"Yuman, our group's crisis has been completely resolved, it seems that someone has helped.

In the evening, Lin Hongjun called Lin Yuman.

Lin Yuman smiled and said, "Dad, it must have been the Li family's help. Today's matter is thanks to the Li family, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to solve it so easily. 99

"Well, the people from the Li family have already contacted me, you can have a good time in the capital, and come back when you're all right.

"However, remember to pay attention to your own safety."

Lin Hongjun hung up the phone with a smile.

From Lin Hongjun's tone, Lin Yuman could tell that Lin Hongjun was in a much better mood.

After all, in such a situation, although Lin Hongjun and his wife didn't say anything, they were definitely worried.

Now that everything is back on track, they are naturally completely relieved.

At the same time, she felt extremely warm in her heart.

Compared with Ye Shengtian, the so-called blood father, Lin Hongjun and his wife really love her deeply.

[Tsk tsk tsk... Ginseng is not bad, so many, it will definitely be able to make up for it. 】

[Give Yuman something to eat for a while, so that her strength can be improved as soon as possible. 】

【As for guidance, you must give guidance in all aspects. 】

【Hey hey hey...】

Lin Yuman's expression froze.

Forgot what this dog thing was up to!

But it's good, just to improve her strength.

Another sleepless night...

In the next few days, Lin Yu and Lin Yuman, accompanied by Li Siyu and Ran Xingchen, had a good time in the capital for a few days, and then drove back to Yuncheng.

Next, we have to deal with Chen Ming's company.

"Handsome man, can we change seats?"

When passing through Haicheng, a young man in his twenties suddenly walked up to Lin Yu and said with a smile.

Lin Yu frowned, he and Lin Yuman were sitting next to the high-speed rail.

If this man were to change with him, it would be equivalent to letting this man be with Lin Yuman.

Who is this so shameless?

Thinking, he raised his head and glanced at each other.

The other party was wearing a washed white sportswear, a pair of black cloth shoes on his feet, and a black cloth bag on his back.

Looking at it, it is more rustic and more rustic.

But the man looks handsome, almost one-tenth of his handsomeness.

And his eyes were full of confidence, and he didn't show any inferiority because of his clothes.

At this time, although the man was talking to Lin Yu, his eyes were all on Lin Yuman.

And, in the slightest secret, it is completely upright.

Lin Yuman frowned slightly, her eyes filled with disgust.

But men don't mind at all.

[F*ck! How shameless this person is, and how he dresses, how can I feel like the protagonist. 】

[No, there is only one protagonist here. 】

[However, he also has a little True Qi in his body, but this True Qi is a little rare, as if he is about to improve his realm. 】

[It's a little wrong (ahee). 】

"No change."

On the face, Lin Yu said lightly.

"Don't, brother, I see that the girl next to you seems to have some physical problems. I want to show her. I am a doctor."

"Girl, have you been feeling a little tired recently?"

The other party did not mean to retreat, but said anxiously, as if he was thinking of Lin Yuman.

【F*ck, this kid is really shameless, your special code even wants to molest my woman?】

【Is Yuman's fatigue a problem? With such a large amount of labor every day, it's not surprising that you are not tired. 】

Lin Yuman glanced at the young man in disgust, then glared at Lin Yu fiercely.

It's all good work done by this dog!

"Boy, get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Lin Yu stood up and said coldly.

"Sir, this is not right for you."

"I am a doctor, this girl is not feeling well, I can see it, and the parents of the doctor think that I should treat her.

"You've blocked it three and four times. Could it be that you don't put this girl's life in your eyes?"

Tang Xuan shouted angrily.

As if Lin Yu was a bad guy who took his life seriously.

His loud roar immediately attracted the attention of the people in the car.

Many people watched with great interest.

Tang Xuan immediately regained his energy and said to the crowd, "Everyone, don't look at my clothes, but I'm a doctor, and I saw that the lady was ill, so I wanted to help her take a look, but this man It is simply unreasonable to block it.35

Everyone suddenly showed an expression of sudden realization, and the eyes they looked at Lin Yu were a little wrong.

Lin Yu frowned, annoyed in his heart.

After thinking about it, he asked aloud, "Boy, what's your name?"

Tang Xuan said lightly: "My name is Tang Xuan, I have been a doctor since elementary school, and my medical skills are not bad. In our village over there, people are called Tang Shenyi. 55

As he spoke, Tang Xuan showed a proud look on his face.

If he hadn't seen Lin Yuman as a top-quality woman, he wouldn't have done these things. Although the other party wasn't perfect, it was just for fun.

However, as soon as Tang Xuan's words came out, Lin Yu's eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

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