Villain Should Be Invincible

Chapter 406 Resist One Day, Devil Tiger King Destroys The Enemy

Even Ding Xiu saw a gleam of light in his eyes when he saw the fiercely attacking Demon Tiger King, and murmured:

"Attack is the best defense, so domineering! You are worthy of being the most evil Tianjiao in the history of the Eastern Region, Demon Zhou!"

At this time, Zhang Kai, who was far away on the wall of the barren city, quickly flew over the Sky Dragon Army, watching the terrifying battle in the sky, with panic on his face!

All the generals frowned tightly when they saw Zhang Kai flying over, because the smell on the other party was really bad!

If their guess is correct, this pair of pants may be pulled out of their pockets!

"What is it?"

Ding Xiu looked away from the battlefield, frowned and asked Zhang Kai.

Zhang Kai looked at Ding Xiu and hurriedly said:

"Marshal Ding, the court has just received news that His Majesty is still recovering from his wounds in the Closed Door Training, and the crown prince is in charge of the country. Many elders discussed and decided that since Demon Zhou did not come, it should only be for training.

So let the Heavenly Dragon Army resist the Demon Cult army for ten days, and His Majesty will go out after ten days, and the Demon Cult will be destroyed. The prince promised that after the war, all the generals of the Heavenly Dragon Army will be promoted to first-level! "

"Ten days?"

A general looked angry for a moment, pointing in the direction of the Demon Cult's army and roaring.

"Don't those gang elders know the strength of the Demon Cult's army? Tens of thousands of Demon Soldiers at the peak of the Half-Saint, let alone ten days, even a day, they can't fucking stop them!"

Zhang Kai was sprayed with saliva, he didn't know what to say, after all, he was just a small town lord, thinking about it, if it was him, he would definitely be very angry!

"Marshal, why resist ten days, I think the crown prince wants us to die, we can't obey orders!"

"That's right, Marshal, the crown prince clearly sees us standing on the side of the second prince, and intends to use the hands of the demon sect, except for us!"

The generals bowed to Ding Xiu one by one and said, their tone full of anxiety.

At this time, Ding Xiu frowned, and sighed in his heart, he knew that this order must be the crown prince's special order to deal with the Tianlong army!

It was all because before Ten Thousand Years, Yan Zun promised to abdicate after breaking through Tian Zun, so the prince and second prince of Tianhuo Holy Court started a battle for succession.

Originally, one legion would not stand in line, but five thousand years ago, the Tianlong Army encountered a catastrophe in a war. In an emergency, the second prince personally led troops to rescue them!

In order to repay the kindness, the Tianlong army has since then stood in the second prince's team, and because of this, he offended the prince and was put on shoes everywhere!

Now there is an order to let them perish!

"Okay, my Tianlong Army obeys the order, and I will stand by for one day. After one day, my Tianlong Army will retreat!"

Ding Xiu nodded and said solemnly.

"Marshal Ding, the order is to resist for ten days?"

When Zhang Kai heard Ding Xiu finished speaking, he hurriedly explained.

"What this commander heard was just one day. As for the city master Zhang who sent the message, he died in the battle with the demon sect."

Ding Xiu looked at Zhang Kai and said, as if he was speaking of an established fact.

"Ah, Ding... Marshal Ding, what do you mean by that!"

After Zhang Kai listened to Ding Xiu's words, his whole body trembled instantly, and a bad possibility came to his mind, and then his body felt cold, and he completely lost consciousness!

A general slowly pulled out the long sword stuck in his open chest, and arched his cupped hands at Ding Xiu.

"Bury him generously and pass down the order that all the generals of the Heavenly Dragon Army are not allowed to receive letters from the imperial court."

"One day, our Heavenly Dragon Army resists the Demon Cult for one day, and after that, I will fulfill all the promises made by the court!"

Ding Xiu looked at the sky and said coldly, his tone was full of domineering.


All the generals immediately bowed and said with excitement, their invincible generalissimo is back again!

At this time, the battle in the sky has reached a fever pitch.

The Devil Tiger King's hands holding the giant ax were bursting with blue veins, a black light flashed in a pair of blood-red eyes, and he shouted loudly:

"The pole of the axe, destroy the heavens! Slash!"

A Tongtian ax light suddenly appeared, shattering the void of all things, the law of killing, and the law of blood filled the world, the two laws quickly merged into the ax light, and the power of the ax light exploded several times in an instant!

At this time, in the void a million miles away from the deserted city, some creatures who were attracted by the aftermath of the battle looked at the ax light between the sky and the earth with shocked faces.

"Two laws? This devil tiger king has actually comprehended two laws, and can also fuse the two laws together!"

"A mere demon king is so monstrous, if other demon kings are so powerful, this demon sect really wants to go to heaven!"

Unbelievable voices sounded one after another. It is true that there are too few evildoers who can comprehend the two laws in the Great Saint realm, and those who can fuse the two laws are even more crazy!

Because there used to be an evildoer from the Eastern Territory, and even the powerful Tianzun praised his aptitude as heaven-defying, but in the Great Saint Realm, he insisted on trying to fuse the two laws he realized!

The result is ideal: the rules are melted in the morning, the people are gone at noon, and the banquet is held in the evening!

What they didn't know was that this was already a very common behavior among the top leaders of the Devil's Cult. Li Changsheng combined the two laws as early as more than ten years ago!


But at this moment, Yan Tianlong, seeing the terrifying ax light coming from him, suddenly swears, his heart twitches continuously, the other party has comprehended the two laws and even merged them!

You must know that even if he lived for tens of thousands years, he had only comprehended the law of blood, and the Demon Tiger King on the opposite side was said to be less than a thousand years old!

It's true: people are deader than others, and laws are more abolished than laws!

Not daring to hesitate, Yan Tianlong roared in an instant, and turned into the main body, a dragon snake tens of thousands of feet long, with a dragon body and a snake head, no horns, no scales!

"The dragon and the snake roar to the sky, destroy the world with a gun! Kill!"

The ten thousand-foot dragon snake raised its head to the sky and let out a roar, its body turned into a sharp spear, and charged at the Demon Tiger King. The huge gun light directly shattered the void, suppressing the heaven and the earth, and the law of killing pierced the sky!

boom! boom! boom!

The ground cracked, huge black holes formed one after another, the light of the ax became more and more intense, and the light of the gun gradually dimmed!


The Demon Tiger King gave a loud shout, and the huge ax directly shattered the spear and struck the huge body of the dragon snake!



A terrifying tearing sound and a terrifying scream resounded through Fang Yuan hundreds of thousands of miles away.

All living beings can hear the unwillingness and a trace of despair in the voice, it is a cry of helplessness despite all efforts!

After a breath!

The shocking light of the ax dissipated, and the terrifying vibration between the heaven and the earth calmed down, as if nothing had happened!

However, all the creatures quickly turned their eyes to the bottom of the battlefield, where lay a ten thousand zhang dragon snake that had been split in half, and there was a trace of unwillingness in the eyes of death!

In front of the dragon snake, there was still a long spear that had been broken into two sections, and it kept trembling, as if it was like its own master, unwilling!

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