Villain: Serialized The Plot In The Book, The Heroine Collapsed

Chapter 215 My relationship with Lin Yu is not normal!

Where the movie was filmed.

The shooting is still going on, but Chen Ming's state at this time is not very good.

He doesn't seem to have too much resistance to a man?

This is not right.

Totally wrong.

He had fallen into deep self-doubt.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Feng Dongsheng sighed and said, "Mr. Chen may be a little tired, let's stop here today, and we'll continue tomorrow."5

Everyone nodded.

"Everyone, everyone has worked hard today. I will invite everyone to dinner tonight."

Chen Ming said with a big smile.

He shook his head, putting aside the doubts in his heart.

You can't like a man, you can definitely like a woman.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."9

The crowd laughed and laughed.

When someone treats guests, they are naturally happy.

Many of them are just playing tricks, but they don't have much money.

Chen Ming wanted to walk over to talk to Ran Xingchen, but suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems like the kind of person who doesn't want to talk to women.

However, soon, this feeling of his disappeared.

He walked up to Ran Xingchen and asked, "Xingchen, what do you want to eat?"

Ran Xingchen raised his head and glanced at Chen Ming, and said lightly, "I'm not hungry, thank you.

Chen "587" Ming was unhappy, just about to speak, Feng Dongsheng came over.

"Mr. Chen, your phone number."

Because Chen Ming came by himself today, all his belongings were placed with Feng Dongsheng.

Chen Ming picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was Nick's call, and he hurriedly answered it.

"Boss, Mr. Warren from the Rhodes Consortium has come to Yuncheng. I just contacted him."

"He promised to meet you.

Chen Ming was overjoyed after hearing this.

He didn't care about eating anymore, and said to Feng Dongsheng, "Director Feng, I have something to deal with, so I won't have dinner with everyone.

"Today you choose a good restaurant and invite everyone to have a meal.

"I'll pay you directly in a while, you must choose a good restaurant.

Feng Dongsheng nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen.

Chen Ming greeted everyone again and left quickly.

【Warren and Jessica are here so soon?】

[This plot comes one after another. 】

[Forget it, it has nothing to do with me. 】

[I won't kidnap Jessica anyway. 】

you dog thing!

Jessica in the hotel scolded Lin Yu severely.

Treat this dog differently!

At this time, there was a knock on the door of her room.

She opened the door and saw Warren.

"Jessica, I have contacted Tiandi's staff, and Tiandi will come to the hotel to meet us in a while.

"As my daughter, you should also contact the Heavenly Emperor, this person's background is very strong.

"If we can cooperate with him, it is also a very good thing for our Rhodes consortium.

Warren said with a smile.

"Dad, I see.

Jessica nodded expressionlessly.

Immediately, she said again: "Dad, my friend is in Yuncheng."

"I heard from my friends that the Lin Group in Yuncheng is very powerful and has a bright future. 55

"Why don't we cooperate with the Lin Group?35

"I think according to the interests of our consortium, we should cooperate with the more promising Lin Group."5

Warren shook his head and laughed bitterly.

"Jessica, that friend of yours must be from the Lin Group?"

"I know that the last time you dealt with Mingqi Group, you were helping the Lin Group. 55

"I have already investigated, and Lin Yu, the current head of the Lin Group in Yuncheng, is just a second-generation rich man."

"Compared to the Heavenly Emperor, the identity of this rich second generation is really bad."

"So, cooperating with Tiandi is the best choice for our Rhodes consortium."

Jessica was speechless.

Just a rich second generation?

The rich second generation in your eyes is about to trample Chen Ming to death.

But she couldn't say this, after all, such a thing as a heart voice was too illusory.

But she was also a little anxious.

If the Rhodes Consortium and Mingqi Group really succeeded in cooperating, it would be on the opposite side of Lin Yu.

From her understanding, Chen Ming would never be able to fight against Lin Yu.

The Rhodes consortium will naturally also be affected.

Must find a way to stop this cooperation!

Just then, Warren received a call.

He picked it up and hung up the phone after hearing one sentence.

"Jessica, Chen Ming has come.

"Let's go, let's witness the demeanor of this Heavenly Emperor, maybe you will fall in love with this person."

Warren said with a smile.

Jessica snorted.

Kill me and I won't like a dead eunuch who likes men!

"By the way, you must not say anything about the attack on Mingqi Group last time."

Warren reminded Jessica again.

Jessica was speechless.

My father is at the helm of the world's big conglomerate, so why does he value this Chen Ming?

She nodded and followed Warren to the hotel's parlour.

At this time, Chen Ming and Nick were already waiting here.

"Hello, Mr. Warren, Miss Jessica, and welcome to Dragon Country."

Chen Ming stepped forward and shook hands with Warren, and said with a smile.

He took a peek at Jessica.

very beautiful!

No less than Ran Xingchen, but also has a kind of extravagance of overseas nobles.

The light blue eyes seemed to contain the stars and the sea.

It's amazing.

However, he seems... he doesn't seem to be so excited.

It feels so bad!

Is it because of the sequelae caused by those women?

Damn it women!

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen Ming is indeed a talented person, no wonder he can have such achievements at such a young age.

Warren didn't notice anything wrong with Chen Ming and said with a smile.

After the two sides chatted for a while, they began to discuss cooperation.

After a period of conversation, Warren was very satisfied with Chen Ming's behavior.

No wonder this man became a legend in the mercenary world at such a young age.

In his heart, he is more and more inclined to cooperate with Chen Ming.

After the two talked for a long time, Warren finally said, "Mr. Chen Ming, I welcome the cooperation with your Lin Group."5

"I wonder if I can visit your Mingqi Group tomorrow morning?"

Chen Ming was instantly overjoyed.

Warren can say this, it has already explained that the cooperation between the two groups is basically a sure thing.

He smiled and said: "Of course, Mr. Warren is welcome to instruct tomorrow morning. 35

Immediately, he looked at Jessica again, "By the way, I wonder if Miss Jessica is still getting used to when she came to the Dragon Country?

"I can take her around and experience the customs of the Dragon Kingdom... 39

Jessica felt disgusted in her heart and said lightly: "Mr. Chen Ming, no need, if I want to go, I will go by myself.

Anyway, that bitch Lin Yu didn't kidnap her anymore.

She was too lazy to have anything to do with Chen Ming.

Might as well take the opportunity to find some time to see the dog writer Lin Yu.

Warren laughed and scolded: "Jessica, since Mr. Chen Ming wants to take you to experience the folk customs of the Dragon Kingdom, it is too rude for you to refuse like this.

"Mr. Chen Ming, I usually spoil my daughter too much, so don't blame me.

"Since Mr. Chen Ming is kind, then I will thank you for Jessica. Luo

Jessica was anxious, who would like to go shopping with this dead eunuch!

Thinking, she is about to speak.

However, Warren sank his face.

Jessica was helpless.

Although her father usually spoiled her very much, as long as she made a decision, she couldn't defy it.

"Then thank you Mr. Chen Ming.

Jessica said lightly.

"Miss Jessica, you're welcome, it's my honor to be able to show you around Cloud City."

Chen Ming said with a smile.

Soon, the two sides chatted again for a few words, and Chen Ming left.

The next morning, Warren brought Jessica to Mingqi Group.

After some investigation, the two sides have roughly determined their intention to cooperate.

"Nick, let's make an announcement to the outside world now, saying that our company has cooperated with the Rhodes consortium."

Chen Ming looked at Nick and said.

Nick nodded with a smile and said, "Boss, I know how it works.

At noon, Chen Ming had a meal with Warren and Jessica, and Warren left.

At this time, Chen Ming also received a call from Feng Dongsheng.

"Mr. Chen Ming, can you come and start filming this afternoon? I've already shot some scenes without you this morning."

Chen Ming glanced at Jessica, "Miss Jessica, are you interested in visiting the filming process?""

Jessica's eyes suddenly lit up.

She is thinking about how to meet Lin Yu.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ming gave her this opportunity now.

"You can go and participate.

Chen Ming 1.2 nodded with a smile, and then said on the phone: "Director Feng, I'll go right over.

This time, Chen Ming called He Yanyan, Leng Tianshuang, and Jessica, and the four came to the filming place together.

"Director Feng, this is Miss Jessica, the little princess of the overseas Rhodes consortium.

"She is very interested in making movies and wants to come and visit, no problem?"5

Chen Ming introduced to Feng Dongsheng.

Feng Dongsheng was stunned for a moment, he really knew about the Rhodes consortium.

He immediately smiled and said, "Of course, Miss Jessica is welcome to come and visit."

[Jessica is here? She looks really good, tsk tsk tsk...]

[Unfortunately, this young master has no interest in tying you up today. 】

"Humph! Chen Ming, do you know that everyone is waiting for you to start filming? If you don't have time, I can play the first male lead."

When Lin Yu saw Chen Ming approaching, he said sarcastically.

Chen Ming glanced at Lin Yu and sneered: "Lin Yu, our Mingqi Group has reached a cooperation intention with the Rhodes consortium.

"Wait, sooner or later I will trample your Lin Group! 99

Lin Yu looked disdainful, "I shoot you?"

"Lin Shao, isn't it? Nice to meet you, my relationship with you is not ordinary.

Jessica walked up to Lin Yu and smiled sweetly.


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September 12, 2009

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