Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 283 The Two Major Taiyuan Clans’ Decadent Gods

In the first position, the Taiyuan clan, the contemporary martial arts gods, a being in the middle stage of martial arts, Taijiang.

His head is full of white hair, his face is thin, and his figure is weakened.

Once any living creature reaches old age, its body functions will decline rapidly, even if it is a god.

Taijiang is tall, with a height of two meters, but now he is as skinny as a stick, and his face is full of wrinkles, and there are even many wrinkles superimposed on top of each other.

There was no flesh to be seen on the body, it was all covered with rotten old skin. Sitting there, it was like a corpse wrapped in skin and bones.

Countless plaques also grew on the body.

Below him, there was a group of half-step martial arts gods, a total of twelve people. They were all very young, and they all looked like they were in their early forties.

Among the crowd, a man looked very young, as if he was in his early twenties, sitting at the end of the seat, silent.

"Long Tai, you said you had good news to discuss with us. Now that we are all here, please tell everyone the news!" A martial arts demigod spoke slowly, with a calm voice.

This person's name is Tai Zun, a descendant of Taijiang God. He has a direct bloodline and his status is under Taijiang in the entire Taiyuan clan.

Second person.

The person who was equal to him was Long Tai in front of him.

Longtai's name is Meilongtai, and he is one of the two largest aristocratic families in Taiyuanxing. He is the current ruler, that is, the head of the family.

Another aristocratic family is naturally the Tai clan headed by Taijiang.

The two major families are constantly at odds with each other, and there are many small fights for their own benefit.

Tai Zun was dissatisfied with the fact that Long Tai had summoned all the senior officials here. He felt that the other party was deliberately looking for an excuse to find out the true identity of their family ancestor.

Now everyone knows that the Taijiang ancestor's life is approaching, the whole world is undercurrent, and all kinds of disputes have been suppressed for the time being. Once the Taijiang ancestor returns to the west.

Then the entire world and countless forces will rise up and seize the places of world-class families, especially the Mei clan, which is a thorn in Tai Zun's side.

Who knows, among the twelve martial arts demigods present, six are from the other family, while their Tai clan only has three, and the other three are members of other powerful families.

Long Tai glanced at Tai Zun, with a cold look in his eyes, but he still stood up and faced the ancestor who seemed to be dead in the first seat.

He cupped his hands slightly and said in a straight voice: "Ancestor, that's it! I have a niece, Meiyu. Ancestor, you have met her before. She is responsible for some trade matters."

"Not long ago, she bumped into a middle-stage martial arts god in the universe..."

Long Tai spoke slowly, basically completely restoring the scene at that time.

After hearing what he said, many people's eyes lit up.

Even Taijiang, who was dying, slowly opened his eyelids, his eyes as dull as dead wood.

"You did a good job!" Taijiang spoke slowly, his voice hoarse, like the sound of dead branches colliding: "What is the race of that person?"

"It's not clear yet. I've investigated and found that there is currently no information about the human race in our Galaxy Galaxy. They are not yet affiliated races."

"I guess this race should belong to a remote race. The strong ones in the race probably don't know much about the outside world. They have been practicing on their own planet."

"Recently, I must have encountered trouble. I learned about the Tianhe Galaxy, so I want to become a subordinate race to avoid the war."

"I think no matter what race he offends, as long as they become a subordinate race, other races will not be able to attack them."

"We are their best solution right now. As long as we merge with my clan, they don't need to apply and wait for a long time, and can quickly solve their external problems."

"Yeah!" Tai Zhan nodded slightly and wanted to say something else. At this time, Tai Zun beside him couldn't help but said: "Having said that, you have to know that if the race you offend is too powerful."

"It is not impossible to force a war. When the time comes, won't our race have to join in? Will we be forced to fight? You have to know what is going on in our race now."

Long Tai frowned slightly and looked at the Supreme Master.

What time is it now? They still have to fight with themselves. If they really have to wait for their ancestor to die, they won't have to fight among themselves. The next day, warships from other races will be able to enter their space protection circle.

Now it is not that the other party needs them, but that they urgently need each other to stabilize their identity as a subordinate race.

According to scholars' predictions, Taijiang's life expectancy ranges from one year to one month. Now is not the time for internal fighting.

Fortunately, Taijiang was not an old fool. He raised his hand, ignored Taizun, and said calmly: "What Taizun said is not impossible. All prerequisites are based on strength."

"Long Tai, I am most at ease with you. I will leave this matter to you. You can investigate this human race. If there are no problems, form an alliance with them and temporarily allow them to merge into our race."

"Let them enjoy the same status as us."

"If the race they offend is too strong, let's drop the matter! We are thinking of other ways."

"Yes!" Long Tai nodded slightly.

"Okay! That's the end of today's meeting! Let's go get busy!" Taijiang stood up and waved his hand, and Taizun quickly helped him.

A dignified existence in the middle stage of the martial arts god. In his twilight years, he is no different from an ordinary mortal old man. He even needs help from others to walk.

Watch the other person leave.

Long Tai frowned, and the young man sitting at the end came over, stood next to Long Tai and said, "Father, there is something wrong with this person, Tai Zun."

"I know! Okay, that's it! Go back first and help me contact your cousin. I need to talk directly to the god. We need to know what kind of forces they have offended."


at the same time.

On the battleship, the location of the cab.

Jiang Wu stood in front of the console, with his hands behind his back and an expressionless face. Meiyu stood beside him. The two of them looked at a huge planet outside the bow of the ship.

This planet is huge.

There are three stars that are much smaller than the sun, rotating periodically around the planet. They are the satellites of this planet, bringing light to the world.

"Senior, this is Tianhe Planet. The Tianxing Army headquarters is here. The battleship will enter the dock later. This is your first time here. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask questions."

"Okay!" Jiang Wu nodded slightly.

It was also the first time for him to stay away from his home planet, and he was actually very curious about the outside world.

In some areas of the planet's space, there are triangular buildings, all dark and huge, like inverted pyramids.

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