Villain Should Be Invincible

Chapter 403 The Response Of The Heavenly Dragon Army

clatter! clatter! clatter!

After a burst of hurried footsteps, a middle-aged obese man in official uniform quickly ran into the military tent, and even stumbled because he ran too fast!

But the middle-aged man didn't care about this at all, he looked at Ding Xiu and said anxiously:

"Marshal Ding is finished, he is dead......"

"Presumptuous, open your mouth, you dare to curse the marshal to death, you have eaten a bear's heart and a leopard!"

A general didn't wait for the middle-aged man to finish speaking, he slapped the table and stood up and yelled, and the blood rolled towards the middle-aged man.

Not only him, but the other generals also had angry expressions on their faces. This guy who was yelling in the military tent, not to mention disturbing the morale of the army, now dares to curse the marshal to death, is really reckless!

"Ah..., I didn't curse the marshal, I didn't, I made a slip of the tongue...!" The middle-aged obese man sat on the ground directly under the pressure of blood, and hurriedly explained.

"Okay, City Lord Zhang, you are in a panic, what happened!" Ding Xiu waved his hand, and all the coercion covering Zhang Kai disappeared.


Zhang Kai heaved a sigh of relief, he is the city lord of the deserted city here, just now he got a piece of news that made him despair, he didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly said to Ding Xiu:

"Marshal Ding, the Devil's Cult has sent troops to attack our Heavenly Fire Holy Court. I'm afraid it will take up to three hours to reach our deserted city!"



Many generals stood up in fright, and everyone had a trace of shock and fear on their faces.

"Zhang Kai, you have to be responsible for what you say. If you dare to lie about such a major matter, even if you are the owner of the deserted city here, it will be a death penalty!" A general asked angrily.

"General Sun, how dare I lie. At this moment, the entire deserted city is in chaos, and the creatures in the city are desperately escaping from the city!"

Zhang Kai said with a sad face, his face was full of fear, if he didn't have a position, he might have run away by himself.


There was another rush of footsteps outside, and an orderly quickly ran into the military tent, knelt down on one knee and said to Ding Xiu:

"Marshal, there is an urgent report from the front. At this hour, the army of the Demon Cult, led by the chief executive, Lian Sheng, is coming towards our Heavenly Fire Holy Court!"

"The Demon Cult dispatched four hall masters, eight guardians, twelve demon kings, and tens of thousands of demon soldiers. It is estimated that they will arrive in the deserted city in an hour!"


Ding Xiu, who was seated above, slammed the table after listening to the orderer's report, and a trace of anger and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

His face turned red in an instant, and it seemed as if another slap was slapped at him imperceptibly. He had just finished saying that the Devil's Cult was about to be abolished, and the Devil's Cult came here!

It's a slap in the face!

In fact, Ding Xiu, as one of the top executives of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Court, knew some inside information, such as the alliance with the Dagan Empire, and the recent killing of Demon Zhou.


He never expected that before his Majesty made a move, the Demon Cult would strike first. Could it be that he heard the news that His Majesty was injured? Or have other purposes?

"Marshal, what should we do, attack or defend?" A general looked at Ding Xiu and asked.

"Open, quickly pass the news here to His Majesty, let His Majesty make a decision, and at the same time quickly evacuate the creatures in the city!" Ding Xiu said majesticly.

"Yes, this subordinate will do it now!" Zhang Kai hurriedly responded, dragging his fat body and quickly rolled out.

"Sun Xuan, you lead some soldiers younger than a thousand years old to Sky City to stand by!"

"Other generals, call the soldiers quickly, this commander wants to see what is so terrifying about this Demon Cult!"

Ding Xiu stood up and said with a majestic expression, his tone full of firmness.

"No, Marshal, I want to stay, you let Ding Wu go to Sky City, he is younger than me!"

After listening to Ding Xiu's words, Sun Xuan immediately stood up and retorted that even a fool could see at this moment that those who went to Sky City to stand by were obviously leaving a way out for their Tianlong army.

Those who stayed behind to resist the Demon Cult's army might have to fight to the death. How could Sun Xuan escape in such a situation.

"To the general, let Ding Wu go, he is the youngest, according to the rules, he should go."

"Yes, General!"

The generals one after another suggested that Ding Wu go to Sky City, not only because Ding Wu was the youngest, but also because he was Ding Xiu's only descendant.

"Presumptuous, the military order is like a mountain, do you want to disobey the order, half an hour later, the army will gather outside the deserted city! Violators will be dealt with by military law!"

Ding Xiu roared angrily, and his whole body exploded with momentum, causing the entire military tent to tremble violently.


The generals looked at their own marshal's cold eyes, didn't dare to say anything more, and walked out of the military tent quickly!

Inside the huge military tent!

Only Ding Xiu, Ding Wu and his son were left with serious expressions on their faces, like Ten Thousand Year ice cubes.

After an unknown amount of time, a sigh sounded!

"Hey..., I didn't let you leave, do you hate being a father?"

"No hate, Ding family man, no fear of life and death, for my Heavenly Fire Holy Court, I, Ding Wu, would like to die!"

"Okay, as expected of Ding Xiu's son, let us father and son learn how strong the Demon Cult's army is."


An hour later!

In the deserted city, all the creatures have been evacuated, and there is not one left. It is not good to open the organization. To be precise, all the creatures have run away before the organization is opened!

After all, the fact that the Demon Cult likes to massacre cities has already spread throughout the Eastern Region!

The outrageous thing is that when Zhang Kai returned to his mansion, he found that even his wife had run away, not only took away all his assets, but also left him a letter of divorce!

It says:

You and I are not on good terms, and the matter of the bed is a thief, now I will divorce you!

——Wang Yaksha

After reading the divorce letter, Zhang Kai didn't die of anger. He was an imposing man, but he was divorced by his wife. The divorce letter insulted him, it was unreasonable!

Isn't it just fatter, that's not good! ((?1?5(//?0?6Д/?0?7/)?1?6))

Outside the deserted city!

Millions of celestial dragon armies gather, bloody aura soars into the sky, and every Cultivation Base is not weaker than the semi-holy realm!

This is the Heavenly Dragon Army led by Ding Xiu, and it is the top army of the Heavenly Fire Holy Court. It can even be said that one-third of the Heavenly Fire Holy Court was defeated by this army.

Above the army, the generals stood in the air, each with a serious face, even though their Tianlong Army had fought countless tough battles!

Even the most tragic one, more than half of the casualties, but they have never been so worried!

It is really the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and the prestige of a magic soldier is too strong, no matter what enemy they face, they can form a one-sided massacre!

Ding Xiu looked back at the expressions of the generals, and his heart sank again. He was afraid before a battle, and this was probably the most feared thing for all the troops.

"I didn't expect that the strongest army was not produced in each Great Saint court, but was produced in a sect. It's really ironic."

Ding Xiu looked at the sky and murmured, with a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

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