood everything.

I couldn't help but said: "Listen to your tone, isn't war support a simple matter?"

"This is natural." Li Jie took out paper and pen and said: "I will draw the situation and you will know how difficult it is to support."

She drew a circle on the white paper, then a small circle next to the circle and said: "This is our planet, and next to it is the bright moon star."

"The current direction of the battlefield is the backside of Haoyue Star, where our human race has built a space city. This is why we can build it."

"It also has something to do with the martial arts masters of various overlord-level empires. I will tell you about it from now on."

Jiang Chen nodded and listened carefully. With the current technology of the human race, it is already good to be able to enter space, let alone build a city on the back of Bright Moon Star.

It must be the help of the martial arts master to achieve this step.

"You can see that the backside of Haoyue Star is the main battlefield, but the aliens don't just attack the main battlefield. They occasionally have small teams that appear in other areas."

While speaking, Li Jie drew another circle to wrap the planet.

"And this is the blockade of the alien race against our human race. Although the main battlefield is on Haoyue Star, the rest are also blocked by the alien race."

"The main goal of this blockade is to block support from our planet."

"A long time ago, our support was continuous and almost uninterrupted."

"But because of this alien blockade that covers the entire planet, every time we transport war supplies, we are intercepted as soon as we leave the planet."

"This resulted in plans failing again and again, and the front lines lost material supplies, which was very difficult."

"At the same time, this also wastes too much of our manpower and material resources, causing huge losses, which cannot be guaranteed."

"So in the end, we settled on a solution."

"That is to change the support cycle from hundreds of times a year to once a year."

"Use the most powerful armed forces on the surface to form a convoy to transport supplies."

"This also ensures that the resources of the Starry Sky Battlefield are protected to the maximum extent."

"In the past, this task was undertaken by each of our overlord-level empires and all martial arts masters."

"Use the power of a sharp knife to tear apart the alien global blockade."

"Send supplies to frontline war personnel."

"But this year, the situation has changed. Because of your appearance, the three overlord-level empires and the three martial arts saints have died, if you are not counted."

"Our armed forces this time will be much weaker and may not be able to meet expectations."

"This is why you must participate in this war support plan."

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