Villain Should Be Invincible

Chapter 225: Elder Wu's Anger

I saw a huge crane corpse inlaid on a mountain peak in the distance!

It has been split in two!

Although there is no breath, the surrounding space that is still suppressed by the coercion of the corpse is still trembling, which shows how terrifying the crane's strength was before it was alive!

Everyone has guessed the identity of the crane!

Nine Cauldrons Zong Sect Leader Lin Xuan! Except for him, there is no such strong crane in the entire Eastern Region!

But on the tenth floor of Great Saint, he died like this!

At the same time, there are four big characters in blood red on the mountain peak:


It runs through the entire mountain from top to bottom!

"I didn't see it, that's Lin Xuan!" A tauren's face was full of disbelief!


A huge slap!

I saw a big man next to the tauren slapped the tauren. The big man looked at the rapidly swollen face of the tauren and the screams from the other side's mouth!

He muttered in his mouth: "Sure enough, it's not a dream, Lin Xuan is really dead!"

Could it be that Zhou Qiong's protector is really so strong that even Lin Xuan is no match for him!

The tauren looked at the big man, felt his aura, and quickly analyzed that he was not an opponent!

I could only curse in a low voice!

Fuck! !

boom! ! !

A few figures suddenly appeared in the void, and each of them exuded a terrifying pressure, which shattered Fang Yuan's thousands of miles of space!

All the creatures looked up at the several figures that appeared!

There was horror in his eyes!

Because the figures in the sky are Xuanyuanzong Sect Leader, Wanguzong Sect Leader, and Fire Lion Clan Chief!

Each of them is a giant in the Eastern Territory!

All of them are experts from the tenth floor of Great Saint!

At this moment, the several figures all looked at the crane that was split in two at the mountain peak, with great shock in their eyes!

Their eyesight was not comparable to that of those below, so it was natural to see that Lin Xuan was killed in a single blow!

But Lin Xuan's strength is recognized by the entire Eastern Territory, and he can be ranked among the top three in the entire Great Saint Territory!

Who can kill Lin Xuan in one blow!

Four words appeared in their minds!

Respectable and strong!

"It seems that the powerful person in the dignified state made a move, but how could the powerful person in the dignified state kill Lin Xuan for no reason!"

"I don't know, but Mr. Wu is probably going crazy, this Lin Xuan is his most proud disciple!"


The patriarch of the Fire Lion Clan went directly to the Tauren and asked:

"Say, what the hell happened here, who killed Lin Xuan!"

"My lords, I don't know about this... this villain, but it was Lin Sect Leader who clashed with that Zhou Qiong, and then Zhou Qiong blocked the surrounding area!"

"As soon as the blockade is lifted, the scene will be like this, probably..."

The tauren trembled from the coercion of the three, and hurriedly said, but he scolded his mother in his heart, why are they all bullying him!

Zhou Qiong, Zhou Devil!

The image of Devil Zhou appeared in the minds of the three of them. How could they not know about Devil Zhou, their respective disciples died at the hands of Zhou Qiong!

But isn't Zhou Qiong's protector the tenth floor of the Great Saint!

Could it be...!

"Let's go, no matter what Cultivation Base this Zhou Qiong's guardian is, let old man Wu solve this matter himself!"

"Yeah, the devil has become a big boss this week, and it looks like I can't mess with it easily!"

Several voices communicated casually, then escaped into the void again and disappeared!

With the three of them leaving, all the creatures below quickly retreated, and at the same time spread the news here!

It is conceivable that the entire Eastern Territory will be shocked by this news!

On the other side, the Demon Sect army led by Liansheng was advancing at a high speed. Suddenly, the Demon Tiger King slapped his head and yelled!

Instantly attracted everyone's attention!

"Mist grass, the crane that the leader killed, forgot to take it away, it was delicious roasted!" Said the Devil Tiger King with a face of regret.

The others immediately rolled their eyes a few times, but regretful saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths!

Just when the Devil Tiger King wanted to leave for the Star Moon Valley, he was stopped by Liansheng!

"The most urgent task now is to unify northern Xinjiang immediately, and we will talk about the food later!"

"Yes!" The Devil Tiger King nodded regretfully.


Nine Cauldrons of Yangzhou, on Yuanyang Peak!

In a Great Hall, Lei Yong, the master of Yuanyang Peak, was sitting cross-legged on a chair thinking about something, his brows were tightly frowned, which proved that he was not in a good mood right now!

It can be said that ever since he learned of Zhao Li's death, he has not been in a good mood. When he was pointing at Zhao Liqian to take off, he could take him with him. After all, he has been trapped on the eighth floor of the Great Saint for nearly ten thousand years!

Unexpectedly, that trash died halfway!

Clap clap clap clap!

There was the sound of running quickly outside the Great Hall, and a disciple ran in scrambling and crawling!

"Master, Master, big things are bad, big things are bad..."

Seeing the disciples rushing in in a panic, a trace of anger flashed in Lei Yong's eyes, and he waved his hand!


The disciple who ran in was directly crushed to the ground by Lei Yong's aura!

"In a panic, how have you cultivated for so many years!" Lei Yong said coldly!

"Master, there is news from afar, news... Sect Leader is dead...!" said the disciple who ran in tremblingly.

"What?" Lei Yong exploded with aura in an instant, and the entire Great Hall felt as if it was about to collapse under the terrifying coercion!

"What's going on, tell me!"

The kneeling disciple quickly told the story of the Star Moon Valley, and after he finished speaking, he looked anxious, and even used the Cultivation Technique. He was afraid that Lei Yong's power would erupt again and crush him to death!

Devil Zhou, Devil Zhou again!

"Go, call the peak masters of the other seven peaks, and tell them that something big has happened!" Lei Yong said with a gloomy expression.

"Yes!" The kneeling disciple quickly got up and flew out of the Great Hall!

Looking at the disciples leaving, Lei Yong waved his hand and set up a soundproof barrier in the Great Hall!

ha! ha! ha!

Lei Yong's crazy laughter came from the entire Great Hall, and at the same time there was a voice muttering to himself!

"Lin Xuan, you're finally dead. Well done. Only after you die can I have further hope!"

In half a quarter of an hour!

The eight peak masters of the Nine Cauldrons sect gathered in Yuanyang Hall, and at the same time, there was a horrible atmosphere inside, and no one knew what happened inside!

After a full hour, Yuanyang Great Hall became calm again, and the other peak masters left, only Lei Yong with an excited face left!

Lei Yong looked at the sky, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and flew towards the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. After a while, Lei Yong stood in front of a stone cave. This is the place where the Nine Cauldrons ancestor Wu Lao closed door training

Lei Yong used his mind to send a message through the seals with his hands!

Half an hour later, an old voice came out!

"What is it!"

Lei Yong quickly told the story of Lin Xuan Death, with sadness in his tone, but joy in his eyes!

Lei Yong just finished speaking!


The gate of the forbidden area opened directly, and an old man wearing a gray robe who was no more than three feet tall appeared in front of Lei Yong in an instant!

He exudes a terrifying aura, and the oppressive space is constantly shattered!

Eyes full of anger!

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