Villain: Start From Conquering The Blackened Female Villain

296 Yan value is exchanged for IQ? (Subscription required)

Shen Lang, useless!

Although it is not completely scrapped, but for an entertainment protagonist.

Being targeted by entertainment industry bosses like Du Jingrong.

He basically stopped playing.

So after the last ending, Lu Yu didn't care about him.

Turn to study Ye Bai.

Ye Baidiaosi turned over, worth trillions in five years?

What is this concept??

In this era, he is synonymous with wealth.

Is the real stealth richest man!

But still the same sentence, the most difficult thing to explain about Diaosi's turnaround is the issue of assets.

Don't look at those systems that are bound to basically say that all sources of wealth are legal and compliant.

But is it really legal?

This is simply not possible.

How can a diaosi own trillions of assets in just five years with limited principal?

Only when dreaming.

Although Lu Yu drew a lot of fixed assets such as hotels and commercial streets in the lottery.

But Lu Yu had a lot of industry as a cover.

Those black technology industries have been recognized by the state.

So Lu Yu is not afraid of being checked by others.

The most important thing is that Lu Yu is worth less than one trillion.

Why is this Ye Bai?

So I decided to report it to my wife without explaining it.

It's just that Lu Yu never thought that Song Siyao would actually give him such an explosive news?

"Pregnant? Really?

"Can I still lie to you? 35

Song Siyao said angrily.

The two were together when they were dealing with Fang Zhe.

It's been almost three months now.

There have been several occasions when no security measures have been taken.

During the Chinese New Year, she found out that she didn't come.

Then I went to check it and it was clear that it was a pregnancy reaction.

It's just that I didn't have time to tell Lu Yu.

But now.

"Also thoughtful about... Lu Yu.

Song Siyao is a heroine and a policeman, so it is impossible to make jokes about this kind of thing.

"Okay, then find a time to get the certificate! 99

"You....really willing to get the certificate with me?"

Although after getting along for this period of time, she still has a certain trust in Lu Yu.

But hearing Lu Yu say this, Song Siyao still couldn't believe it.

"Isn't that nonsense?"

Lu Yu said as a matter of course: "Whether it is for profit or for other reasons, it is inevitable for the two of us to get married! 99

"Even if I don't have children, I have to marry you, right?"

Hearing this, Song Siyao smiled knowingly!

"Hehe! Aren't you afraid that the child is not yours?

"I don't allow you to insult yourself like this! 99

'You.... hate it to death.

Song Siyao on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then said with an angry expression.


If the child is not Lu Yu's, the insult is really her own.

As a descendant of an aristocratic military family, he has been fascinated since childhood, and everything he has learned is absolutely positive.

How is it possible to do something like cheating?

Let Lu Yu like to be a father?

Although this kind of thing is very common in reality, it is also very common in female frequency texts.

But in male-frequency novels, it is basically impossible.

Song Siyao is not only the heroine, but also a policeman.

You won't have sex with other men after you have a husband!

Let alone having a relationship, even a little intimacy is impossible.

So what Lu Yu said is not wrong at all.

After discussing the specific date of obtaining the certificate, Lu Yu hung up!

Meanwhile, the other side.

In a cozy little villa in Yanjing.

Situ Yan looked at the man in front of him and said seriously.

"Husband, tell me honestly, why do you have so much money'~?"

I thought that my husband's monthly salary plus bonus was almost 20,000, and I also had nearly 10,000.

The two have no children.

It's a well-off family anyway.

Unexpectedly, the liquor used at home to remove the smell is all out-of-print Maotai?

How many bottles down is a BMW?

The toy luxury car keys in the box are all real?

Well, Situ Yan's IQ is just like that.

Real car keys and toy car keys are indistinguishable!

Hearing his wife's words, Ye Bai touched his nose and smiled helplessly: "Didn't I tell you?"

"I used to be in business, and these things were earned from business before.

"But that's too much."

Ye Bai has answered this question countless times during this time.

But Situ Yan was still worried.

After all, the stones in the fish tank are all suet and Tianyu.

Can buy a few suites.

Who wouldn't be fooled by this??

"Not much, you can use it anyway.

Ye Bai said helplessly.

He just wanted to live some peaceful life.

Unexpectedly, Situ Yan exposed his old bottom to the media for the 100,000 yuan bonus.

"Alas! This peaceful life is probably not going to last.

Ye Bai sighed helplessly!

In fact, Ye Bai's script is very monotonous.

in his script.

From the beginning to the end, it is the plot of the private money program team finding all kinds of luxury goods in his home.

Find something to drink for a while, the program team and experts for another while, and the audience watching the live broadcast for another.

Every time you find something, all kinds of amazement, all kinds of research.

Just the two-hour plot of the program team looking for something in his villa was abruptly written by the author for more than 200 chapters.

But Lu Yu can't see these plots.

He doesn't even need to look.

A protagonist like this, who can't do anything but pretending to be coercive, just gets caught and it's over.

Song Siyao's artificial intelligence has been handed over to the state, what if the department where he works is not enough to investigate?

It's ok!

It is only right and proper for the husband to help his wife.

As soon as Fang Ping made his move, he knew if there was any.

In just one afternoon, Fang Ping's ability stunned the entire special ability investigation team.

"Hey man, I think you should come to work in our department."

Xu Feng, who used to be Song Siyao's partner, invited him very sincerely.

You know, who is Ye Bai?

That's the protagonist.

Their technicians can only investigate some basic information.

They can't dig deep data at all.

And Fang Ping took only one afternoon to investigate Ye Bai's secret information.

This kid is absolutely talented!

"I'm sorry, I work for Young Master Lu, as long as Young Master Lu speaks, I have no problem.

"Haha, just kidding!

Xu Feng let out a haha: "How could I be so embarrassed to poach Young Master Lu's people? But now it's basically confirmed that this kid named Ye Bai really has a problem."

"My parents are just ordinary workers. Five years ago, he was just an ordinary college student. After graduating from college, he started his own business. In five years, the market value of his assets was close to one trillion?

"This kind of speed of making money only exists on TV."

After saying these few words, Xu Feng glanced around.

"Who among you would like to interrogate him?"

Song Siyao volunteered: "I'll go!

"I'll go as well!"

"I'll go with Siyao too.

Three days later, Ye Bai was brought by Song Siyao with two colleagues to the door.

Since his identity was discovered by the private money program group, Ye Bai did not go to work either.

At this time, he was sitting in the villa, looking at Song Siyao and the others with disdain.

"Want to investigate me?"

Ye Bai smiled disdainfully: "You guys are worthy too?"

"Mr. Ye, please cooperate with our work!"

Seeing Ye Bai's mighty appearance, a member of the special ability team said a little unhappy.

Although many rich people have their own arrogant capital.

But this guy is still so stubborn when he is about to die??

"..I don't want to talk now. If you really want to ask, go to my legal team."

Song Siyao is dressed in a special police uniform and looks valiant.

"You must cooperate with our investigation or we have the right to arrest you.

"Arrest me? Why?"

"Because you are a commoner of the Xia Kingdom, and because we have evidence that you have a large amount of funds from unknown sources. 55

"According to our survey data, your parents were just ordinary workers five years ago, with a salary of three or four thousand yuan a month."5

"And within a week of graduating from college, you bought a house of your own with full money."

"This house is more than three million yuan, and the funds were not given by your parents. Where did you get the money?"

"And, less than a month after that, you buy your first car in your life.

"This is a Bugatti, the cheapest Bugatti Veyron costs 25 million, where does the money come from?

"You haven't traded stocks or done business during this period!"

Song Siyao paused when he said this: "Mr. Ye, don't tell me, you made this money out of thin air, right?


Hearing Song Siyao's cold words, Ye Bai frowned.

These guys, knowing so much, obviously came prepared.

"System, didn't you say that these things definitely came through formal channels? Why are they investigating these now?"

[This...may be just an accident. 】

"Accidental?? What am I...35

Ye Bai wanted to get angry.

But this time, he didn't dare to show it.

After being unable to answer Song Siyao's questions, he was taken back to (Zhao Ma's) Special Ability Investigation Bureau.

Situ Yan, who was at work, received news that her husband was taken away by the state.

The whole person panicked.

But she is just a fool and sweet, and she has no ability to rescue her husband at all.

So just be in a hurry.

It was seven days after Ye Bai was captured.

One of Ye Bai's most trusted lawyers found Situ Yan.

"Miss Situ, you are the only one who can save President Ye now."

"Me??" Situ Yan looked confused.

The lawyer explained it to her.

So Situ Yan was taken to a five-star hotel in Yanjing by the lawyer in order to save Ye Bai.

The lawyer asked him to wait in the private room, and then went out to the toilet alone.

Soon 'Luo Yun' came out of the toilet.

"Hello, Miss Situ, my name is Luo Yun......""

"Mr. Luo, can you really save my husband?

"Of course it can.

"Really? Please, save my husband, please? My husband must be wronged.

'Luo Yun' raised the corner of his mouth: "It's no problem to save your husband, but it depends on whether you understand or not...  

"I'm sensible, of course I'm sensible!"

Situ Yan was very anxious: "What does Mr. Luo want me to do?

Lu Yu:

She has already hinted it so clearly, this woman can't hear it??

Is there really such a stupid woman these days?

Is this face value traded for intelligence??

"Forget it, I'll be more direct, you-

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