Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 181 Nuclear Explosion Promotes Full Speed

The two statues of the East China Sea Empire's martial arts saints looked very ugly.

His eyes looked around involuntarily.

He looked at the Quanhan Empire and then at the Yuanyin Empire.

Then look at the Spanish-American Empire.

However, the empires that caught their eye immediately turned their heads one by one, chatting and laughing in their respective teams, as if they had not seen anything.

This made both of them grit their teeth with anger.

"Hmph!" The two martial arts sages of the East China Sea Empire snorted coldly, turned their heads and sat back down.

In an instant, Long Guo burst into laughter.

This made everyone in the East China Sea Empire look as black as a pot of coal.

Jiang Chen felt very good. He looked at the empires that supported the Dragon Kingdom, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you brothers."

"you are welcome!"

"It should!"

"They are all family members."

Everyone responded with a smile.

At this time, several people from the empire did not go back. They moved all their tents over and gathered with the people from the Dragon Kingdom.

A huge group of more than two hundred people formed.

I am in you, and I am in you.

You can see that inside a tent, there are a martial arts overlord from the Dragon Kingdom and a martial arts overlord from the Batan Empire crowded together, and they are eating snacks together.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he was full of praise for Longguo's snacks.

Seeing his happy expression, Jiang Chen smiled knowingly.

Li Jie on the side also smiled and said: "Not bad! We have a lot of friends."

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

at the same time.


Zhou Tianyou was sitting there, standing in the command room, arms folded, looking at the huge glass in front of him.

The glass is very large and is special glass, allowing you to clearly see the starry sky outside.

There are also many display screens hanging on the glass, most of which are radar screens, always monitoring the movements of the outside world.

Below Zhou Tianyou is a huge console with hundreds of controllers in white coats walking back and forth, busy.

This is the head of the transport ship.

Huge consoles, densely packed with buttons.

Although the transport ship is called a transport ship, it is not without defense capabilities. Most of the staff are weapons control personnel.

There are only ten people controlling the flight.

"Sir, there is a piece of information from the front line!" A staff member hurriedly walked up, holding a piece of paper filled with dense words.

"Yeah!" Zhou Tianyou took the information and read it.

After just one glance, his brows suddenly wrinkled and he murmured to himself: "It seems that the aliens have stepped up their detection of support supplies. Have they already been discovered just after setting off?"

Zhou Tianyou looked out the window.

In the starry sky, three huge transport ships are lined up in a row, like three huge starry sky beasts, moving away from the huge space station behind them.

The information content is simple.

Those fighting on the front lines found that the aliens' attacks were increasing in scope and intensity. In addition, a new round of supplies was about to arrive, and it was easy to guess what the aliens wanted to do.

Contain the frontline troops and prevent them from returning to support.

Intelligence predicts that this time the foreign race will dispatch no less than a hundred martial arts manifestation saints and a half-step martial arts master.

What they need to deal with are the hundred martial arts manifestation saints.

As well as the huge number of martial arts overlords and a small number of martial arts monarchs.

On the frontline battlefield, a half-step master of martial arts will be sent to support him.

After reading the information, Zhou Tianyou sighed slightly in his heart.

His eyes looked at the painting in the monitor.

Countless people from various empires were in the cargo compartments, just like on vacation, eating, drinking and having fun, talking and laughing.

"I don't know how many people can return safely this time."

Time passed in the blink of an eye, day and night.

Inside the transport ship, a huge broadcast sounded.

The countdown has begun.

As the ten-second countdown ended, there was a huge vibration and a slight muffled sound, and an invisible force spread from the tail in an instant.

Jiang Chen could even feel an invisible ripple in the space, impacting from behind.

The next second, a strong sense of acceleration created a force that pressed on him.

"We have reached the safe area. The transport ship has started to activate the nuclear explosion process and is accelerating." Li Jie warned, looking out the small window.

Many people also went to the window and looked at the huge aqua star behind them.

The planet is moving away, and only the surface of the planet can be seen, the slowly flowing atmosphere, which is blue as a whole, like a delicate pinball.

And the distance to Haoyue is quickly closing.

This acceleration of nuclear explosions only lasted less than a minute, and a new round of nuclear explosions began again.

The battleship moved forward quickly again.

This process will last for a full day, and then it will enter a routine flight, that is, all engines will work to provide power and complete the remaining distance.

On this day, more than a hundred nuclear explosions occurred.

I have also walked the entire distance, seven-tenths of the way, and the pace will be very slow next.

In the next few days, the staff will inspect the interior of the entire transport ship to ensure that hundreds of nuclear explosions did not cause fatal damage to the transport ship.

Wait until the last nuclear explosion is over.

The martial arts overlord began to take out his space suit and put it on.

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