"Mr. Ye, Chen Ming, the apprentice of our old gentleman, is currently training in Yuncheng, but something is not going well."

"His apprentice fell in love with Lin Yuman from the Tianhai Lin family."

"But the other party doesn't seem to like Young Master Chen Ming very much, Young Master Chen Ming is very unhappy.

"This young master Chen Ming is our old gentleman's favorite apprentice, and our old gentleman is very concerned about the apprentice's every move. 35

"I heard that Lin Yuman's attitude towards Young Master Chen Ming is very bad, our old gentleman is very sad, so he wants to match these two and achieve a century-old friendship.

"Who is Lin Yuman, I think you should know?"

On the other end of the phone, Hunter said with a deep meaning and a smile.

"Lin Yuman... Of course I know.

Ye Shengtian frowned slightly.

Of course he knew that it was his daughter after all.

Over the years, he has also paid attention to Lin Yuman's situation.

He basically knew everything about Lin Yuman's growth.

But now that Hunter suddenly said these words, he was shocked.

No one even the Ye family knew about the relationship between him and Lin Yuman.

Otherwise, he would not have been the head of the Ye family just because of this blemish.

The only people who knew about it were him and the Lin Hongjun family.

He believed that with his status, Lin Hongjun could not and would not dare to reveal these things.

But even if it is so secretive, can the old gentleman know about it?

The strength of this man is too great!

Does this guy really know everything?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

The awe for Yun Tianhong also deepened.

"Mr. Ye, you also know the strength of the old gentleman, his disciple will be the one who accepts everything from him in the future~~

"If your daughter and Young Master Chen Ming can be together, then you and the old gentleman will become in-laws."

"In the future, your Ye family will definitely get a lot of benefits. 99

Hunt said with a smile.

There seemed to be a touch of envy and jealousy in his tone.

After all, if you become someone Yun Tianhong values, you will basically become the top class in this world in this lifetime.

Ye Shengtian was also very hot when he heard Hunter's words.

At his age, the most important thing is power and status.

Although the Ye family is already a big family in the capital and even in the country, it is only one of the four, not the only one.

He naturally wanted to make the Ye family the largest family in the country.

And if they really became in-laws with Yun Tianhong, with Yun Tianhong's strength, the Ye family would definitely be able to advance to a higher level.

As for the rest, he wouldn't care at all.

Although Lin Yuman is his daughter, she has never been in contact with her for so many years.

Apart from the blood connection, there is no relationship at all.

To exchange Lin Yuman for Yun Tianhong's favor, for him, it couldn't be better.

Moreover, the other party is not an ordinary person, but the old gentleman's favorite apprentice.

This is simply a sure-fire deal.

These thoughts just turned around in his mind, and he made a decision.

"Hahaha, Mr. Hunter, I see."

"It is my honor to be able to become in-law with that old gentleman, and I will definitely deal with this matter as soon as possible."

"Promise that the old gentleman's beloved disciple can be with my daughter as quickly as possible. 99

Ye Shengtian said with a flattering smile.

It doesn't look like the head of a top-notch family at all.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Mr. Ye's good news, hahaha... I believe that Mr. Ye will not disappoint me."

Hunter hung up the phone with a smile.

Ye Shengtian thought about it, and then called Lin Hongjun.

Lin Hongjun, who was far away in Tianhai, was stunned when he saw the call, and hurriedly answered the phone.

"Mr. Ye, do you want me to do something by calling me suddenly?"

Lin Hongjun asked respectfully.

Although he is also the top figure in Tianhai now, he knows who brought everything about him to him.

With Ye Shengtian's strength, he wants to deal with him, although it won't make him lose everything in an instant.

However, the consequences are not something he can bear.

"`"Hongjun, it's like this, you asked Lin Yuman to come to the capital.""

Ye Shengtian thought about it and said.

It's better to talk about it face to face.

"Mr. Ye, do you want to recognize Yuman?"

Lin Hongjun looked happy and asked hurriedly.

In fact, he has been kind to Lin Yuman over the years, but he also feels sorry for Lin Yuman.

Abandoned by his father at birth, such a child is indeed pitiful.

In his heart (Nuo Li's), he also hoped that Ye Shengtian could recognize Lin Yuman.

Of course, he was actually a little reluctant in his heart. Over the years, he had regarded Lin Yuman as his own daughter.

Moreover, he also wanted to have Lin Yuman and Lin Yu together.

However, everything depends on Lin Yuman.

If they can recognize Ye Shengtian, that would be the best.

"Well, I have this plan, and I have another plan. By the way, you can help me investigate a person named Chen Ming who appeared in Yuncheng."

Ye Shengtian thought about it again, he should investigate Chen Mingzhi.

If he told Lin Yuman about his engagement all of a sudden, he would seem too inhumane.

"Chen Ming?!!!!!"

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