As the saying goes, it kills you when you are sick. Countless people are jealous of the position of president, as it is a symbol of power and money.

"I asked you to ask for money, why don't you want it? Am I going to help you?" Wang Neng saw Li Deqing standing at the door and remained silent for a long time.

He said directly to other members of the investigation team: "Take out his mobile phone, connect it to the projector, and dial the borrower's video. I want to see how you, Li Deqing, usually ask for money?"

Someone rushed forward immediately, even more aggressively than the investigation team members.

It’s the vice president, Zhang Yue.

He roughly took out the mobile phone from Li Deqing's pocket, and even used too much force, tearing Li Deqing's pocket to pieces.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but taunted: "Old guy, look at your virtue. It's really shameful to have been your subordinate for six years."

He held the mobile phone and walked beside Wang Neng with a flattering look on his face. He held it respectfully with both hands and handed the phone over with a smile on his face.

The mobile phone is connected to the projector, and a huge picture appears on the wall.

A video call was made to a person named Zhang Heng.

Everyone became quiet at this time.

The video only rang a few times before it was dialed, and a picture of a person lying on a chair and being fed grapes by hand was shown.

The other party casually glanced at the scene in the video and saw the old Li Deqing, as well as other staff sitting around.

Unsatisfied, he sat up straight, clasped his ears and said, "Oh! It's you! Li Deqing, why did you call me again today?"

"Aren't you annoyed? I call you dozens of times a month. I've told you that I'm short of money right now and can't pay you back for the time being. When I have money someday, I'll pay it back to you."

"You don't want to be like a follower every day, asking for help every day, don't you feel annoyed?"

Li Deqing didn't speak, but Wang Neng couldn't sit still and said angrily: "Zhang Heng, don't be too arrogant. Let me ask you, will you pay back these 10 billion? When will you pay back?"

Zhang Heng's eyes instantly became gloomy. He looked at Wang Neng in the video and snorted coldly: "Who do you think you are? You are screaming here. Didn't you see that I am talking to your president?"

"When did it become your turn to talk nonsense?"

"You!" Wang Neng was so angry that he wanted to rush into the screen and punch Zhang Henglai.

At this time, the vice president immediately stood up. It was the time to curry favor with Wang Neng, so he naturally had to behave well and said immediately: "Zhang Heng, the person who is talking to you is our Renli Bank, General Investigation Officer Wang Neng from the headquarters. Officer, you'd better be clearer when you speak."

Mentioning his position, Wang Neng couldn't help but straighten his clothes.

However, Zhang Heng didn't take it seriously and said: "What does the headquarters investigation team have to do with me? Tell me to keep my mouth clean. Who do you think you are? You are just an old dog."

"What? You don't accept it! Then hit me!"

"Come on, come on! I'll tell you my address now. If you feel like it, just come!"

"Haha! It's really funny. Let me show you my brothers. When you come, I'll see if you have the ability to scream." He said.

Zhang Heng picked up his mobile phone and started recording the surroundings. He was surrounded by a group of armed men wearing standard uniforms and holding AKs in their hands.

Opposite Zhang Heng, lying on the recliner, was a leader of the militants. He had one eye, dark skin, a fierce look, and violent eyes.

He took the phone and looked at everyone present through the video with ferocious eyes.

The voice was solemn and said: "You are the ones who are threatening my brother. Come to me and I will disembowel you right now."

His words, in line with his identity and ferocious look, immediately made many people present swallow their saliva, and the expressions on their faces became a little stiff.

The other party pulled down the video and pointed it at his chest. There was a silver-white medal-like thing there.

"Dogs, have you seen this thing?"

On the badge, four large characters are clearly visible.

Lord Shura.

When he saw this line of text, Wang Neng, who was originally calm, finally shrank his pupils and his breathing suddenly became unnatural.

But this scene was seen by the other party, and the other party suddenly laughed.

"We are followers of Lord Shura."

He laughed wildly, his eyes were extremely proud and arrogant: "I tell you, we are the kings here, and we are all the most loyal followers of Lord Shura."

"Venerable Shura is our god, our Lord, our almighty God of War."

The more he talked, the more excited he became.

At this time, a bell suddenly rang.

The moment this sound rang out, countless armed men around him suddenly seemed possessed, including the leader of the armed men.

His eyes suddenly became extremely pious and fanatical, and he actually knelt down facing the east on the spot, muttering in the local dialect.

That direction was the direction where Lord Shura first appeared, and the words they spoke were to pray for blessings and to see the god in their minds.

Lord Shura.

There is no believer who does not want to see the God in his heart.

As a group of almost fanatical believers, they can dedicate their lives to this, or even abandon everything.

The venue was completely quiet at this moment.

Many people present did not know what Lord Shura represented, but as a few high-level people, how could Wang Neng not know.

Today is the Golden Hexagon Zone.

The most terrifying force, an armed organization that can even fight against the regular army, is this group of followers of Lord Shura.

This group of people are simply crazy. They not only develop believers among the army, but even among the people.

Everyone is extremely fanatical.

Some people can even shout the words "Venerable Shura", carry explosive packs, and rush to the tank.

And this situation is not specific to a certain soldier, but even to the leader of the group of militants.

Foreign tourists can say that they are not good, but they cannot say that Lord Shura is not good. Once discovered, cutting off the tongue is the lightest punishment.

In an instant, Wang Neng knew that it was impossible to get this money back, even in this life.

Unless a large army is dispatched, and the number cannot be small, division-level troops are needed to have hope, and that is just hope.

But how is this possible?

At this moment, Zhang Heng in the video was even more unscrupulous and mocking: "Come on! Aren't you from the headquarters investigation team? Aren't you crazy?"

"Come on! Come and bite me? With such great ability and power, you can't hit me! Haha! A bunch of trash, haha..."

He laughed wildly, his voice extremely harsh.

It was at this time.

Bang bang bang...

A sound of falling to the ground came from behind the door. Before anyone could react, the door was pushed open, revealing Jiang Chen in a golden robe and a special mask.

Wearing a golden badge on his chest, he walked in slowly.

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