"That's right, it's definitely him. I even watched the press conference of their movie today on TV."

"I was there and I was very impressed with him. When I heard that he was a mercenary, I thought he was quite handsome."

"Yeah, originally I thought this was a national idol, and I was going to start fanning him, but I didn't expect to be such a person in private, it made me sick to death."

"I can't help it, it is estimated that there are too many men on the mercenary side, so I like men.

"By the way, Zhang Hao is also a man who likes men, this is the first time I know.

"You can actually watch this movie, I think it must be full of passion, hahaha..."

"I think the second male is very handsome, so I go to the second male.

"Of course, the second male Lin Yu is the man who saved Xingchen in "Nine Five Seven", that is the real man, I really don't know why this drama made the disgusting man who likes men play the male lead, this director is really Blind.""

When Ye Shengtian and Lin Yuman were at a standoff.

Some newcomers to the cafe were looking at their mobile phones and whispering.

When they were talking, they pointed at Chen Ming, with gossip in their eyes.

More with disgusting eyes.

Ye Shengtian and others naturally heard the voices of this group of people.

In particular, there were discussions about Chen Ming.

Immediately, the picture was a little embarrassing.

They could hear that these words were not good words.

Li Siyu and Lin Yuman looked at each other, and both saw the bad taste in each other's eyes.

They knew that this must be the beginning of Ran Xingchen's plan.

Lin Yuman immediately took out his phone and glanced at it.

At this time, Ran Xingchen had already sent her a message.

is a push.

When she opened it, there were several pictures.

She sneered and put the phone in front of Ye Shengtian, and said sarcastically, "Ye Shengtian, this is the Chen Ming you want to introduce to me, it's just a joke."

Ye Shengtian just glanced at it, and his face changed instantly.

what did he see?

He saw Chen Ming hugging a man and doing that kind of thing!

Although there is a mosaic on it, the face is not covered up.

Chen Ming's face is clear, even the one with Chen Ming... The two men are also clear...

This is so fun to play!

Even playing with two men at once.

Immediately, he felt helpless and angry.

You Chen Ming, a man who likes men, why do you have to get engaged to a woman?

And wasting so much of my experience discussing with Lin Yuman?

Isn't this bullshit?

"Uncle Ye, there is still some news here, do you see? 35

Li Siyu handed over the phone with a smile on his face.

The message is relatively simple, only a few words.

When Ye Shengtian saw it, his whole body suddenly trembled.

"It is reported that the head of the Ye family in the capital intends to engage his daughter with a man named Chen Ming. Chen Ming's information is as follows, the son of the head of the Chen family, Chen Liwen..."

Chen Ming's news was written in great detail.

Moreover, these two messages are almost in tandem, so this matter is very simple.

Ye Shengtian wants to get his daughter engaged to a man who likes men!

If this spread out, people in the capital must not laugh out loud?

Where does Ye Shengtian's face go?

And what's even more annoying is that there is no information about Lin Yuman, just that it is his daughter Ye Shengtian.

He just turned his head slightly to know that this was a message from someone close to Lin Yuman.

This not only protected Lin Yuman, but also made Ye Shengtian's face dull.

So poisonous!

"You! You, absolutely you!

Ye Shengtian suddenly raised his head, looked at Li Siyu, and said in a deep voice.

There are not many people who have this kind of courage in the capital, and also know about this matter.

At least Lin Yuman and the others wouldn't say that she was his Ye Shengtian's daughter.

So, that can only be done by the Li family.

"Uncle Ye, don't spit your blood. This is the headline of today's news. What does it have to do with us?"5

Li Siyu said innocently 0......

Chen Ming took out his mobile phone at this time, glanced at the news, and then exploded with anger.

who is it?!

Who is it?!

Send these things out?

And, who are these two men?

Why is he not impressed at all???

The key is that his image processing on the photo is particularly clear, and even the bottom photo is actually the photo of him participating in the film promotion ceremony today.

At this moment, what image does he have?

Soon his phone rang.

It was Feng Dongsheng who called.

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter with those photos? Oh, why are you so careless? Just play, why are you giving people a handle?

"How can I do this? Forget it, you should try to delete these things immediately, hey..."

Feng Dongsheng's tone was both helpless and angry.

He finally made a movie, and it was specially designed to enhance Chen Ming's fame and image.

As a result, let Chen Ming do it like this, not to mention his reputation and image have been improved. This Chen Ming has become a joke for the whole country.

What fame and image will there be in the future?

"okay, I get it!"

Chen Ming said in a cold voice that because of too much force, the phone was directly squashed by him.

Ye Shengtian turned his head to look at Chen Ming and said, "Chen Ming, what's going on in 4.4 of this matter?"

The tone was full of resentment and displeasure.

"Uncle Ye, I will settle this matter. This is slander, and it's all slander given to me by others."

Chen Ming said coldly.

After all, he went out.

Now, this must be resolved.

Ye Shengtian looked at Chen Ming's leaving figure, and felt very unhappy in his heart.

Yun Tianhong is such a powerful person, why would he accept such an apprentice?

like men?

How disgusting!

However, now is not the time for him to think about these things. He must immediately deal with the news about his daughter's engagement to Chen Ming.

He was about to leave when the phone suddenly rang.

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