Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 281 The Long Cycle Of Racial Review

The woman was shocked.


The next second, a violent vibration erupted from the bottom of the battleship.

Immediately afterwards, a series of alarms sounded within the battleship control, and the artificial intelligence immediately locked onto the shaking area.

You can see that there is a crack there, and a man is already standing in the aisle, looking around, and actually looking at the camera.

Across the screen, Meiyu felt a chill sweep through her body.

A battleship whose strongest man was no more than a master of martial arts was rushed in by a strong man in the middle stage of the martial arts god. The answer can be imagined.


At this moment, Jiang Wu also locked the position of the control room. His body moved like a ferocious dragon with extremely fast speed. A series of phantoms immediately appeared in the long corridor.

The metal gates were half a meter thick and had a special structure, but in front of Jiang Wu, they were reopened like tofu.

The heavy metal doors were smashed into one side of the hallway.

All the warning lights in the entire control center were on, and a high-temperature red dot could be detected, sprinting through the battleship at high speed in just a few breaths.

He had already arrived outside the door of the control room.

At this moment, everyone suddenly looked back at the door. Countless people's breathing almost stopped at this moment, and looks of panic and fear appeared on everyone's faces.


With a huge roar, the last door, which was more than one meter thick, was suddenly knocked open, and the metal door hit some computers.

All the computers were smashed to pieces, and the fire burned wildly.

Jiang Wu stood at the door, his face serious and unsmiling, his whole body exuding golden light, extremely domineering, and patrolling everyone present with cold eyes.

There were hundreds of people here, and all of them raised their hands in unison at this moment, not daring to resist at all.

Some people threw their equipment on the ground, and some even knelt on the ground with their hands raised.

Because they were not sure which race Jiang Wu belonged to, and each race had different views on surrender, so he used all available surrender methods.

Jiang Wu looked at Meiyu.

Meiyu is the captain of this battleship, a being in the realm of martial arts master.

"I have met you, sir!" Meiyu took a deep breath and saluted quickly, using the official language of the Zhou Tian Dynasty, which is the language that all subordinate races can speak.

However, Jiang Wu didn't know what the other person was talking about. He knew the language of Aqualan Star and the language of the Spirit Clan, but he didn't know the common language of Zhou Tian Dynasty.

"Why did you attack me just now?" Jiang Wu spoke slowly, using the language of the Spirit Clan. No matter what, it was inevitable to blame the Spirit Clan.

Meiyu was slightly startled. She knew a little about this language. It was the language of the spirit tribe. She suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that it was a bandit in the universe.

Meiyu immediately said in the language of the Spirit Clan: "Hello, God of the Spirit Clan, I am a member of the Yi Clan. There must have been a misunderstanding between us just now."

"We have shut down the warship and sent lights to show friendship."

Jiang Wu frowned and said, "Did you just show your kindness to me? Instead of attacking me?"

"This is natural!" Meiyu thought quickly in her mind and explained: "This is a universal way of saying hello. Sir, you must have been in retreat. It is normal to not understand anything."

Meiyu was very smart. She had already guessed that the man in front of her was probably not from the Spirit Clan, and he didn't even know this most basic thing.

Take their overtures as provocation.

Meiyu travels among many races, and warships are mainly used to transport goods. They do bulk business and have visited many backward civilizations.

People with backward civilizations don't know how to greet each other in the universe, and often regard it as a provocation.

This situation is exactly the same as Jiang Wu's current situation.

So immediately give Jiang Wu a step down. He can't say that the other party's civilization is backward! Just know it in your heart, there is no need to say it out loud.

Jiang Wu suddenly realized that he had made a mistake for a long time. Since the other party had given him a step down, he naturally followed suit.

With a smile on his face, he said: "That's right! I came out of seclusion and don't know much about some things for the time being. I'm going to go to Tianhe Planet."

"Looking at the direction you are heading, are you also going to Tianhe Star?"

At this point, Jiang Wu was just telling lies with his eyes open.

Meiyu didn't dare to say anything, and immediately smiled and said: "Yes! Your Excellency, you have really good vision. We are about to return to Tianhe Star! If it is convenient for you, you might as well come with us."

"In this case, of course it's the best." Jiang Wu smiled lightly.

The relaxed conversation between the two also gradually softened the frightened expressions of others around them.

It seems that this god is not here to kill them.

"Sir, please come this way." Meiyu extended her hand directly, very politely.

Under Meiyu's leadership, the two came to Meiyu's bedroom.

Here, Jiang Wu no longer concealed anything, his eyes became cold and said: "You should have guessed my situation! I want to ask you something."

Jiang Wu could tell that Meiyu was a very smart woman, and he liked to deal with such smart people.

"Senior is joking. I guess you are preparing to go to Tianhe Planet to apply for the qualification of a subordinate race for your race! You are here at the wrong time."

Jiang Wu looked puzzled and sat down on the sofa unceremoniously.

Meiyu stood in front of Jiang Wu and said slowly: "This race only has one chance to apply every year, and you need to apply at the beginning of each year."

"The duration is one month. After one month, the list of all applications will be sent to the Zhou Tian Dynasty. After being reviewed by the Zhou Tian Dynasty, they can officially become a subordinate race."

"The time it takes to pass the review is one year at the fastest, or even a hundred years at the slowest. There are still three months until the next year."

Jiang Wu frowned slightly. He just knew that he could apply to become a subordinate race of the Zhou Tian Dynasty, but he didn't know that there were so many ways to do it.

"If you don't remember, you can wait for three months."

"Is there any other way to complete the application as soon as possible and become a subordinate race of the Zhou Dynasty?" Jiang Wu didn't have that much time to wait.

"This..." Meiyu thought quickly.

Normally, for a martial arts god, a one-year review period, or even a hundred-year review period, is not a big problem and can be afforded.

As for the races that are eager to become a subordinate race of the Zhou Dynasty, unless they encounter some troubles, they need to pull off this layer of tiger skin to protect themselves.

In an instant, Meiyu understood the situation of Jiang Wu's race.

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