Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 300 God-Level Identity Star Supreme

Several young women gathered together, led by Fang Yueru, chattering incessantly about boudoir matters, and occasionally looked at Jiang Chen.

Several men, Zhao Dingcheng, Li Changsheng, and Jiang Tianhao, were also chatting about topics of interest to them.

In the kitchen, Hu Mengchen, Li Jie and Cheng Tianzun were busy. Mainly Cheng Tianzun was busy. The two of them chatted and laughed from time to time.

Jiang Chen looked around and felt something in his heart.

"I haven't activated a new identity for a long time. I have accumulated so many times that I can almost combine it into a god-level identity. I don't know what identity it will be."

Jiang Chen looked at Fang Yueru, who was chatting most cheerfully in the distance, and said, "Yueru, I'm going to take a rest."

"Ah!" Fang Yueru and others looked over immediately.

"Didn't you just come here not long ago?" Fang Yueru looked at Jiang Chen very doubtfully.

"I'm tired." Jiang Chen said, walked towards the room, and closed the door.

Jiang Chenxi suddenly looked at Fang Yueru with a look that everyone understood and said: "Awesome! As expected of my sister-in-law, I, Brother Tang, am not even your opponent, I admire you!"

Fang Yueru suddenly panicked: "No! It's not what you think!"

Mu Yanran and others burst into laughter.

Jiang Chen returned to the room, locked the door, and turned on the system directly. A floating blue screen popped up in front of him, which was still so familiar.

"Consume all the number of identity selections to synthesize the highest new identity level."

"It is being synthesized. A total of sixty-three heaven-level identity choices have been consumed."

"The fusion was successful and I got a god-level identity choice. Do you want to make your choice now?"

"I hope this new identity will give me some strength to improve my strength. The current strength foundation is still too poor. At least I should be given a half-step martial arts master!"

"let's start!"

"The god-level identity selection was successful, new identity: Star Supreme."

Almost at the moment when his thoughts fell.

Countless words appeared in front of him for a moment, and then the words seemed to attract Jiang Chen's eyes.

Countless pictures appeared in front of him instantly, and he seemed to be immersed in a real story.

"You have been resisting the Eldar tribe all your life. Your wife and your children were killed by aliens in front of you. Your hatred for the Eldar tribe has reached an unforgettable level."

"You wish you could destroy the entire Spirit Clan with your own hands, but after so many years, your strength is still stuck in the martial arts demigod realm."

"You know, it's not that your talent is not enough, nor that you are not good enough, but you know that Aquablue Star does not have enough resources, and there is no soil for becoming a god."

"In the end, you decided to explore under the earth. You think that there may be hidden cultivation resources under the world that can help you become a god."

"You didn't tell anyone what you were thinking because you knew no one could help you."

"You just quietly open up in your own backyard alone, with your continuous efforts."

"In just one year, you penetrated a full 800,000 meters deep into the earth's surface. Finally, late one night, you felt that there was no resistance in front of you."

"You penetrate right through the surface, and you see the huge core of the planet below."

"The fireball, which is as hot as the sun, is compressed with liquid energy, and is like the heart of the planet, vibrating slightly."

"Every slight vibration can produce an energy that shocks you. You are shocked that the energy of a planet can be so terrifying."

"In front of it, you feel extremely small. Just as you are shocked, you suddenly find that there is a big withered tree growing on top of this huge star core."

"The tree is golden in color and reaches a height of 10,000 meters. Each leaf seems to be made of gold, and at the top of the crown, there grows a well-managed red apple that looks like a diamond."

"It's only the size of a normal apple, but it exudes an extremely alluring fragrance. Under this smell, you find yourself flying over uncontrollably."

"All your eyes are drawn to it."

"By the time you react, your palm has already touched the fruit. In the next second, a large amount of information pours into your mind."

"You finally know what this is."

"This is a Boundary Tree. It blooms once every 100,000 years. It needs to bloom nine times over and over again. Only in the millionth year can it bear Boundary Fruit."

"And this object is called a first-grade peerless heavenly treasure, also known as the Dao Fruit. It is an even rarer and more precious treasure that surpasses the first to tenth grade of heaven and earth wonders."

"This thing can help people break certain limits, either the limit of talent, the limit of lifespan, or the limit of realm. Its preciousness is beyond imagination."

"But this thing can only be picked after it is fully mature. If it is picked before it is fully mature, the final result will be that the entire world will collapse and disintegrate in a very short period of time."

"It will take more than a thousand years for this thing to fully mature, but for some unknown reason, the Dao Fruit Tree has begun to wither. It lacks some special energy to feed it."

"At this rate, it won't take a thousand years, or at most a hundred years, before the Dao Fruit tree will completely wither and the Dao Fruit will automatically decline."

"The world will still be shattered by then."

"You are very anxious, and you guess that this kind of unimaginable treasure will never appear on Aquamarine for no reason. You guess that someone powerful planted it here deliberately."

"You searched around, and sure enough, you found a body on the back of the star core."

"The corpse has no flesh and blood, leaving only a golden skeleton. On the skeleton, you saw a black ring. The ring is a kind of storage ring."

"There are a lot of items stored inside, but many items have been automatically destroyed when the owner died, but there are still many things left, as well as countless books."

"In these books, you found some alchemy techniques, and also found ways to cultivate Dao Fruit. Obviously, this Dao Fruit was planted by this person."

"But it is described in the book that it was not that he wanted to plant it here, but that he was coerced to plant it here for the use of the frontline troops."

"Because the Dao Fruit not only requires the supply of world energy, but also the supply of essence and blood energy of a god. He cannot sustain the supply of essence and blood for millions of years."

"Faced with the choice of life and death, he used some kind of secret technique to prepare to merge with the Tao Fruit Tree. Although this is no longer human, he can still survive."

"It can even steal the authority of a world and become the will of the world, and the Dao Fruit can also grow normally. His mission is not considered a failure. Maybe in the future, when others come to collect the Dao Fruit, it will be for the sake of his merit in taking care of the Dao Fruit. , will spare his life."

"It's a pity that everything he thought was good, but he failed in the end, died, and left notes, which were discovered by you."

"You are holding the note, extremely hesitant, but you see the secret fusion method recorded in the note. As long as it succeeds, you will have the power to surpass the martial arts god and reach the power of the martial arts god."

"The person who is commonly known as an alternative god is the Supreme Star."

"You are hesitant because you know that once your integration fails, the human race will completely lose the means to resist the alien race."

"You returned to the surface with everything. It was also on this day that you discovered Jiang Wu's figure. He had transformed into a human form."

"You meet again, and now Jiang Wu has given you a big surprise. His strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he already has the ability to stand alone."

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