Villain Should Be Invincible

Chapter 246 Grab The Vulnerabilities

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I saw the huge fork of the willow tree being swallowed by Zhou Qiong!

Swallow Heavenly Devil!

boom! !

The infinite soul power quickly exploded in the demon god's body, quickly enhancing the demon god's soul power!

At the same time, the size of the demon god began to increase rapidly!

One hundred and one hundred and two feet...

In the end, it stopped at one hundred and four feet!

ah! ah! ah!

At this time, the willow tree was still howling in pain, and it was too painful for him to lose a huge forked soul

However, looking at Zhou Qiong's bloody eyes and his enlarged body, Liu Shu screamed, but also felt extremely shocked!

This Zhou Qiong can really devour his own soul to strengthen himself!

How is this possible? You must know that even in the Temple of Heavenly Soul, they need to take the initiative to strip away the power of the soul and transform it into a soul bead to be effective on living beings!

But since Zhou Qiong can devour his soul power to improve himself, wouldn't it be!

Willow instantly thought of a terrible consequence!

At the same time Zhou Qiong's eerie voice came into his ears!

"It really works. The body of a demon body can transform into a soul state, and with the addition of the Heavenly Devil swallowing skill, it can devour the soul power here. Then I have no choice but to give you Death, Jie... Jie..."

The gigantic demon god that Zhou Qiong transformed into, let out a loud shout!


The huge Demon God directly grabbed Willow's body with both hands!

Pulling up the whole willow tree with force, he opened his big mouth at the same time, forming a huge black vortex in his mouth, and threw the whole willow tree into own mouth!

"Zhou Qiong, what are you going to can't..." Willow shouted in fear!

At this time, he was terrified, and his brain instantly recalled the past. He was just a product of a weird incident, without any wisdom, and he was doing one thing in a loop as if!

Finally, one day, he was swallowed by the Heavenly Soul Palace, his spiritual wisdom was opened, and he became a gatekeeper here!

Although every time someone successfully breaks through a level, he needs to contribute a part of his soul power, but he is still very satisfied!

Especially when he occasionally devours the souls of the living beings who come here to break through!

But now, he was about to be eaten!

"Master Zhou, I am willing to be your Qiling, ah..." Willow let out a cry of despair!

boom! ! !

The huge willow tree was swallowed unwillingly!

At the same time, the energy in Zhou Qiong's body exploded, and the huge energy continuously increased the physique of the god and demon!

One hundred and ten feet!

One hundred and thirty feet!

One hundred and forty feet...

boom! ! !

The body of the last demon god has grown to one hundred and fifty feet, and the power of the soul has increased by a full fifty percent!

This is just devouring a gatekeeper!

There was an evil smile in Zhou Qiong's eyes, and the blood in his eyes began to burst out, and he muttered:

"Such a good place, I must make good use of it!"

As for the Qi Ling that Liu Shu shouted just before he died, it was an ancient inheritance!

Qiling: It is a kind of contract partner of living beings. Qiling is dead ~ living beings are fine, living beings are dead ~ Qiling must die, and Qiling can help the host to fight!

There are some arrogances in the Eastern Territory, because they contracted a kind of awesome spirit, and then they rose up!

But for Zhou Qiong, this is completely unnecessary. If a strong person relies on foreign objects to be powerful, then he is nothing!

Only your own awesomeness is the real awesomeness!

Since there is this opportunity here, Zhou Qiong will cast his own invincible soul in this Heavenly Soul Hall!

Prepare for domination of the heavens in the future!

Zhou Qiong glanced back at Ning Xiangchen and the fox girl, and saw that the two had resumed their dull expressions at this time. Perhaps it was because of the death of the gatekeeper Liu Shu that this weird incident changed!

With a wave of his hand, a terrifying black vortex formed, swallowing the two of them directly!

boom! ! !

The Demon God's size has increased by ten feet again!

Without any further hesitation, Zhou Qiong's transformed Demon God directly entered the vortex under the original willow tree!


I don't know how long it took, Zhou Qiong felt that he had fallen into a cave, and there were ghosts crying and howling faintly all around!

Divine Sense scanned the surroundings, it was indeed in a cave, and a group of monsters were chasing and killing a ghost girl in the distance!

At this time, the ghost girl seemed to have also seen Zhou Qiong, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, what kind of race is this passer-by!

It's so scary and big!

The ghost girl quickly ran behind Zhou Qiong, and said softly:

"This hero, my name is Xiaowei, they are chasing me, can you rescue me!"


At the same time, a thought from heaven and earth came into Zhou Qiong's mind, rescuing the girl from the ghost tribe was considered as completing the mission here!

A iciness flashed in Zhou Qiong's transformed demon eyes. He had no idea to waste time doing tasks now, and turned his head to look at the ghost girl hiding behind him!

Immediately grabbed her up, turned around and shouted at the many monsters chasing in front of her!


A terrifying huge black vortex instantly formed between the sky and the earth, swallowing all the monsters and demon gods into its mouth in an instant!

There is no ability to resist at all!


boom! ! !

The Demon God's body began to grow rapidly again, from one hundred and sixty feet to one hundred and eighty feet!

The girl from the ghost clan held in Zhou Qiong's hand was completely stunned at this moment!

You must know that the passers-by in the past took her to escape with all their might, and barely passed the level. In this way, most of them failed!

But what's the situation now, this monster breaker just ate all the chasers at once!

And she could feel that those eaten monsters were completely extinct, how could this be possible!

Those are all soul monsters formed by weird events, immortal beings, how could they die...!

Just when the ghost girl was thinking whether to count Zhou Qiong to pass the test, she suddenly felt her eyes go dark!

As if she had entered a huge vortex, the ghost girl opened her mouth wide, and there was only one thought in her mind, did she get eaten?

How dare this monster eat himself, doesn't he know that he is the gatekeeper!

It's a pity that no one will give him an answer!

At this time, the demon god that Zhou Qiong transformed into, after devouring the ghost girl, his body swelled again!

At the same time, a huge vortex formed in the sky!

Zhou Qiong walked in again!

Time is slowly passing by, and Zhou Qiong is also constantly traveling through spaces one by one, devouring the gatekeepers one after another...


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