Villain Seized the Assassin Heroine at the Start!

Chapter 320 The final chance of Holy Roshan!

His head seemed very heavy, and his consciousness seemed to disappear at this moment.


After a few more screams came out, all the warriors and abilities were all killed by Jiang Taixu.

However, after Jun Taixu left, the figure in the red dress suddenly turned into a scarecrow.


-Bloody arrows, spit out directly from Jenny's mouth.

Although she has recovered a small life, she is still very nervous now.

After seeing Jiang Taixu leaving just now, she waited a long time before daring to come out.

But now she is walking forward step by step, still feeling cold all over!

In her eyes, Jiang Taixu is already synonymous with the devil.

In the Holy Luo Mountain, a legend of the Dark Demon soon appeared.

The so-called dark monster is a humanoid monster.

This humanoid monster, with infinite black smoke scattered all over, is very cruel.

When Li Mubai took the polar white bear king through Shengluoshan Island, he heard about this so-called black demon legend.

"Is this what San Logni left behind?"

Li Mubai was a little bit puzzled, thinking that San Logni still has two back players.

One was 07 Caesar who didn't know where to escape, and the other was a back player, who didn't know if it was this so-called dark monster.

The dark soul stone will not make people run wild, but will only completely control a warrior.

It is a pity that it is not ordinary people who have obtained the Dark Soul Stone, but Jiang Taixu.

Jiang Taixu's will is very strong. In the world of consciousness, Jiang Taixu has been fighting with Saint Logni.

As a result, his body often runs out of control.

In the world of consciousness, even the very powerful Saint Logni, in front of Jiang Taixu, can not get the slightest benefit.

As a last resort, St. Logni can only cease the war.

"Keeping on fighting will do no good to either of us."

"Besides, as long as you don't give up the dark soul stone, a warrior on the island will soon come and kill you."

"Although you now have the strong strength of the fifth stage of Guwu, he is also the fifth stage of Guwu, and there is also a polar white bear king of the fifth stage of Guwu as a helper."

If there is no relationship with Li Mubai, Sheng Luo and you are not willing to cooperate with Jiang Taixu anyway.

What he wants is to completely control Jiang Taixu.

It's just a pity that Li Mubai may appear in this place at any time, and Jiang Taixu's consciousness is too tough.

After a while, he couldn't win Jiang Taixu at all.

At this point, cooperation is his only choice.

Jiang Taixu did not stop after San Logni offered to cooperate.

Because at this time, the Dark Soul Stone still wanted to control him madly, and he even had reason to suspect that this was Saint Logni's trick.

Saint Logni had no choice but to stop the Dark Soul Stone from attacking Jiang Taixu.

After the dark soul stone stopped attacking, Jiang Taixu also stopped immediately.

Because of the refining of the dark soul stone, he already knew what kind of existence this Saint Logni was.

Although a little unbelievable, there are people on this island who make Saint Logni jealous.

But since there is such a powerful role, it must not be careless.

In this kind of thing, it is better to believable than to believable.

"very good."

"The real good things in the Saint Roshan ruins have been transferred in advance by me."

"I had a foreboding that the dark age would come, and afterwards, the Holy Roshan would become one of the relics on the stargazing chart."

"Therefore, the good things of the Saint Roshan ruins are on another island."

"We will leave here now. Everything here can be given up."

Jiang Taixu didn't expect that this Saint Logni would have such a vision.

Before the Dark Age came, the treasures on Mount Saint Luo were transferred.

It's no wonder that everyone discovered that there are many treasures on Mount Shengluo, but there is a lack of top treasures.

Obviously, all the top treasures were transferred by San Logni in advance.

Li Mubai followed up all the way during the negotiation between San Logni and Jiang Taixu.

When Li Mubai came here, San Logni had naturally disappeared.

However, after Jiang Taixu left Shengluo Mountain, he did not follow the instructions of Shengluoni, but chose to sell the treasure land that Shengluoni said at a sky-high price.


In the dark soul stone, Saint Rogney's teeth tickled with hatred at this moment.

As long as Jiang Taixu goes to his treasure trove, he will have a way to take Jiang Taixu down.

It's a pity, no matter what he says or not, Jiang Taixu just won't go.

Jiang Taixu didn't go, and he didn't make any mistakes.

Li Mubai searched the Shengluoshan Islands and found that no one had seen the Dark Demon again, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

When they felt the last area where the Dark Demon moved, Li Mubai felt the breath of San Logni.

This shows that the last back hand left by San Rogni is obviously the so-called Black Demon.

The Dark Demon was very rampant before. After he came over, the Dark Demon seemed to evaporate suddenly.

After finding the Dark Demon, Li Mubai had no choice but to give up.

"The so-called black demon is already a warrior who has lost control after being eroded by the dark soul stone."

"This San Logni is indeed a very difficult opponent."

"Although his body is dead, there are two more bodies. Whether it is the former Caesar or the warrior who is now controlled by the dark soul stone."

"To some extent, it's all Saint Logni.

After Li Mubai finished speaking, he only felt a bit of a headache.

This time let go of the two backhands prepared by San Logan.

After Caesar and another warrior grow up, it may be very dangerous.

717 "Master, there doesn't seem to be anything else of great value in the ruins of Mount Holy Luo."

The polar white bear king now also sighs with emotion that it is not a good thing to let the tiger go back to the mountain and leave the future troubles.

"What is the great chance of the Saint Roshan ruins?"

Every relic has a top-level chance. On the stargazing map, the relics of Mount Saint Luo are still shining.

This shows that the super-great opportunity in the Saint Roshan ruins has not been obtained by warriors up to now.

"I don't know.

Although the Polar Bear King knows many things, it obviously doesn't know everything.

Just like now, the polar white bear king doesn't know what top chances are there in the relics of Shengluo Mountain.

"Then you can only continue to look for it."

Li Mubai felt that the stargazing chart and the stargazing disk still lack some functions.

That is, after entering the ruins, the last chance of the ruins will not be located.

When Li Mubai thought about it this way, a golden light in the distance went straight to the sky.

In mid-air, it seemed as if someone had been hit by a flare.

"That is

"Finally happened?"

Li Mubai said something not very sure.

"It should be, let's go over and take a look."

The Polar White Bear King followed Xia Jue and knew many things.

But there are still many things that the polar white bear king does not know.

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