Villain Should Be Invincible

Chapter 554: Eight Scrolls

A huge military camp stands on the wasteland!

Demonic flames billowed above the barracks, and blood filled the heaven and earth, making Fang Yuan thousands of miles away, and no creature dared to approach.

When some strong men passed by, they only dared to take a hasty look and left quickly.

Because they are no strangers to this kind of barracks!

This is obviously the barracks of the demon soldiers of the Demon Cult. There are not a few barracks like this in the entire Eastern Region.

In the central military tent!

Li Changsheng and Chen Shu are sitting at the top!

On both sides sat Bingli and other hall masters, as well as several Demon Cult Outer Sect protectors, including Xiong Batian whose strength had reached the second level of Tianzun.

Behind Bingli and the others stood some second-generation disciples of the Devil's Cult, all of whom were above the peak Great Saint Realm, and four or five of them had even reached the Venerable Realm.

"Haha, this Fengzhou is really unbeatable. We took down this big state in less than three days. According to this speed, we will be able to flatten the north in less than a year."

Chu Kaishan, the master of White Tiger, said with a big smile.

Hearing that, the other high-ranking members of the Devil's Cult also looked at each other and smiled, and all their eyes were on Li Changsheng, who was at the top.

Originally, even though most of the forces in Fengzhou had surrendered long ago, the rest of the forces would not surrender in just three days.

All thanks to Li Changsheng!

Li Changsheng didn't ask you whether to surrender or not at all, and started fighting when he came up, which completely baffled the Fengzhou forces.

This doesn't follow the routine!

In the past, they didn't think much about resisting the Devil's Cult tenaciously, they just wanted to negotiate terms with the Devil's Cult based on the strength of their numbers.

For example: I have less background information, can I arrange a position in the Devil's Cult, and some even want some benefits.


All this was spoiled by Li Changsheng's actions!

After Li Changsheng's quick operation, he just started playing without asking anything, and the effect was extremely remarkable.

Later, the Demon Cult's army didn't have to move out anymore!

The leaders of the major forces in Fengzhou all ran to the gate of the barracks, begging for surrender.

at last!

Li Changsheng had no choice but to accept the surrender of the Fengzhou forces!

"As far as Hall Master Li's style of play is concerned, if that force dares to resist, isn't that taking the initiative to seek death?"

Wan Li, the master of Black Tortoise, took a sip of his drink and said with a smile.


"It's time to study the battle in Youzhou. This hidden anti-magic alliance must be lured out."

Chen Shu shook the folding fan in his hand and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Chen Shu's words, all the senior executives frowned. They had all heard the news of the Anti-Magic Alliance in the past two days.

A mysterious organization hidden underground!

"The You Clan wrote in a letter saying: There are several Heavenly Venerates at the eighth and ninth floors in the Anti-Magic Alliance, and there are many other Heavenly Venerates. Can this be true?"

Bingli's eyes showed a trace of suspicion, as if she didn't quite trust the news.

It is really!

So many Celestials sound too scary, nearly ten Celestials, plus some Venerables.

The forces of the Anti-Demon Alliance, if not counted as the Demon Cult, can already sweep the Eastern Region.

"It should be true!"

"The You Clan doesn't need to lie to us about this matter, no one will do such an obviously thankless task."

Li Changsheng said firmly.

Li Changsheng knew it must be true since the You Clan came to report the news a day ago.

Because if it's fake!

There is no need for You Clan to tell himself and the others that when he leads troops to attack, wouldn't it be more effective to attack suddenly.

"The anti-magic alliance came to us first, and it seems that they regard our army as a soft persimmon."

Chen Shu's eyes flashed coldly, the four armies of the Devil's Cult were fighting separately, but his side was being targeted.

It is clear!

The other party just regarded them as soft persimmons and wanted to squeeze them!

"However, with so many Heavenly Venerates, it is indeed a bit difficult for our army to deal with."

Xiong Batian scratched his head and said softly, after he finished speaking, he sneaked a few guilty glances at Li Changsheng and others.

Not that it wants to lower morale!

But in this army, Heavenly Realm is the only strong person, and the Cultivation Base is only the second floor of Tianzun.

It is impossible for it to defeat the many powerful members of the Anti-Magical Alliance mentioned in the information.

"Knife crazy!"

Li Changsheng snorted coldly!

"The subordinates are here!"

Dao Chi, who was dressed in a black robe and carried a long knife, stood up and bowed in response.

"The order will be passed on. The Demon Cult's army will formally attack Youzhou tomorrow. As Li Changsheng said, Youzhou will be captured within a day."

Li Changsheng said with firm eyes, as if the matter of taking Youzhou in one day would definitely be completed.


Dao Chi took the order and slowly withdrew from the military tent.

"Master Li, this..."

Xiong Batian pointed at Dao Chi who went out a little confused.

Obviously, he was still studying how to deal with the powerful anti-magic alliance in the last breath, so why would he formally attack in the next breath.

What kind of brain circuit is this Hall Master Li?

Could it be that he has been watching the house too many times, and he no longer knows how to fight!

No way, since the leader can let Li Changsheng command the army, there must be a reason for it.

Xiong Batian's head was about to explode, but he couldn't figure out what was going on. Confused! (?0?7?0?2?9?3?0?7?0?2)

But the other high-ranking members of the Devil's Cult in the Great Hall had a familiar expression, as if they had guessed something.


Bingli directly took out a scroll and placed it on the table.

"This is a new scroll made by the leader. It shouldn't be a problem to kill a strong person on the eighth or ninth floor of Tianzun."

at the same time!

Chu Kaishan, Wan Li, and Chen Shu each took out a scroll and put it on the table.

"There are four scrolls now, but it's still a bit unsafe to deal with the Anti-Magic League!"

Chen Shu looked at the four scrolls on the table and said.


All the creatures in the tent looked at Li Changsheng!


Li Changsheng smiled, quickly took out four scrolls from his pocket, put them on the table, and said:

"This hall master has four scrolls, all of which were made recently!"

"Yesterday, my hall master asked for help from the other three armies. No more, no less. The army of the first line supports one scroll, which is enough."

The corners of their mouths twitched as many senior Demon Cult leaders looked at the four scrolls on Li Changsheng's desk.

They have found it!

This Li Changsheng is not only a good housekeeper, but also a ruthless man in war. He even invited "rescue soldiers" in advance.

"Eight scrolls are indeed enough. This battle can be fought. Let's try to wipe out that bullshit anti-magic alliance in one fell swoop."

Chen Shu looked at the eight scrolls with a trace of confidence in his eyes, which was not confidence in the scrolls.

It's the confidence in your own leader!

As long as there is the leader's scroll, there is nothing that cannot be solved. If one fails, then another one will come.


Li Changsheng stood up directly, and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, our army must not lose the momentum of the Demon Cult. Tomorrow's battle must be fought beautifully and wonderfully."



Many senior leaders of the Devil's Cult stood up and responded!

Everyone's eyes are full of fighting spirit, and they also know that their army is the weakest.

But as disciples of the Devil's Cult, no matter how weak they are, they must show the momentum of the Devil's Cult.

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