"This Chen Ming is really rubbish, such a good start, but he fails every time, at first glance, he is a natural waste.

"I guess it's the Chen family who has been secretly supporting him, right?"

Tang Xuan glanced at Chen Ming's documents after he came to Yuncheng, and a deep disdain flashed in his eyes.

Shen Wan Wan shook his head and said: "Not all, when he first came to Yuncheng, the capital Chen family didn't interfere.

"I think, maybe to deal with Lin Yu, we can also join forces with Chen Ming."

"Of course, it's mainly the Chen family behind them joining forces."

Of course, the information investigated by Shen Wan Wan is only a few, and it is impossible to cover everything.

His suggestion was only suggested through the relationship between Chen Ming and the Chen family.

He is also selfish.

If their Shen family can unite with the Chen family, then he~Shen family can also take the opportunity to grow.

Tang Xuan shook his head and said, "It's useless, isn't the Tianming Group established by Chen Ming later a shadow of the Chen family? There is still no way to take Lin Yu's company. 99

"Such a waste is a pig teammate, and it is not worth forming an alliance at all.

"If you form an alliance, you will also be dragged down by him."

Shen Wan Wan glanced at Tang Xuan, and now he felt that Tang Xuan was a pig teammate.

A gleam of light flashed in Tang Xuan's eyes.

Now he has determined that with his current strength alone, he can't fight against Lin Yu at all.

Although he thinks Lin Yu's strength is not good, the strength of those women is against the sky.

So, if you want to kill Lin Yu completely, you have to start with those women first.

Moreover, even without Lin Yu, he still wanted to start with those women.

So many superb beauties, they all have to be his.

He didn't have too many demands.

Moreover, there are actually quite a few perfect ones.

"Okay, let's do it, I'm running a company with your Shen family, which specializes in all kinds of cosmetics and special drugs. 99

"How do we commercially overwhelm Lin Yu's company?"

Tang Xuan thought for a while and decided to kill Lin Yu slowly from the easiest way.

As a genius doctor, his subordinates possess many extremely powerful pill recipes.

What beauty and beauty is the special medicine to treat various diseases, he can take out a lot.

These drugs can definitely grab the entire market quickly.

And Lin Yu's company has an important industry, which is skin care and beauty.

Next, he will definitely attack the Lin family's industry from other aspects and completely crush the Lin Group!

"Don't say that I don't take care of your Shen family, it is also because of your busy schedule that I want to cooperate with your Shen family.

In order to show his thoughts, Tang Xuan continued.

If he wants to get people to help him with his work, he has to give him a little favor no matter what.

Sure enough, hearing Tang Xuan's words, Shen Wanwan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Opening a company with Tang Xuan means cooperating with Tang Xuan's master?

Moreover, those beauty prescriptions and special medicines can definitely make huge profits.

"Okay, Tang Shao, then I'll prepare the company's affairs. When the company is almost established, I'll contact you."

Shen Wan Wan said with a smile, "Now I'll take you back to the villa first?"

"Well, okay, let's go.""

Tang Xuan nodded.

Shen Wan Wan drove Tang Xuan towards the villa.

the other side.

"Mr. Chen, now the matter about your black material has been basically settled...

On the phone, Feng Dongsheng said.

However, his tone was not too sure.

After all, the fact that Chen Ming likes men has been in the headlines for a long time.

0.・・For flowers・

"Okay, I know.

Chen Ming hung up the phone, his face was not good.

This time, not only he and Feng Dongsheng contributed, but most importantly, his father Chen Liwen contributed.

It made him feel resentful.

I want to prove myself.

In the end, he still had to rely on Chen Liwen to settle this matter, which was simply humiliating to him.

You have to prove yourself!

At this time, his cell phone rang again, and it was Ye Shengtian's call.

Disgust flashed in Chen Ming's eyes, but he still answered the phone.


"Xiao Ming, have you told your teacher about our Ye family? Why hasn't there been any movement these days?"

Ye Shengtian asked.

"Uncle Ye, my teacher said that we will still have the opportunity to cooperate in the future, this time, it is equivalent to giving you a test.

"If your Ye family can pass the test, then you will have the opportunity to cooperate with my teacher in the future.

"So, my teacher won't take action.""

Chen Ming thought for a while and said lightly.

Anyway, he didn't call his teacher. Isn't this just casual?

These words left Ye Shengtian on the other end of the phone speechless.

His face became very upset.

However, there is no reason to be angry.

After all, this is the Ye family's own business.

However, he has a lot of opinions on Chen Ming.

"Well, since the old man said so, then I understand.

After all, Ye Shengtian hung up the phone.

"Humph! Daydreaming!"

Chen Ming said coldly, and walked out of the room with the duffel bag.

Next, he must return to Yuncheng to run Tianming Group and let everyone see his strength! Chuan.


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