"Director Zhou, I will transfer 30 billion to the company's account, continue to invest funds, and must raise the stock price."

"Then find a way to swallow the Lin Group!"

Chen Ming returned to Zhou Bingchen and said coldly.

Zhou Bingchen, Zhang Shengfei and the others were stunned for a moment, and they were horrified, and they all looked at Chen Ming.

One shot is 30 billion?

There is definitely not so much money in the company's account. Where did Chen Ming get this money from?

30 billion is not a small amount for any company.

Feeling the shock of everyone, Chen Ming had a proud look on his face.

It's just some money, and what his teacher lacks the most is money.

Moreover, he also took the opportunity to show his strength, let these people know his greatness, and submit to him with peace of mind.

"Okay, don't be stunned, isn't it just 30 billion? You will follow me in the future, and you will see more money."

"Okay, the most important thing now is to win this stock market war, it's better to bring down the Lin Group!

Chen Ming waved his hand, once again attracting everyone's attention.

"Chen Dong, you are really amazing! You were able to collect so much money in a short period of time!"

"With this money, our company must be saved! I'll go get the money now!

Zhou Bingchen reacted and said with a look of 'overjoyed'.

After all, he gave Zhang Shengfei a wink.

Zhang Shengfei looked at Chen Ming and said, "Dong Chen, since the amount of money is huge, I should go with Director Zhou to get it.

Chen Ming nodded and didn't think much about it.

30 billion is indeed a lot.

"Okay, hurry up and get back.

Zhou Bingchen, Zhang Shengfei, and the director of the financial department immediately walked out of the financial department.

"Old Zhang, what should I do? I really didn't expect this Chen Ming to have something. He can mobilize 30 billion in such a short period of time. This is definitely not something ordinary people can do."

"Did Chen Liwen decide to help him again?"

Zhou Bingchen's tone was full of doubts and unwillingness.

It looked like it was about to bring down the Tianming Group, and as a result, 30 billion appeared again.

What is the concept of 30 billion?

It is absolutely not difficult to stabilize the situation of Tianming Group at this time.

Zhang Shengfei shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be Chen Liwen, I once asked Chen Liwen's attitude towards Chen Ming. 55

"He actually set up Tianming Group here to test Chen Ming's ability.

"It is impossible to help him after the expense of setting up the Tianming Group. 35

"Furthermore, 30 billion working capital is not a small amount for the Chen family, how can it be so easy to get it out in such a short period of time.

"Chen Liwen couldn't spend so much money in order to test Chen Ming, this is not a test, this is support.

"Even Chen Junjie can't mobilize so much money."

Although the Chen family is one of the major families in the capital and has extremely strong financial resources, it is too difficult to give out 30 billion all at once.

Moreover, it is impossible for Chen Liwen to spend so much money.

"Who gave it to him? Could it be that there are more powerful people behind him?"

A man suddenly frowned and asked hesitantly.

30 billion is not a small amount. If it is really a powerful person, then Chen Ming's company may really be able to come back to life.

"Old Zhao, what are you thinking?!

"Do you want to really support Chen Ming?"

"Humph! I tell you, don't think that Chen Ming can come up with so much money now, and you will be shaken."

"Don't forget Chen Dashao's strength and means.

Zhang Shengfei turned his head to look at Lao Zhao, who was hesitant to speak just now, and said coldly.

0....... ask for flowers........

Old Zhao trembled, seeing that Chen Ming was so powerful, he really had this idea just now, it is better to help Chen Ming directly.

There may be more benefits in the future.

In the final analysis, they are still wage earners, people are fortune and birds are killed for food, and of course they want to tend to greater interests.

But thinking of Chen Junjie's methods, he might just sink to the bottom of the river at that time, and he won't be able to spend his money if he has money.

"What's more, it's not money that can decide everything these days! 35

"Isn't the Mingqi Group established by Chen Ming also known as the Hundred Billion Group? Wasn't it destroyed by Lin Yu? 35

"It's only 30 billion more now, it's nothing."

Zhang Shengfei thinks more long-term and is scheming.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, you should go get the money immediately. I will contact Chen Dashao and explain to him the situation here."5

After Zhang Shengfei gave the order, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Chen Junjie directly.

Lin's Group.

"Hahaha...Chen Ming has put all his money into the stock market. This is his last card. Next, he will wait for failure!"

"Lin Shao, thank you very much this time!"

Chen Junjie looked at the K line of Tianming Group in the stock market chart and laughed.

Lin Yu smiled lightly and said: "Young Master Chen is very polite, eradicating Chen Ming, that is our common goal, and we can only say that the cooperation is pleasant. 99

"Not bad, Lin Shao is right, but this is not the end."

"When I become the head of the Chen family, our two families will have more in-depth cooperation. 35

Chen Junjie said with a smile.

He has to win more friendship with Lin Yu, after all, this person is unfathomable, and it will definitely help to befriend him.

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

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