Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 245 Memories Of The Two Meeting Jiang Wu

Jiang Wu's wooden eyes could see through thousands of miles away.

At a glance, he saw Jiang Chen coming at full speed.

That expressionless expression, that familiar yet unfamiliar face, at this moment, was like a meteor, piercing through Jiang Wu's mind and exploding his mind.

His pupils shrank instantly.

The memories from thousands of years ago were opened like a valve, and turbulent memories rushed towards his mind crazily.

On that small island, Jiang Hao's gentle laughter appeared.

That gentle reminder.

It seems like everything happened yesterday.

When Jiang Hao left, he reluctantly waved goodbye to him.

That day, he stood on the stone, smiled and waved goodbye, but as Jiang Hao left, his tears flowed down involuntarily.

Those years with Jiang Hao.

It made him feel endless warmth and family affection. Only Jiang Hao was the one who really treated him well.

Countless pictures kept appearing before his eyes.

Until the last moment, the two met again.

That meeting was also the last time the two met.

that night.

The entire sky turned dark, endless foreign figures, and even a foreign god descended in person, and the terrifying formation swept across thousands of miles.

Jiang Hao softly comforted his frightened mood.

In front of everyone's attention, he went up against the sky and swept everything. With the body of a demigod, he shook the sky and shocked thousands of miles away. His terrifying attack seemed to open up the sky.

Under the gaze of countless people, he climbed to the sky step by step, invincible.

In the end, he suppressed the entire alien race with the power of one person.

Reach into the stars.

Turn thousands of alien races into flying ashes, and finally counterattack the alien races.

After that battle, countless strong men from the human race followed closely behind.

It was such a fierce and epic battle.

It was also in that war that Jiang Hao suppressed the alien gods, suppressed them in the alien world, and sealed them.

This also gives people in the future hundreds of years of peace.

At the end of that battle, Jiang Hao said goodbye under Jiang Wu's reluctant eyes.

That day, the conversation between the two was still so clear.

On top of a mountain peak.

Jiang Hao, who was dressed in a white robe, put his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, with his straight figure, handsome face, and domineering eyes.

It seemed like everything was under control.

Jiang Hao turned his head, looked at Jiang Wu beside him, and chuckled: "I entered the alien land and used formations to suppress the alien gods, but it can only last for five hundred years."

"When the time comes, he will definitely break through the seal and come again, and the next time he comes, his strength will be even stronger."

"Jiang Wu!"

Jiang Hao looked deeply at Jiang Wu behind him.

At that time, Jiang Wu was just a martial arts overlord who had transformed into a human being. He was no different from a normal person, with innocence in his eyes.

"I'm ready to leave." Jiang Hao looked at the sky again, his eyes extremely deep.

Jiang Wu's heart sank.

For him, Jiang Hao was his parents and his brother, more than family members.

He couldn't help but said: "Can you not go?"

Jiang Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "I have to go. Our world does not have powerful weapons and resources are not enough for me to step into the realm of gods."

"When the alien gods break the seal, five hundred years of hatred will sweep across the entire world, and the aliens will become even more crazy and use all possible means."

"I need to leave."

Jiang Hao walked to Jiang Wu and stretched out his hand.

His eyes were soft, as if he were gazing at his younger brother. That gentle look made Jiang Wu's heart tremble.

His eyes gradually became moist.

"Then...then when will you come back?" Jiang Wu choked up. He knew that Jiang Hao was leaving, going to a place far, far away.

His eyes were full of reluctance.

Jiang Hao gently wiped away his tears, smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "You are a man. A man will not shed tears easily. When you need me, I will come back."

"Don't worry! I'll be back."

Jiang Hao's voice was soft, as if he was comforting his younger brother.

"Jiang Wu! I'm leaving. After I leave, our world will be left to you. You must work hard, grow up well, and protect the world on my behalf."

Jiang Hao's voice was very heavy, and Jiang Wu nodded.

Jiang Hao smiled, his body slowly levitated, and he waved to Jiang Wu: "Jiang Wu...goodbye..."


As Jiang Hao's voice fell, he no longer hesitated, and his body instantly turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky. However, the moment he left.

There seemed to be a gentle murmur in the void.

"Goodbye! My brother..."

This voice exploded in Jiang Wu's ears like thunder. Jiang Wu, who could no longer control his emotions, shouted loudly in the direction where Jiang Hao was going.

"Brother...I will wait for you..."

"I will wait for you...until..."


He shouted at the top of his lungs, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

Time flies.

The four seasons change, spring passes and autumn comes.

Every year, on this day, Jiang Wu would come to the top of the mountain and look up at the stars, his eyes full of expectation.

Again and again.

Again and again……

Jiang Hao never came back.

Five hundred years passed in the blink of an eye, and the alien gods broke through the seal and made a comeback.

But this time, Jiang Wu was no longer afraid, and he would always remember his brother's words deeply in his mind.

"To protect this world."

This sentence is his belief.

"Brother! I won't let you down..."

Those silent shouts made him complete unimaginable feats in despair, and finally stepped into the realm of martial arts demigods.

Become the true patron saint of the human race.

Because of his existence, he protected his brother's world and the pure land in his heart.

He is no longer what he once was, and he actually knows it in his heart.

His brother may never come back.

The universe is too big and there are too many disasters.

If my brother could come back, he would have come back long ago.

until today.

His eyes caught the figure.

That figure made him so familiar that he almost stopped thinking.

That is the figure of my brother.

Whether it's the aura or the appearance of his body, he is exactly the same as his brother.

this moment.

One can imagine his shock, and his inner emotions were extremely complicated.

He even choked up, feeling sad and happy at the same time.

That's his brother.

He was absolutely unmistakable.

That is his brother.

He is back.

He came back in another way.

After death, there are such legends about reincarnation, whether on the Aqua Blue Star or among alien races.

And this kind of legend is not actually a real legend, it is actually true.

Jiang Wu knows best.

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