Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 274 Father Jiang’S Highlight Moment Bets With God

"The theory is also very good!" Jiang Tianhao, an old fox, immediately said with a smile on his face: "Welcome, little brother, what do you call me?"

Cheng Tianzun smiled slightly. He was the real old fox. He had lived for almost five hundred years. As the saying goes, people become more mature with age. Naturally, he could see that Jiang Tianhao didn't care about him.

Martial arts practice is all about force. Naturally, the higher the realm, the stronger the strength, and the more respected people are. Those who engage in theoretical knowledge are the least respected.

However, he didn't care and said with a smile: "Just call me Cheng Tianzun. I am Lord Jiang Chen's butler, and I will rely on you in the future."

"You're welcome! We're all one family." Jiang Tianhao spoke boldly, but looked at Jiang Chen with confusion in his eyes.

Their family only has this little asset, so what if they have a housekeeper!

"The barbecue is ready, let's eat barbecue!" At this time, Jiang Yueru walked to the barbecue stall with a smile, picked up a few and handed them over.

Jiang Chen's mouth was full of oil, and the whole family was enjoying themselves.

That night, Jiang Chen slept soundly.

He slept comfortably.

But the whole family couldn't sleep well.

As soon as six o'clock in the morning arrived, Cheng Tianzun appeared directly in Jiang Tianhao's room, like a ghost, his finger pointing slightly in the void.

An invisible wave spread out and reached the ears of Jiang Tianhao and Hu Mengchen in the next second.

The two of them were sleeping soundly, Jiang Tianhao was snoring loudly.

But the next second, there was a sound, and he suddenly sat up in shock, as if he had a nightmare.

It was not a nightmare, but the sound caused by Voice Cheng Tianzun, like a muffled thunder, exploded in their ears, and they were suddenly awakened.

The moment the two woke up, they saw Cheng Tianzun standing at the door, with his hands behind his back, wearing a crisp black suit, just like a real butler.

"You, you, you...are you crazy?" Jiang Tianhao shouted directly: "What time is it? Why are you so loud?"

Jiang Tianhao did not give Cheng Tianzun any face. In his opinion, Cheng Tianzun was just a little kid, not as big as his son, and not as strong in martial arts.

It's just that the theoretical knowledge is better.

However, Cheng Tianzun smiled slightly and made a shushing gesture, and said in an unwavering voice: "The master of the house is still sleeping, please don't be too loud."

"In accordance with the will of the master of the family, I have been your housekeeper since yesterday, responsible for your daily life and martial arts practice."

"Among them, martial arts training is naturally the top priority."

Cheng Tianzun was obviously well prepared. He took out a small notebook, held it in both hands, and handed it to Jiang Tianhao with a smile on his face like a real butler.

"This is a day plan I made for you based on your physical condition."

“If something is wrong, you can point it out and I can make changes.”

"But martial arts training cannot be changed for ten hours a day. No matter how busy you are, you must complete it every day. This is for your own good. If you don't agree, you can tell the head of the family."

"As long as the master agrees, I will obey the master's will."

Jiang Tianhao took a deep breath, resisted the urge to smash the small book in the other gentleman's face, picked it up and started reading.

Hu Mengchen also came over.

Just one glance, and both of them widened their eyes almost at the same time.

"You kid, what are you doing? Are you kidding me?" Jiang Tianhao's impression of Cheng Tianzun plummeted.

From the little brother we met for the first time, he turned into a brat, and now he has turned into a brat.

The content above is very simple. Get up at six in the morning, clean yourself and the room for ten minutes, then run a hundred kilometers with a heavy load, and then come back for breakfast.

After breakfast, we started practicing martial arts secrets, which lasted until eleven o'clock at noon.

After eleven o'clock, eat on time, then take a lunch break until one o'clock.

Then he started practicing in the martial arts realm.

From one o'clock to five o'clock in the afternoon, there will be martial arts theoretical study for one hour, which is almost the time of a class.

Afterwards there is free time to deal with personal matters.

If you really like to practice, you can leave your personal affairs to the housekeeper, and they only need to be responsible for practicing.

How could Jiang Tianhao endure such a life?

He used to work hard when he was young, although it was more tiring than above, but that was before, and now he has tens of billions of assets and a wealthy family.

It is absolutely impossible for him to go back to the past when he really has clothes to put out his hands and food to open his mouth.

Jiang Tianhao threw the notebook on the ground and said angrily to Cheng Tianzun: "Kid, I don't care how my son asks you to train us."

"Just listen to it yourself. It's not Jiang Chen's turn to make the decision in this family."

"You have to understand that I am the boss here, and my son can't do it either. Let alone my son, even if Li Jie comes, he won't do it unless God comes."

"If you can invite the gods here, then you are considered capable, so what do you think it is?"

Jiang Tianhao was very strong-willed and confident. He sneered in his heart. It was impossible for him to train according to the above. Li Jie had persuaded him before, so he just pretended to do it the day before.

As soon as Li Jie left, he would still look like that.

The big shots in charge of the entire army couldn't do anything to him. He still didn't believe what a kid younger than his own son could do.

Why are you so arrogant? If you are really arrogant, you can get a martial arts god to come over. That would be called truly arrogant.

But Jiang Tianhao also knew.

If a god really comes, then it's probably not a matter of being arrogant or not, but a matter of exploding the sky, which can scare him to death.

By then he will be like a grandson.

Now he is different from before, and he naturally understands the concept of a martial arts god.

That is the god in the ancient mythology!

However, he knows that the human race does not yet have martial arts gods. All people, no matter how powerful they are, even the masters of martial arts, are just mortals.

So he said this deliberately to make Cheng Tianzun give up. He would never practice according to the method recorded in the small book.

"Haha!" Cheng Tianzun instead smiled lightly and said: "There is no need to alarm Mr. Jiang Chen about this matter. It's because I, the housekeeper, didn't do a good job. Since you said so."

"Then if I really invite a martial arts god, can you do what I say?"

"That's natural!" Jiang Tianhao also became bold. He believed that there were no gods in the human race, so it was impossible for the other party to really invite him, so he spoke very loudly.

"If you can really invite a god, let alone me, and the whole family listens to you, you are not my butler, you are my uncle!"

"Haha!" Cheng Tianzun usually won't laugh unless he can't help it.

"Okay! Give me an hour." Cheng Tianzun turned around and left, leaving Jiang Tianhao with a somewhat stunned expression.

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