Villain: Serialized The Plot In The Book, The Heroine Collapsed

Chapter 334 Is Chen Ming going to be unlucky again?

Ye Shengtian glanced at Chen Ming.

A little doubt in my heart.

This Chen Ming's style is a bit far from his teacher.

His teacher looked like a calm big man, why was his apprentice so impetuous and unable to hold his breath?

But think of Chen Ming's background and childhood environment.

He understood again.

Children of rich families must be somewhat arrogant.

These thoughts just flashed through his mind, and then he laughed again.

"Chen Shao, don't worry, I have already contacted Lin Yuman, I believe she should be able to come to the capital today."

"I, as her father, would have no problem getting her engaged. 35

Ye Shengtian said.

"Okay, that's fine, trouble the Ye Family Master.

Chen Ming's eyes lit up, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile.

Originally, he was usually very calm about this kind of thing.

However, he hates Lin Yu too much and desperately wants to get Lin Yuman to build his business empire again.

Therefore, he had to settle his relationship with Lin Yuman immediately.

It would be best if the two of them happened today...that would be the best.

"Hey...You're welcome, Chen Shao, we are all friends. Your teacher saved my life back then, and I always wanted to repay his kindness."5

"This time, it is also my daughter's honor that my daughter and Chen Shao get engaged, and I will be your husband in the future!"

Ye Shengtian laughed.

Chen Ming smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, I've arranged the hotel, I'll take you to stay first, and then let someone show you around the capital, so as to fulfill the friendship of the landlord. 35

Ye Shengtian said with a smile.

As he said that, he led Chen Ming into the car and walked towards the hotel that had been booked.

in the 'sister group'.

"Congratulations to Sister Yuman.

"Sprinkle flowers.

"Who can play? I think Sister Man is the best at playing, and she has to go home and do this. 99

"Tsk tsk tsk... When it comes to setting off the atmosphere, no one can say anything about Sister Man!

"Sister Yuman's idea is amazing!

Lin Yuman: "You little hooves, stop making fun of me! I'm so pissed off!

"Sister Yuman, if I support you, that Chen Ming will be disgusted to death.

"By the way, Sister Yuman, what are your plans to go to the capital?

Lin Yuman: "What else can I do? Of course, I refused outright. I went there to clarify the situation with Ye Shengtian. 39

Ran Xingchen: "Sister Yuman, I actually have a way to help you.

"I'm going, Sister Xingchen is going to spoil the water again. I didn't expect you to be the worst here. 99

"Sister Xingchen, what is the solution, hurry up and say it to make everyone happy."

"That's right, this woman has turned bad, and she'll sell out. 99

Ran Xingchen: "You bunch of bad sisters, I won't tell you, @林玉man, sister yuman, tell me when you go to see Ye Shengtian, and I'll build momentum for you.

Lin Yuman: "Okay, then thank you sister Xingchen, I'm waiting for your surprise.""

A group of women spoke up.

"Yuman, what are you doing? 35

Lin Yu, who was beside him, saw that Lin Yuman had been looking at the phone, chatting very vigorously, and asked curiously.

As he said that, he stretched his neck and looked.

Lin Yuman hurriedly covered her phone and glared at him.

She found that since last night, after the two of them happened, her prestige as a sister plummeted, and Lin Yu doesn't care about her status now.

Anyway, now Lin Yu has pinned her down.

"No, I won't let you see it, this is a secret between us women."

【Oh, this Lin Yuman dares to tell me this, the secret between women?】

[You dare to have a secret with me, you will be waiting for when you go to the capital these few days. 】

【See how I teach you a lesson!】

[It seems that Fugang is not good enough. 】

[Ten thousand years of ginseng comes from ten plants to make up for one. 】

Lin Yuman shuddered, this dog thing is real...

"Since it's a secret between you women, then I won't read it. I don't like to inquire about other people's secrets."

Lin Yu smiled, apparently not caring.

Lin Yuman put aside his guilt.

After a few hours' drive, they reached the capital.

"Lin Shao, Sister Yuman."

The two of them had just walked out of the train station when someone called them.

Lin Yu was stunned for a while, but Lin Yuman turned his head with a smile and saw a young girl approaching.

....... ask for flowers.

It was Li Siyu.

"I told Siyu about our coming to the capital. After all, her home is in the capital. With her taking care of us, it will be more convenient for us. 35

Lin Yuman said to Lin Yu.

"Lin Shao, Sister Yuman contacted me, why didn't you contact me? My grandfather often talks about you, but this time you came, he was very happy.

Li Siyu said with some complaints, looking at Lin Yu with questioning eyes.

"Cough cough... Siyu, what happened that time was just a coincidence, you tell the old man, don't worry about it."5

Lin Yu said with a smile.

"That won't work, but my grandfather gave me an order to let me take you back."


"But he has something to do today, and he has to wait until tomorrow. I have prepared accommodation for you, and when you have arranged it, I will take you to dinner.

Li Siyu said.

"Okay, then we're welcome."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

[By the way, where can I pick up some Wannian ginseng?]

Li Siyu held back a smile and glanced at Lin Yuman.

Lin Yuman could not wait to go up and bite Lin Yu to death.

How can this dog remember these things so clearly?

A few people got into the car and walked towards the hotel.

In the hotel where Ran Xingchen is located.

After Ran Xingchen finished chatting in the 'sister group', he put down his phone.

Then, she called Sister Li over.

"Xingchen, what do you have to do with me?

Sister Li walked into the room and asked with a smile.

"Sister Li, have you done all the things about Chen Ming? 39

Ran Xingchen asked with a smile.

"It's all done, this group of people is doing things very well, and the technology is not bad.

Sister Li said with a smile.

"Okay, but this time, it's really a coincidence, just in time for Sister Yuman to go to the capital, it would be too much if you don't do a good job with Chen Ming.

Ran Xingchen said with a wicked smile.

"Hey... Xingchen, I feel that you have been damaged by someone. You didn't have so much bad water before."

Sister Li shrugged and said.

"Cut, this is a wicked person who has to use a wicked plan!""

Ran Xingchen laughed badly and said Chuan.

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