"Let's go, Chen Dashao, Yun Dashao, today's interest is completely disturbed by this garbage. 99

Seeing Qin Fan being taken away, Lin Yu looked at Chen Junjie and Yun Hongjie and said.

"Let's go, anyway, there will be more time for us to get together in the future. 99

"Yeah, if Lin Shao is unwilling to take action, I can help you.

Chen Junjie and Yun Hongjie both said with a smile.

Qin Fan was not in his eyes at all in his tone.

"It's just a piece of trash, you don't need to take action. If he finds something about me in the future, I will continue to play with him to see if I don't kill him. 35

Lin Yu waved his hand and said.


The two didn't talk much about "Nine Nine Zeros".

A group of people walked out of the bar.

Lin Yu thought while walking.

He was quite impressed with the book he wrote.

【F*ck, according to this plot, Qin Fan should kill the Quartet, this black dragon is about to become Qin Fan’s younger brother, right?】

[Tsk tsk tsk... It seems that the plot is repeated. 】

[Well, I'll leave him alone, and then I have to study it carefully. 】

the other side.

The bald man led Qin Fan to the large conference room upstairs of the bar, where in addition to the meeting, it was to teach some guys who don't have long eyes.

"Brother Qiang, what's going on? Did Xiaofan offend you in any way?"

"If it is, I will compensate you for him. Xiaofan is still young and ignorant."

On the way, a woman in her twenties saw this scene and immediately stepped forward and said.

Eyes full of worry.

After all, he still looked at Qin Fan and kept winking at him.

Qin Fan smiled slightly and said, "Sister Hui, it's alright."

Sister Hui was in a hurry, and she hated that iron could not be made of steel and said: "Xiaofan, when is this time, don't be rude! Hurry up and beg Brother Qiang to let you go! 35

If Qin Fan hadn't rescued her on her way to work, she wouldn't have taken care of Qin Fan so much and spoke for him.

After all, Qin Fan was recruited by her. If something went wrong, she would feel sorry for Qin Fan.

And the bald head called Brother Qiang immediately became furious when he saw this scene.

He has been greedy for Sister Hui's body for a day or two. Now that Sister Hui is taking such care of Qin Fan, he is very unhappy.

Sure enough, the little white face must be beaten hard!

"Xiaohui, you have also worked for a few years. Do you think ordinary people can do a woman who harassed guests in a bar?

The bald head said lightly.

Sister Hui's expression froze for a while, and the expression she looked at Qin Fan suddenly changed.

If that's the case, then it's really worth fighting.

"Brother Qiang, did you make a mistake? Xiaofan is not like that.

Sister Hui still felt a little disbelieving.

"I got it wrong? Humph! His pig face was beaten by someone else's guest. Am I mistaken?"

"Okay, Xiaohui, don't worry about this, someone, take it away.""

The bald head said loudly.

When Sister Hui saw that Qin Fan didn't even explain, she frowned.

The goodwill towards Qin Fan disappeared.

"Xiaofan, you have disappointed me too much."

Qin Fan didn't even pay attention to it, and those who believed in him would naturally believe him.

Those who do not believe him can only say that the future is hopeless.

"Boy, you are so awesome, how dare you do anything to the woman who is a client of our bar, and kneel down for me!

When he came to the conference room, the bald head sat on the chair and said coldly.

Qin Fan sneered, "bald head, now you kneel on the ground for me, maybe you still have a way to live!"5


The bald head slammed the table violently, and shouted angrily, "Damn, you are looking for death! Brothers, give me a hard..."


At this moment, the door of the conference room suddenly opened, and a man with a scar on his face walked into the conference room with a few younger brothers...

"Qiangzi, what's going on? I heard you yelling outside!"

The scarred man frowned and asked.

When the bald head saw the man, his face changed suddenly, and he said with a smile, "Brother Long, why are you here? I'm teaching this bastard a lesson."

Heilong glanced at Qin Fan, then stopped looking at him.

"what happened?

Bald-headed Qiang quickly recounted what happened at the bar.


"Boy, you are very powerful, dare to smash my place, Qiangzi will hit me!

"It's Brother Long!

The bald-headed Qiang had a happy expression on his face, and then he waved his hand, "Brothers, hit me hard! 99

After all, this group of people stepped forward one after another, punching and kicking towards Qin Fan.

Qin Fan was so angry that he had nowhere to shed it. When he saw this group of people taking action, he also took action.

bang bang bang...

"Ah ah ah...



A violent beating sounded, and then, there was a wailing sound in the entire conference room.

In the entire room, except for Heilong and the group of younger brothers he brought, as well as Qin Fan, the bald-headed Qiang and others all fell down, screaming in pain on the ground.

Heilong's pupils shrank, and he looked at a big man in a vest standing beside him.

"Brother Long, this man is a master.

The big man in the vest said in a deep voice.

"What about you?

Black Dragon asked.

"It should be half a catty eight taels."

"Okay, come on, hit me hard, dare to challenge the black dragon with me, court death!

"Yes, Brother Long."

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