Villain! Refresh A God-Level Identity Every Day

Chapter 53 The Overlord Of The World

It was finally settled at 3,000 tons.

This is the realm of half-step golden elixir in martial arts.

Conventional tonnage can reach a full three thousand tons.

If you add the green dragon tattoo, natural divine power, and the blessing of fake pills.

Jiang Chen didn't dare to guess how terrifying that burst of power would be.

Absolutely exponentially more.

Maybe it can really reach the inhuman state of ten thousand tons.

It is comparable to an invincible existence in the golden elixir realm of martial arts.

"It's such an extremely terrifying power!" Jiang Chen clenched his fists, and even felt a sense of destruction in his heart.

In addition to the inheritance of realm and strength, Jiang Yuan also received a lot of memories about space-based organizations.

Especially one memory.

It was a powerful boxing technique called Wujiquan. He said that he spent three years watching countless martial arts boxing sutras and combining them with his own insights.

An extremely powerful boxing technique created by integrating them all.

This kind of boxing technique is currently only used by Jiang Chen in the entire world.

And it is very exaggerated and has a gain effect.

You can double your power in an instant.

For example, Jiang Chen's current 3,000-ton conventional power, after using the Green Dragon Tattoo and the assistance of fake elixirs, he can continue to use the Wujiquan buffs.

Directly let his own strength double again.

So scary.

This acquisition of identity pushed Jiang Chen to an extremely exaggerated level.

His body moved slightly, and the entire wooden bed creaked.

With a click, the wooden bed fell apart, his feet stepped on the ground, and the floor tiles collapsed.

This is caused by the surge in strength and the inability to control it quickly.

Jiang Chen immediately took a breath, closed his eyes, carefully felt his own power, slowly controlled it, and soon recovered.

"A punch of three thousand tons. If it were ancient times now, he would be like an emperor and an overlord. He would sweep everything, dominate the world, and dominate the dynasty."

"It's not a problem for one person to fight against a hundred thousand fully armed troops."

Jiang Chen was filled with emotion.

Look out the window.

At this moment, the morning light is floating slightly, shining through the window, and a new day is coming.

The streets of the ancient town were swaying with people, and small traders and hawkers were shouting as hard as they could.

The crowd was crowded and people were coming and going.

Jiang Chen bought a cup of soy milk and a fried dough stick, and squeezed into the crowd. He looked like an ordinary person, and no one knew about it, just now.

The infinite emperor who shocked the world walked past him.

Sitting on the bus heading to Tianquan City, Jiang Chen was still sitting in the last row. He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to his father, saying that he would be back today.

In just a few breaths, a text message came back.

"So early! I thought you would play for a few more days. By the way, if you come back today, see if you can meet your cousin. She seems to be coming from Mount Tai today."

"I'm here to see your mother! You guys just come back together. I'll send you her phone number."

"Cousin?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, but didn't care, and immediately sent over: "No, I've already got in the car, I guess it's too late."

"In this case, forget it." Jiang Tianhao said: "By the way, I heard from your mother that your cousin was sent to practice martial arts when she was a child. Aren't you also practicing martial arts?"

"You also belong to the same type of people. Then you can have a good chat with her and discuss martial arts. After all, she has been practicing martial arts for a longer time and should be more powerful."

"I know." Jiang Chen smiled and turned off his phone.

Martial arts training focuses on talent and training resources. It does not mean that the longer you practice, the better you will become.

Obviously, Jiang Tianhao doesn't know this, because his cousin has been practicing martial arts since childhood, and has a solid foundation and strong strength. She is much stronger than Jiang Chen who only practiced martial arts for a few years.

The meaning is that he wants Jiang Chen to get close to him with multiple sets and learn one and a half moves.

Jiang Chen didn't care about this.

At this moment, the car door opened, and two girls in very beautiful clothes walked in.

A man was over 1.7 meters tall, with fair skin, beautiful appearance, and slender figure. He was wearing short jeans, a white loose top, and his hair was slightly tied up.

Next to her was an eccentric little loli who was about 1.5 meters tall and nodded. She looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

As soon as the two came in, they immediately attracted the attention of countless male compatriots in the car.

Jiang Chen asked himself that he was considered a normal man, and unconsciously took another look.

However, unlike ordinary people who appreciated their beauty, Jiang Chen could tell at a glance that the vigorous energy and blood power contained in the two of them surged like a melting pot.

Especially the slender woman has the strongest energy and blood, and her heart beats much faster than ordinary people.

His martial arts cultivation level is not low, and he has actually entered the realm of half-step indestructibility.

He is no more than twenty-five years old. At this age, with this level of cultivation, his talent is quite strong.

Among the people Jiang Chen has met so far, their talent is at least in the second echelon.

However, Jiang Chen's direct gaze was also seen by the other party.

Gujing Bubo's eyes became sharp in an instant, and he looked at Jiang Chen with cold eyes, treating Jiang Chen as a gangster who robbed escorts.

Jiang Chen suddenly looked away with some embarrassment and stopped paying attention.

However, the two people's seats were in the row in front of Jiang Chen.

The moment I sat down, a faint fragrance hit my face. It smelled very good. I didn't know what kind of floral fragrance it was.

The car started quickly. The mountain road was not easy to walk and was very bumpy.

"This time is really shocking. I didn't expect to see a battle of this level when I come to Wuji Palace to communicate. It's really a worthwhile trip."

"The martial arts reaches its peak! It's like a demon god. It's so terrifying. I almost couldn't breathe with that powerful aura."

The little loli's voice was very deep, lowered, like a whisper.

But it couldn't escape Jiang Chen's ears.

Jiang Chen immediately pricked up his ears and listened.

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