Villain Should Be Invincible

Chapter 589 The Heart Of The Demon Realm

Many high-ranking members of the Devil's Cult put away the Dao Beads one after another, and then discussed some disciple competitions and the search of the Four Regions.

After half an hour!

Many high-level officials bowed out of the Heavenly Devil Hall!

Only Zhou Qiong was left in the entire Heavenly Devil hall, and Dabai, who was tired from beating Xiong Wei just now, came back to rest for a while.


A burst of fluctuations sounded!

I saw a black seed appearing in Zhou Qiong's hand, above which exudes a strong law of magic!

It is the heart of the Demon Realm that was opened in the big gift bag!

For more than a year!

Except for comprehending the law of time, Zhou Qiong spends the rest of his time refining this seed!

"Heart of the Demon Realm, today I will see how strong you are!"

Shut up!

Zhou Qiong threw the Demon Heart in his hand to the ground!

I saw that the heart of the Demon Realm directly merged into the ground, and then infinite black energy emanated from above!

The black air quickly enveloped the range of Heavenly Devil Peak, and at the same time, it expanded crazily to the outside world, faster and faster!

Just less than an hour!

The entire underground of the Eastern Region has been shrouded in black air, and the endless laws of magic quickly suppressed other laws of the original Eastern Region.



The endless thunder above the entire Eastern Territory began to flicker frantically, as if the heavens were angry.


Inside a city!

"What's going on here? Could it be that another emperor has fallen? No, it's not raining blood."

"The sky is full of thunder, why do I feel that God is angry? Who provoked God?"

Doubtful voices kept ringing out.

All living beings were shocked by the vision between the heaven and the earth, the thunder in the sky was more terrifying than when the Thunder Emperor's inheritance was opened.

It's as if God wants to wipe out the Eastern Territory!

"Look quickly, why is there black energy in the thunder?" A Great Saint expert pointed at the thunder in the sky and shouted.

at this time!

The other powerhouses also discovered the problem, and the thunder in the sky seemed to be corroded by black air.

Although it is constantly flashing, it is obvious that its power is getting weaker and weaker, as if it is about to be occupied!

"Could it be that someone is occupying this world?" A Venerable said in disbelief, then shook his head to dismiss the idea.


This idea is too absurd, even though the world of the Eastern Territory is broken, even Heavenly Dao cannot be manifested.


Heaven and earth are the supreme existence!

What else can occupy it!

He doesn't know!

His guess is basically close to reality, this is exactly the reaction caused by the Heart of the Demon Realm in occupying the Eastern Territory!

Endless Thunder is just the instinctive resistance of Heaven and Earth, but without the assistance of Heavenly Dao, it can't do anything at all!

Can only be occupied by the heart of the Demon Realm little by little!


sea ​​area!

Inside a huge island!

The Wu tribe is living in it. Originally, Wu Lao planned to use his body to transform into Wudao after he came back!

It's a pity that the disciples of the Wu nationality disagreed with life and death!

It's fine if they didn't know before, but now they know how dare they live on their ancestors!

Let’s not talk about being disrespectful, it’s inconvenient to do something, isn’t it!

In the center of the island!

Wu Lao looked up at the vision in the sky, his eyes showed a look of horror, and he murmured:

"It's actually seizing the sovereignty of heaven and earth, such a powerful law of magic, is this Zhou Qiong's backer?"

"But after seizing this world, what effect will it have? Is it to stabilize the Eastern Territory from collapse."

The more Wu Lao thought about it, the more confused he became.

Ever since it heard that Zhou Qiong was not an apprentice of Devil Venerable, it hasn't been out of the house for half a month!

I kept thinking about Zhou Qiong's actions in my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more I was surprised and shocked!

It found that every step taken by the other party seemed to be pretending to be foolish, but there was some deep meaning in it!

"I hope the old witch's calculation was correct!" Wulao sighed, but there was a trace of relief on his face!

Originally, it was worried that the Eastern Territory would be collapsed by the devouring formation, but now it will not be suppressed by this terrifying law of magic!


In the past, the Eastern Territory was supported by it, and it felt too tired for hundreds of Ten Thousand Years to support it alone!

Now there is Zhou Qiong to help it carry the banner!

It really can be a lot easier!


The thunder between heaven and earth became weaker and weaker!

After going on for three hours, all the thunders were covered by black air!

In the end, it slowly disappeared into the sky, and everything seemed to be normal again, but the creatures in the Eastern Region felt very wrong.

But what exactly is wrong, they can't tell!


Inside the Palace of Heavenly Devil!

"Ding, the heart of the Demon Realm has initially merged, I hope the host will continue to work hard!"

The voice of the system appeared in Zhou Qiong's mind.

at the same time!

Zhou Qiong can feel it!

I had a little control over the Eastern Territory, and Zhou Qiong waved his hand lightly, and a law of ice emerged.


Dabai, who was lying on his stomach, suddenly stood up, looking at the law of ice appearing in the Great Hall, a trace of confusion appeared in the dog's eyes.

To know!

It is Zhou Qiong's first pet!

It can be said that it has a deep understanding of its boss, it has never seen the boss use the law of ice before!

"Could it be that the boss used to sneak behind my back.... Lying on... d(? 0? 1д? 0? 1? 2? 9)!"

Before finishing the vernacular, he suddenly found that his boss waved his hand again, and hundreds of laws appeared in the Great Hall at the same time.

That's right!

That's hundreds of rules!

"This... this... hiss... Could it be that I am so tired from beating the sunspots, I have hallucinations, no, I have to sleep for a while."

Dabai rubbed Own's eyes, hurried back to the tiger kennel, and fell asleep in seconds! (?0?7-?9?3?2?9`)

"Sure enough, the power of all the laws of the Eastern Territory can be initially used with the heart of the Demon Realm. Although it is not as good as what I have comprehended, it is still strong enough."

Zhou Qiong kept waving his big hands!

The power of laws keeps emerging, although they are very weak, but they are the power of laws!

That's right!

At this time, Zhou Qiong can use the Heart of the Demon Realm to mobilize the power of many laws in the Eastern Territory!

Although the heart of the Demon Realm has not yet fully integrated with the Eastern Territory, it cannot exert too much power!


By mobilizing the power of heaven and earth from the Eastern Region, Zhou Qiong's strength has indeed increased tenfold!

"System, there is something that can speed up the fusion speed."

"Host, you can arrange the dragon veins of the Eastern Territory into a magic formation, which will not only increase the fusion speed, but also make the Eastern Territory more stable."

"Exchange it!"

"Ding, the exchange of the magic domain array was successful, and the villain value was consumed by 100 million!"

Hearing the system's voice, Zhou Qiong nodded, not feeling too distressed, after all, he really doesn't lack villain value now.

"Recommend some things that can improve the strength of the disciples of the Devil's Cult. This seat should be squandered."

"Dafang, host, this system recommends you to buy..."

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