Suppress Ye Feng?

Su Lin remembered that Ye Feng's first pot of gold was hoarding an equipment called [Destiny Necklace] in the game [Angel City]. The

[Destiny Necklace] itself was not valuable. It was only fifty yuan a piece before the revision. But a few days later, when the game version was updated, everyone suddenly discovered that there was a bug in the splash damage of the [Destiny Necklace], and the damage could be infinitely stacked. As long as one person in the group had this necklace, they could pass the latest world boss.

Instantly, the [Destiny Necklace] became a hot commodity, rising from two hundred yuan to a peak of more than six thousand yuan, which lasted until the official discovered this bug and patched it, so that the splash effect could only be stacked five times, and the price dropped rapidly.

Ye Feng also took this opportunity to hoard the [Destiny Necklace] with the fifty thousand charity funds raised by the school and made millions in one wave.

Now that he knew how Ye Feng made his first pot of gold, Su Lin felt that it would be much easier to deal with him.

The next step was to find someone to do the job, and Su Lin set his sights on Chen Yang in the back row.

Like Xia Shiyu, Chen Yang is a poor family in the class. His parents died early, leaving only him and his elderly grandfather at home, as well as a ten-year-old sister who is in the second grade of junior high school. In addition to his grandfather who occasionally makes some money from farming, the family relies on subsidies to make a living. He usually gives people the impression of being cruel and violent. Su Lin knows that this is just a protective color he has given himself.

In the original book, Ye Feng borrowed 100 yuan to treat his sister, and gained a super loyal thug brother who did a lot of shady things for Ye Feng.

Later, even Chen Yang's younger sister was not spared and was taken into the harem.

After school, Ye Feng deliberately slowed down. He knew that Chen Yang was the last one to leave the classroom every day, just to go to the cafeteria to get some leftovers and bring them back to his younger sister. When

Chen Yang saw that there was no one in the classroom, he carried his schoolbag and prepared to leave the classroom.

As soon as he walked out of the classroom door, he saw Su Lin leaning against the window.

Chen Yang frowned and said nothing. Su Lin usually hated these poor students and was unwilling to say a word. Even if he had something to say, he would speak in an imperative tone. So it was obvious that Su Lin was not waiting for him here. As for why Su Lin was standing here, he was not curious and did not want to know.

Chen Yang was about to leave when Su Lin shouted,"Chen Yang~!"

Chen Yang turned around and looked at Su Lin in confusion:"Deputy monitor, what's the matter?"

Su Lin nodded and said,"Let's talk while we walk?"

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The two went downstairs together.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon. Where do you want to go to college?"

Chen Yang shook his head and said mockingly;"College? Deputy monitor, are you kidding me?"

Su Lin shook his head and looked at Chen Yang and said;"Although I don't have much contact with you, do you think I am the kind of person who easily teases classmates?"

Chen Yang was stunned.

In his opinion, a proud person like Su Lin would not do such a boring thing.

Before he could speak, Su Lin said again;"Although your grades are not good enough to get into a key university, you will definitely have no problem getting into a key university. I believe you also know that for people like you, studying is the only way out."

Chen Yang said self-deprecatingly;"The only way out, of course I know, but the tuition fee is tens of thousands, and my family's situation is not good enough......."

Su Lin patted Chen Yang on the shoulder and said with a smile:"I can give you a chance to go to college, do you want it?"

Chen Yang looked at Su Lin doubtfully, with vigilance in his eyes.

Seeing this, Su Lin said arrogantly;"If your grades were not good, do you think I would help you?"


Su Lin saw Chen Yang's expression and knew that this guy had wrong ideas. He smiled and said,"Don't worry, I won't let you do anything illegal or criminal. Have you played City of Angels?"

Chen Yang nodded:"I went to Feng Yifei's house to work part-time before, and he took me to play it a few times."

Su Lin took out a wad of money and a bank card from his pocket and said,"It's ok as long as you have played it. There are 200,000 in this card, and the password is six eights. From today on, you will help me collect an equipment called Destiny Necklace in the game. You can collect as many as you can. This 5,000 yuan is your reward. Do you want to take this job?"

Chen Yang did not take the money and the card immediately. He asked,"Su Lin, aren't you afraid that I will run away with the money? This is more than 200,000 yuan."

Su Lin smiled,"Even though your family situation is so bad, you have never done anything sneaky and have not given up your bottom line. It can be seen that your character is worthy of recognition."

"As for running away, that is even more impossible. You have a grandfather and a sister at home. I heard that you fought with gangsters outside the school for your sister. If you really abandon them all for two hundred thousand, then I, Su Lin, have nothing to say."

Chen Yang took the money and card from Su Lin's hand:"Deputy monitor, I will definitely get this done for you."

Su Lin nodded, not worried about Chen Yang's ability to do things.

He smiled and said;"Don't feel psychologically burdened, and don't think that I am deliberately pitying you, just think of it as a short-term job, you work for me, and I will give you money."

"You can't tell anyone about collecting the equipment, including your family. Everything must be kept secret. Can you promise?"

Although Chen Yang didn't understand why Su Lin asked him to do this, he knew that this was his only chance to go to college, and he must seize it firmly.

"Su Lin, I won't tell anyone, including my little sister."

"OK, that's all you need to say. Next, I'll tell you how to do it."

"Squad leader, the canteen is about to close, I want to go get some food before leaving."

Su Lin scolded with a smile,"Why are you eating cold food in the canteen when you have thousands of dollars in your hand? What, you work for me, Su Lin, how can I let you starve?"


Su Lin said seriously,"Okay, let's do this. During the time you work for me, all the food and drink for you, your grandfather and your sister will be deducted from the card I gave you."

Hearing this, Chen Yang quickly refused,"Squad leader, I can't take this money no matter what. You have already helped me a lot."

"No? Do you think you have more money than me?"

"Okay, I'll give it to you, just take it."

"Thank you, squad leader."

Su Lin waved his hand and said,"Just do what I asked you to do. Let's talk business first......."

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