Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 171 The Heartless Man’S New Identity

If your parents are unwilling to do so, you will become a person who has no emotions and only knows pain.

One night, they discussed for a long time and finally decided to abandon everything and treat you.

Their love for you is selfless and dedicated.

At that time, you couldn't feel it. Your heart was always in a numb and unchanging state, and you couldn't feel the warmth and coldness of human feelings.

They sold everything and, with the help of many people in the village, bought a carriage to take you over the mountains to the big city.

However, they still underestimated the power of a million mountains.

In the first year, you went through a lot. Unfortunately, your father was bitten by a poisonous snake.

In pain, dying in front of you.

When he died, there was still love for you in his eyes.

At that moment, your heart, which had never fluctuated before, actually started to shake. A faint unknown emotion brought tears to the corners of your eyes.

Your father smiled in relief and wanted to reach out his hand to wipe your tears, but his arm finally hovered in the air and fell down weakly.

For the next six months, your mother stayed with you, still determined to take you out of the mountains to find a good doctor.

But for you who have lost your father, your daily life is very difficult. You hide here and there at night, avoiding large carnivorous beasts, and during the day you move forward in a jungle so dense that you can't even see the sun.

Sometimes you need to climb mountains and be wary of all poisonous creatures.

Amidst such tremendous mental pressure and missing your father.

Your mother is on the verge of collapse.

But she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

Finally, you arrived beyond the Million Mountains, saw the huge plain in the distance, and also saw a magnificent building on the plain.

That's the city.

Standing at the edge of the forest, your mother's eyes were full of reluctance, and sweat continued to fall on her pale face.

She was tired and sat on the mound.

She turned her head and looked in the direction you came from, with a smile on her pale and chapped lips, and a trace of blush on her haggard face, with a hint of beauty.

She seemed to see her husband.

Countless beautiful memories came to mind.

She suddenly said to you: "Beiming, look there, are there many flowers?"

You look in the direction of her finger.

You saw countless wild flowers not far away, blooming very luxuriantly, swaying in the spring breeze, exuding a faint fragrance.

"Can you pick some for me?" She looked at you lovingly, stretched out her hand and gently stroked your hair, her eyes full of nostalgia and reluctance.

You didn't understand everything, but you nodded, walked there, squatted on the ground, and started picking flowers.

She looked at your back as if she saw you squatting on the ground and playing when you were a child.

The you now and the you you used to be are overlapping.

Everything around seems to be changing.

Beside you, it seems like there is the person she loves deeply.

He turned around with a smile and waved to her.

A bright smile appeared on her face, she slowly stretched out her hand and stood up slowly.

Almost as soon as she stood up.

Her real body had fallen down.

At this time, you finally stood up, holding flowers in your hands.

The moment he turned around.

Your brain banged, and the flowers in your hand fell to the ground.

At this moment, long-lost emotions well up in your heart again.

It was a heart-wrenching pain that made it impossible to breathe.

Your face finally showed a look of extreme pain, tears couldn't stop flowing down, and you walked to her side tremblingly.

You keep calling her name, but you can never recover.

At night, when it rains heavily, you dig out a graveyard with your hands.

Standing in front of the simple cemetery, you stopped all day and night.

With his hands covered in blood, he stumbled to the city gate.

You were rescued by the city gate guards and received good treatment at the city lord's mansion.

Nowadays, the empire is really in constant conflict. The city lord's palace is in urgent need of a group of young people to form his own secret army.

And just like that, you joined the City Lord’s Mansion.

Here you come into contact with many people who are about the same age as you. You eat, live and train together.

It was also here that I officially started to come into contact with martial arts.

You train harder than ordinary people. This is due to the fact that you don't have too many emotions, which also prevents you from feeling tired.

In the blink of an eye, ten years passed by.

You are twenty-five years old.

Thanks to your hard work and your super talent, at this age, you have become the most powerful martial arts presence in the city.

Everyone else thought that the most powerful being in the city was the city lord, a martial arts master at the national level, but only the city lord knew that.

You have already entered the realm of half-step dominance in martial arts.

The city lord attaches great importance to you and has allowed his daughter to come into contact with you a long time ago.

She has also been in love with you for a long time. With the help of the city lord, you soon entered the palace of marriage.

However, on the wedding day, when you were getting married, you disappeared for no reason.

Because deep in your heart, what happened to your parents had an indelible impact on you, and you don’t want to bear the love of others.

You finally chose to escape.

You came to a mountain and settled down here. You wanted to be isolated from the world, live your own life without being disturbed, and indulge in martial arts practice every day.

However, what you didn't know was that not long after you left, Yuting also left.

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