Villain Should Be Invincible

Chapter 188 Who Says This Seat Has No Chess!

The beam of light enveloped all the Tianjiao, and in an instant, all the Tianjiao seemed to have guessed something, and shouted one after another!

"Ah, under what circumstances let me go, don't!"

"Old man Yi, what are you going to do! Lightning Nine Whiplashes, open it!"

Countless roars sounded, and a huge beam of light enveloped all Tianjiao, except for Zhou Qiong and Zhao Li as chess players!

Under the shroud of the beam of light, all Tianjiao gradually turned into chess pieces the size of mountain peaks, half of which turned into white pieces and half of which turned into black pieces! Heizi fell at Zhou Qiong's feet, and Baizi fell at Zhao Li's feet!

There is a Tianjiao roaring in each chess piece, but they can't break through the blockade of the chess pieces, they can only be confined within the chess pieces!

At this time, facing Zhou Qiong, Zhao Lizheng was shrouded in a halo, looking at Zhou Qiong with hatred on his face!

The opponent has been bullying me since the lower realms, destroying my Sect, killing Fu Lao, and even killing my father-in-law, so that my little brother has not been released until now. This revenge must be avenged today!

Zhou Qiong, today is your death day!

With a wave of Zhao Li's hand, a chess piece flew up and landed on the chessboard, and at the same time, his momentum became stronger!

Zhou Qiong looked at Zhao Li and Elder Yi in the sky coldly, and with a wave of his hand, a chess piece also fell onto the chessboard!

Zhou Qiong suddenly felt a wave of energy entering his body, which gave him greater control over the chessboard. He immediately understood in his heart that there was something wrong with the chessboard. He gathered eight hundred talents and turned them into pieces, and the chess players played more and more in the game. The stronger, the stronger the strength will become!

But Zhou Qiong doesn't know how to play chess. This old man Yi obviously doesn't want to let himself get the inheritance, but wants to pass it on to Zhao Li. Sure enough, this kind of son of fate is so lucky!

Unfortunately, sometimes strength is far more important than luck!




Time passed slowly, and the chessboard was full of chess pieces. Zhao Li's expression was extremely rampant at this time, because he had already taken more than one hundred chess pieces from Zhou Qiong!

Every time he captures a black piece from the opponent, the piece will turn into a white piece and be used by him. Now Zhao Li has more than 500 pieces, while Zhou Qiong has less than 300 pieces!


As another chess piece of Zhao Li fell, Zhou Qiong's sunspots were eaten by dozens more!

The white pieces on the huge chessboard are connected together, and each piece exudes a terrifying power, reflecting each other, a ferocious white dragon emerges in the sky, roaring crazily at Zhou Qiong!

This is exactly the white dragon transformed from the white stones on the chessboard. Once transformed, the white dragon rushed towards Zhou Qiong with boundless momentum!


Zhou Qiong looked at the white dragon rushing coldly, and with a wave of his hand, two hundred sunspots turned into a black chain, wrapping around the white dragon's body!


The white dragon transformed from more than 500 white chess pieces cannot be restrained by the iron chains transformed into more than 200 black chess pieces. !

Thinking appeared in Zhou Qiong's eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the black chess pieces representing Mo Wudao's four people in the iron chain flew back to Zhou Qiong's feet!

All the remaining black pieces turned into long knives, and slashed towards the white dragon frantically. The white dragon roared and slapped the long knives formed by the black pieces. !

"Devil Zhou, let me go, I want to go out!"

"Ah! Forgive me, I can't do it!"

The Tianjiao in the black chess howled crazily, but they couldn't control themselves, they could only follow Zhou Qiong's idea to turn into black blades and slash at the white dragon!

Listening to the constant screams in his ears, Zhou Qiong's eyes did not fluctuate at all, let alone screams, even if all the talents here are dead, so what!

On the chessboard, the white dragon kept flying the black knives, and many of the black knives were directly broken, and the Tianjiao inside was also roaring to death. This is the sadness of being a chess piece. You can't refute if the chess player lets you die!

The white dragon is constantly growing, while the black chess is becoming less and less!

"Devil Zhou, hurry up and surrender, don't you want all the talents in the black chess to die!"

"You think you are a person who can't play chess at all, senior will let you get the inheritance, dare to threaten senior, if you kneel down to apologize to senior now, maybe senior can forget the past!" Zhao Li looked at Zhou Qiong said with a big laugh!

The laughter is full of ridicule and contempt!

let bygones be bygones!

Zhou Qiong looked up at Old Man Yi, who was at the top of the world, his eyes were cold, he dared to be his enemy, and he wanted to let go of the past, which was a good idea!

Boom! Roar!

With the roar of the white dragon again, all the black chess pieces were either assimilated into white pieces and merged into the white dragon, or were directly crushed by the white dragon!

"Haha, Devil Zhou, you don't have any pieces left, Yi senior, I won this game, the inheritance is mine, right?" Zhao Li looked at all the black pieces on the chessboard, and was so happy beyond words!

"The winner of the chess game is divided into points. The chess player Zhou Qiong has nothing to play, and the winner is Zhao Li." Elder Yi said in a deep voice, looking at Zhao Li below with a look of satisfaction!

As Old Man Yi's words fell, the Tianjiao inside the chess pieces roared happily!

"It's finally finished. It's safe now. Pity my Little Brother, who was killed by Demon Zhou just like that!"

"That's right, my senior brother died too. That week's devil was simply not a son of man. He was obviously bound to lose, and let others die!"

"Although I didn't get the inheritance, the devil didn't get it that week either. I'm just happy. I thank Zhao Li's eighteen generations of family members!"

"Who said there are no chess pieces in this seat?" Zhou Qiong's cold words spread throughout the world of chess!

ah? One sentence completely shocked everyone, now there are only four sunspots under Zhou Qiong's feet left on the whole chessboard, which were transformed by Mo Wudao and four people! Could it be that Zhou Qiong still wants to use these four chess pieces to turn defeat into victory!

"I think the devil is used to domineering this week, but he couldn't accept the sudden failure, and he went crazy!"

"Well, who told him to dare to threaten Heavenly Realm? Isn't this self-defeating? How can it be possible to get inheritance!"

All Tianjiao had only one thought in their minds, that is, the domineering devil Zhou couldn't stand the blow of failure, and started talking crazy!

Zhao Li even looked at Zhou Qiong with a sneer on his face, and he didn't shed tears when he saw the coffin. This week the devil is really vulnerable!

At this time, Zhou Qiong looked up at the countless stars in the sky, with an evil smile on his lips. There are no chess pieces on the chessboard, but it doesn't mean that there are no chess pieces in this world!

Under everyone's gaze, Zhou Qiong burst out with momentum, getting stronger and stronger. At the same time, he stretched out a hand, and a huge super big hand suddenly appeared in the sky!

The big hand directly grabs the Star in the sky in the world of Chess Dao. The Stars in this world are all illusions, which are much smaller than the real Stars!

At the same time Zhou Qiong's icy voice sounded again!

"Old man Yi, the earth is the chessboard and Tianjiao is the chess pieces. Your layout is too small!"

Today, I will accompany you to have a good time!

"The sky makes the chessboard, and the stars make the pieces!"


Thanks to {98150997} for the explosive update!

Thanks to {over there}{I want the system to be the protagonist} for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to {40326363} for the reminder!

Thanks for {Oh oh ok}{Light ink like a painting}{You don't want me} for the mountain climbing invitation!

I also thank other bigwigs for their rewards and readers for their support!


The author has something to say:

The third watch is here! Thank you guys for your support, Xiaobai's performance depends on you! (?2?9˙ー˙?2?9)

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