The bar Yun Hongjie ordered was a new big bar in Yuncheng, the dark blue bar.

There were not many people when they arrived.

Yun Hongjie naturally ordered the largest booth here.

However, because Lin Yu has too many women, he made another booth next to him.

Chen Junjie and Yun Hongjie looked at all the beautiful beauties around Lin Yu, and they were envious.

Although they are all second-generations with great backgrounds, when it comes to the level of beauties around them, they can't keep up.

But the two of them are just envious, and they don't even dare to have other ideas.

After all, if it makes Lin Yu unhappy, then their relationship with Lin Yu will be completely lost.

The two of them were not idle, and they called a few wine accomplices.

"This bar is quite new, it looks like it's newly opened, Ziqing, has a new bar opened in your house?"

Lin Yu looked around at the luxuriously decorated bar and asked with a smile.

Qin Ziqing shook his head at 07, and said, "This is a new bar made by a new boss in Yuncheng called Brother Long. It has nothing to do with our Qin family."5

Lin Yu was stunned, but didn't think much about it.

In fact, Yuncheng is not a small city, and it has to be a city that is infinitely close to a first-tier city.

In such a city, it is impossible for only one Qin family to control all the underground forces.

The Qin family can only control part of it.

The rest must be controlled by other underground forces.

This is also normal.

Of course, the Qin family absolutely occupies 60 to 70 percent of the site.

that's enough.

Without thinking about it, he just chatted with Chen Junjie and Yun Hongjie.

Except small talk is about collaboration.

In Chen Ming's villa.

Chen Ming slowly walked into the villa.

Today, since he left Tianming Group, he has been investigating the situation of Yuncheng.

And Tianhu also came to Yuncheng.

The two of them are old partners.

So in just over half a day, he investigated the general situation of Yuncheng.


Chen Ming muttered to himself.

This is the boss of the new generation in Yuncheng, the more promising one, and the people under his command are also relatively strong.

"Well, let's start with him and control him first.

Chen Ming secretly made a decision.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

It was Zhang Shengfei's call.

He frowned slightly, although he didn't do anything, he was very dissatisfied with Zhang Shengfei waiting for him.

"Zhang Shengfei, are things done?"

Chen Ming asked coldly.

Zhang Shengfei on the other end of the phone pouted, this jerk still has such a big temper now?

Why are you?

However, he just wanted to get rid of Chen Ming as soon as possible, and ignored Chen Ming's attitude.

He said lightly: "Chen Dong, the company's affairs have basically been settled, and we are going through bankruptcy proceedings. When everything is done, the remaining money from the company will be credited to your account. 35

"Well, I see, so be it.

After all, Chen Ming hung up the phone.

"Damn, what are you pretending to be, you can't even go back to the Chen family, what do you have now? Silly things.

Zhang Shengfei cursed at the phone.

"Old Zhang, don't be angry, he is a poor boy, what does he do with his general knowledge?"

"Okay, let's go to the bar, but Young Master Chen set a table for us, and said he would go there in person later.

"We can't delay any longer."

Zhou Bingchen on the side said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, this matter must not be delayed, and now we have to follow Chen Dashao well. 99

Zhang Shengfei nodded in agreement.

On the other side, Chen Ming walked into the villa.

"Xiao Ming, are you back?"

Chen Tianshan sat on the sofa and said with a helpless and bitter face when he saw Chen Ming walking in.

He already knew about the Tianming Group.

But he doesn't think Chen Ming is really a pure waste.

Because he also knew that this time, Chen Junjie had the hand.

Chen Ming's loss is not too wrong.

"Uncle, I'm back, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Ming observed the words and expressions, and when he saw that Chen Tianshan was about to say something, he asked.


Chen Tianshan sighed and said: "Xiao Ming, I just got news from the head of the family, and asked me to return to the capital immediately, saying that there are important things that need to be sent to me.

"So, I have to leave Yuncheng now."

Chen Ming's hands trembled slightly, and an anger in his heart shot straight to the top of his head.

He didn't expect Chen Liwen to do such an amazing job, and even called Chen Tianshan today to let him leave.

You must know that Chen Tianshan is a heaven-level expert, and his safety is guaranteed to a great extent when he is usually there.

Now that Chen Tianshan is gone, will there be any problems with his safety in the future?

However, there is no way out of this.

It is absolutely impossible for him to leave Yuncheng so easily.

"Okay, I see, uncle, we'll still have a chance to see you later."

Chen Ming suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile.

"Xiao Ming, have you ever thought about the way the owner said, talk to Lin Yu..."

987 "Uncle, needless to say, I won't agree, my hatred with Lin Yu runs deep, I can't beg him, I'll just find a way to kill him!

Before Chen Tianshan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Ming.

Chen Tianshan sighed, already thinking of this result, and did not persuade him any more.

"If I can help with anything in the future, remember to find me, then I'll go first."

After all, Chen Tianshan left the villa directly.

"I see, uncle, pay attention to safety on the road.

After Chen Ming said a word, he sat on the sofa and remained silent.

A chill filled the entire living room.

"Uncle, I will definitely go to the capital again."

Chen Ming said in a deep voice.

Chen Tianshan's footsteps stopped, smiled and said: "Okay, I'll wait for you to go to the capital, come on!

Dark Blue Bar.

Lin Yu and the others drank while talking, and the most expensive wines from various bars were brought up from time to time.

"Sister Yixin? 35

When a waiter came to Lin Yu's booth with wine, the waiter was surprised when he saw Jiang Yixin.

Immediately, everyone including Lin Yu looked at the waiter.

Jiang Yixin raised her head to look at the waiter, and was suddenly stunned.

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