Zhou Qiong ignored the many strong people who left, because at the latest, tomorrow would be the time for them to cry.


Zhou Qiong sat on the magic dragon seat again, feeling a flash of joy in his heart. Since his rebirth, the small battles were all subordinates, and the big battles were basically instant kills.

It was the first time that this kind of fight lasted for half an hour, but the result was very cool, and the ideas were cleared up a lot.


With the sound of shattering in his body, Zhou Qiong felt that the power of his own soul began to soar, all the way to the Realm of the sixth floor of Tianzun.


Zhou Qiong exhaled a turbid breath, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. Killing Tang Yu this time was quite rewarding.

Not only there are big gift bags, star beads and other treasures, but also the soul power that has been stagnant for a long time has skyrocketed a lot.

It can be described as: instant riches!

"Boss, boss, the dragon liver is ready!"

Dabai quickly ran up to Zhou Qiong, held up the whole dragon liver with Magic power and handed it to Zhou Qiong.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "Leave some for me, the boss, I'm sure I can, just a little bit."

Seeing Dabai's actions, Zhou Qiong was amused for a while, obviously he wanted to eat it very much, but he still handed all the dragon livers to him.

He reached out to take the dragon liver and sent it to his own mouth.

Dabai saw that Zhou Qiong didn't show any signs of breaking himself, and immediately closed his eyes, his heart twitched constantly, feeling sad.


But after thinking about it, this is the boss of his own family, so if you don't give it, don't give it. Without the dragon liver, there are tiger penis and sheep eggs.

"Well, the boss just finished the battle, and he needs to make up for it. He should eat all of it." Dabai kept reminding himself in his heart, and he turned around and was about to walk to the barbecue grill.


There was a sound of objects being broken, and Zhou Qiong directly broke the dragon liver into three parts, threw two small parts to Dabai, and said, "You and Liansheng each have a part."

Dabai first took the two dragon livers blindly, then his face was overjoyed, and he shouted: "Boss, you are so kind (? 1? 1? 6? 6? 1? 1)"

Then the jumper ran towards Liansheng, with two smirks from time to time: "Hey...hehe..."


Zhou Qiong directly swallowed the dragon liver, it melted in his mouth, and the endless fiery energy began to explode in his body, continuously increasing the strength of his physique.

Just less than ten breaths!

Zhou Qiong's physique has increased by about one tenth, which shows how powerful the dragon liver is.

But think about it, it is normal for a real dragon essence that is close to the ninth floor of Tianzun to have this effect.

Not thinking about this!

Zhou Qiong waved his hand and took out a black stone, which was the star stone, and remembered the method of using the system prompt just now in his mind:

Step 1: Open your heart!

Step Two: Put the Star Stone in!

Step Three: Close the Heart!

It's that simple!

No hesitation!


Zhou Qiong waved his hand at Own's heart, and a crack suddenly appeared.

At the same time, control the power in the body to prevent the heart from closing, or Zhou Qiong's terrifying recovery power, such a wound will automatically close instantly.


Under the control, the star stone quickly flew into the heart, and then the heart began to close, and no gap could be seen.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the entry of the star stone, Zhou Qiong's heart began to beat crazily, and with every beat, a large amount of radiant blood flowed out.

A large amount of blood emitting this light gradually flowed into every corner of Zhou Qiong's body.

After half a stick of incense!

All the blood in Zhou Qiong's body was replaced with blood emitting black light, giving people an evil feeling.

This is the power of Star Stone, it can create different divine blood according to the Cultivation Technique of living beings.

"Physical strength has increased by at least twice, and body strength has also increased by 50%. Very good, very strong." Zhou Qiong felt the change in his body, and a smile appeared on his mouth.

Now that the task is completed and Tang Yu is killed, the rest is to squeeze the wool.

at this time!

A Venerable who was hundreds of thousands of miles away looked at Zhou Qiong's direction, his thighs trembling unceasingly.

An unpleasant smell emanated from between the legs, and he said in his mouth: "It's so cruel, it cuts my own heart when I get so ruthless, what a lunatic."

He originally wanted to stay and take a look at the situation, but now he really didn't have the courage, and his figure disappeared into the sky in a flash.


There was a wave of breath in the wasteland!

After eating the dragon liver, Liansheng Cultivation Base broke through again and reached the second level of Venerable!

Time passed slowly!

Before you know it, a day has passed!

boom! boom! boom!

The entire Yin & Yang world sky began to resound with thunder, and then a list emerged.

All the powerhouses looked at the list in the sky, with a glint of anticipation in their eyes, because they didn't know if they could make the list yet.

Fonts slowly emerged on the list!

Heavenly Realm!

First place: Zhou Qiong!

Second place: Three-eyed Heavenly Venerate!

Third place:....

Venerable environment!

First place: Liansheng!

Second place: Sword Master!

Third place: .....

Names emerged from the quick list one by one, and after ten breaths, all the names had completely emerged.

"Hey, daddy killed two yin beasts of the same level, how could he be without me, Dammit, his mentality collapsed instantly."

"Haha, there is this deity, and this deity is on the list. It's 29th on the Venerable list. It's so good."

"Hey, it really is Demon Zhou who is number one, but this deity is convinced, who is really fierce."

Many strong men looked at the list in the sky, some wailed, some laughed, and some looked calm as expected.

On the wasteland!

Zhou Qiong looked at the list in the sky, a thought flashed in his eyes, and he actually arranged himself on the list of Tianzun.

It seems that this list should be ranked according to combat power, or because of the hidden system.

This side of the world can't determine his real Realm, so it can only be ranked according to his combat power.


There was a burst of violent spatial fluctuations, and a light door appeared in the distance. Don't think about it, it must be the exit from this world.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Many strong men rushed directly to the light gate. Now that the game is over, it is meaningless for them to stay here.

And with the death of a large number of Yin beasts, the whole Yin & Yang world is filled with a strong stench, which makes people not want to stay for a long time!

"The opportunity to gather wool has come, let's go!"

A ray of light flashed in Zhou Qiong's eyes, and with a cold drink in his mouth, the figure rushed towards the light gate quickly.

The speed was unbelievably fast, at this moment Zhou Qiong used his fastest speed, because he had to reach the light gate in the first place.

Only in this way can his wool-sweeping plan be perfectly implemented, otherwise, if the sheep is allowed to run away, it will not be able to be plucked.

"Old Da, Ni Deng Deng."

Dabai swallowed all the unfinished food on the grill in one gulp, while chewing hard, he rushed towards Zhou Qiong quickly, his eyes began to turn white.

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