Qin Fan said so tough, Heilong shut up.

But there was still anxiety in his eyes.

Qin Fan naturally knew Heilong's state of mind at this time, he said with a faint smile: "Heilong, don't worry, I will settle your enemies for you. 99

"I have a lot of use for this piece of land, and after the photo is taken, you have to find someone to help me develop this piece of land.

Seeing that Qin Fan was so serious, Heilong barely stopped worrying.

However, the people at the auction were all stunned.

Two people bidding is not enough, there are still people bidding.

Is this place really haunted?

How does it feel to be a sweet pastry?

Everyone stopped talking, and they all looked at it as rare.

"Twelve billion!"

Chen Ming snorted coldly when he saw Tang Xuan asking Qin Fan for the price.

Qin Fan didn't say it, but he had a grudge with Tang Xuan, how could he be suppressed by Tang Xuan?


Tang Xuan also raised his hand unhappy.

"1320 million!

Almost as soon as Tang Xuan put down his hand, Chen Ming raised it up and said angrily.

"Fourteen 00.3 billion.

Tang Xuan did not admit defeat at all, immediately raised his hand, and looked at Chen Ming with a sarcastic expression.

"Boy, don't come to the auction if you don't have any money. If you add 20 million to 20 million, you're really a poor man. Give it up now!"

'Yanyan, look at how I stepped on this garbage today.

"Brother Xuan, you are the best, this gay is definitely not your opponent! 55

He Yanyan said coquettishly from the side, with a look of admiration.

At the same time, a sneer flashed in her eyes.

This Tang Xuan is also a fool.

"1.42 billion!"

"Humph! Does it matter how much you add? As long as you have more!

Chen Ming sneered and said.

On the other side, Qin Fan frowned.

He already knew that there would be competition this time, but he didn't expect the competition to be so big.

However, he could not give up the treasure land of Yunhai Bay.

So, he also said, "1.6 billion!

He came up with a big price to suppress the two.

Chen Ming and Tang Xuan, who were arguing, both glanced at Qin Fan and snorted coldly.

"1.7 billion! Garbage, you can add more if you have the ability. 55

"1720 million! Dog thing, Laozi will be afraid of you?"

At this time, everyone in the entire auction venue closed their mouths and watched this scene in shock.

Dazedly listening to the three people arguing while bidding.

Is there something wrong with this world?

A piece of ghost land is almost double the starting price.

Moreover, when the land was auctioned, it was more than 2 billion, right?

It's almost there.

Are these three people mentally ill?

The auctioneer on the stage and the person in charge hiding in the backstage were also dumbfounded.

Immediately, Manager Li, the person in charge, was ecstatic.

This time, their auction house's reputation will not only not be damaged, but they will be famous again.

After all, this kind of ghost land that no one dared to auction has been auctioned by their auction house, which shows that their auction house is very capable.

At the same time, he was full of shock and astonishment towards Lin Yu.

This Lin Yu is really amazing. He dared to auction Yunwan Bay at such a price. He definitely knew that someone would buy it. (ahef)

There are no omissions, this gentleman is hiding too deeply.

Never offend him in the future.

[Tsk tsk tsk... Cool, isn't this money making much better than starting a company?]

[These three idiots, hurry up and bid, let’s make more, hahaha…

Lin Yu went crazy.

However, there is one person here with an ugly face.

It was Wei Ziming.

Originally, it was able to sell this land, and it was full of joy.

There have been many receptions to celebrate these days.

As a result, I now see that this piece of land has been called to 2 billion.

He was miserable.

Because of this land, he lost a lot of money, and it ended up in Lin Yu's hands, and it turned over so many times in a blink of an eye.


Wei Ziming sighed, knowing that this was life, and shook his head.

"Twenty-one billion!

"2.12 billion..."

"Twenty-three billion!"

In the auction room, Chen Ming and the three were still making bids.

However, Qin Fan's face gradually became ugly, and he made a total of 2.4 billion in the past two days.

This was obtained after all the casinos, stone casinos and places where money could be made in the vicinity of Yuncheng were swept away.

It is impossible to earn so much in the future.

Looking at the postures of Chen Ming and Tang Xuan, it was obvious that they had not reached the top.

In desperation, he could only give up the competition.

However, he did not give up the land.

"It seems that I have to go for a walk tonight..."

Qin Fan thought to himself.

Chen Ming and Tang Xuan sneered when they saw that Qin Fan was no longer bidding.

However, the price of the two became more and more anxious.

Of course, the faces of the two of them became more and more ugly.

After all, this is hundreds of millions of dollars, not Chinese cabbage.

Even if they exist, they are not infinite.

Although Tang Xuan has a lot of savings, he has left more than 5 billion cash in these years.

At this time, Chen Ming had more than 5 billion in his body.

Although he can still ask the teacher for it, it is a bit embarrassing to save face.

"Three billion twenty million!"

Chen Ming gritted his teeth and cried.

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