Villain Should Be Invincible

Chapter 58: Sky Witch Clan, High Priest

After hearing the news from Di Yi, everyone then discussed how to deal with the closure of the city.

"Wood Guardian, Outer Sect Guardian Group, Devil Mouse King, Devil Tiger King, Master Wan!" Lian Sheng said in a deep voice,

"The subordinates are here!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Tomorrow, let's set off to seal the city, let's find out the reality of his closure first!"


At this time, Fengcheng also received the news that the demon sect brought people to attack.

"Dage, the Demon Cult is coming, why don't we just take them all down!"

"No, the leader of the Demon Cult has not been dispatched yet. It is now the critical moment of our plan. If you can delay it for a while, you can take someone to deal with it. Remember not to push the other party too hard, so that the other party will feel certain. Just enough pressure!"

"Yes." A burly man replied.

Outside the city gate of Fengcheng, two groups of people stood facing each other, one side was the members of the Demon Cult, and the other was Fengcheng Tianwu Clan.

"Your Majesty, Wu Shan, I've met the Chief Manager, and I don't know why the Chief Manager came to seal my city!" The burly fifth child of the Tianwu Clan, dressed in a strong suit, said loudly to Lian Sheng of the Demon Cult.

Liansheng looked at Wu Shan opposite, and felt that the other party was indeed very similar to the human race, except that he was bigger and taller than the human race, but everything else was exactly the same, and this was the other party's body, not an illusion.

"Wu Shan, you should know the purpose of my demon sect. If you surrender to Xiancheng, then my demon sect will give you the position of guardian. Otherwise, don't blame my demon sect for being cruel!" Lian Sheng said coldly.

"My Tianwu tribe is willing to surrender!"

Wu Shan's words immediately disrupted Liansheng's rhythm. Shouldn't you refuse directly, and then resist desperately? You are suddenly willing to surrender, what's going on? If you want to surrender, why do you bring many people to confront me? Wait for Liansheng to fully react to this sentence.

The other party continued, "However, I, the Tianwu Clan, have three conditions!"

"What are the conditions?" Lian Sheng's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Wu Shan gloomyly. He felt that the matter was not that simple.

"First, we want five Dharma Guardian positions. As you know, we have five members of the True Martial Realm. Second, the disciples of my Tianwu clan should be the same as normal disciples in the Demon Sect. Third, after this city is closed It is still under the jurisdiction of our Tianwu Clan." Wu Shan said solemnly, as if as long as the Demon Cult agreed to these three conditions, they would immediately surrender.

Liansheng looked at Wu Shan's eyes and pondered. The first two conditions were not considered conditions at all, only the third condition could barely be considered a condition, and as soon as the other party finished talking about the third condition, he immediately looked up at him, although he tried his best to hide it. , but the seriousness in his eyes caught Liansheng's attention.

This day, the Wu Clan insisted on holding on to the territory of this sealed city, and even expelled all the creatures after the occupation. There must be a big secret hidden in this sealed city, and it is a secret that is very important to the Tian Wu Clan.

"Okay, my Demon Cult agrees to your request, quickly open the city gate and let us in!" Lian Sheng looked at Wu Shan with a sneer.

Wu Shan's expression changed when he heard this, he clenched his fists and looked at Liansheng and said, "It seems that the Demon Cult doesn't agree with our conditions, so let's see what your Demon Cult is capable of."

Liansheng didn't talk nonsense, the opponent's state didn't intend to surrender at all, waved his hand, and the Demon Cult immediately rushed up, this time six Outer Sect guardians came, plus one Mu Lao, a total of seven True Martial Realm masters , while the Tianwu Clan has only five True Martial Realm masters.

Mu Lao didn't attack directly, but guarded Liansheng's side. After all, six against five, everyone is the lower level of True Martial Realm, and the Demon Cult obviously has the upper hand.

But things didn't go as they expected, Wu Shan directly blocked the two Outer Sect protectors, and he obviously didn't lose the wind. He was dressed in a strange Cultivation Technique, with his feet on the ground, his whole body was emitting a khaki-yellow light, and his strong momentum was endless. Absolutely, it seems that I don't know how tired I am at all.

In several other battles, the Devil's Cult gradually fell into a disadvantage. This day, the Wu Clan didn't seem to be worried about consumption, and Zhao Zhao went all out, making everyone in the Demon Cult tired of dealing with it.

Looking at the situation in the field, Mu Lao said softly to Lian Sheng, "Boss, I'll help too."

"Go." Lian Sheng said in a deep voice, looking at several True Martial Realm masters of the Tianwu Clan opposite him, frowning deeply, he felt that the opponents seemed to have not tried their best, especially Wu Shan, although one person held back two He is a true Martial Realm master, but his moves seem to be avoiding the vital points, and he has no killing intent at all.

Others may not feel it, even the two True Martial Realms who are fighting against Wushan have no reaction, they just think that neither of them can take down the other, but they don't know that if the other doesn't hold back, the two of them may have died here up.

Only because of Liansheng's practice of the Sunflower Magic Tome, his eyes are full of divine intent, and he can see more carefully than ordinary people, can he see that the Tianwu clan is keeping their hands.

"Withdraw," a loud shout disrupted Liansheng's train of thought.

It turned out that when Wu Shan saw Mu Lao's attack, he didn't resist at all, and directly let the Tianwu clan retreat into the closed city, leaving behind him, and after hard-pressing Mu Lao's two attacks, he also retreated back to the closed city.

As soon as the Tianwu Clan entered the closed city, a huge protective shield appeared in the city. No matter how the demon cult members attacked and insulted them, they could not leave the city. Shake it, and finally have no choice but to retreat first.

Wu Shan returned to the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion, and before entering the door, he yelled loudly, "Dage, the Demon Cult is not very good. If you hadn't told me to hold back, I would have wiped him out today!"

When Wu Shan entered the meeting hall, he found that everyone didn't pay any attention to what he said, but all had solemn expressions on their faces.

He looked up, and suddenly found that the person sitting in the first seat was not Dage, but an old man. The old man was pale at this time, with a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, and a puddle of blood on the ground in front of him. Obviously just vomited blood.

Wu Shan looked at the old man in surprise, and shouted loudly, "High Priest, why did you come out? Who hurt you! See if I, Wu Shan, can't kill him."

Wu Li (that is, Dage called by Wu Shan) on the side coughed, "Stop yelling, no one hurt the high priest, and the high priest just divined a character this time."

"What character!" Wu Shan asked curiously, thinking how powerful the other party must be to make the high priest vomit blood.

"The High Priest has just had a fortune-telling about Zhou Qiong, the leader of Demon Cult"

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