After two days of intense exams, the last comprehensive science exam was over. Lin Xiaowan and Xia Shiyu quickly gathered around Su Lin with the answers.

"Su Lin, where are your answers?"

Su Lin's face was filled with gloom."The results will be out in an hour at most. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Lin Xiaowan pursed her lips and said,"I lost to you in math and English. I wanted to see if you have made such great progress in comprehensive science."

Xia Shiyu nodded in agreement."Yes, Su Lin, you got all the math questions right. Xiaowan and I got them wrong. You may be the first in the school this time."

Su Lin said calmly,"It's just first place. It's nothing. Xiaowan has been first for three years."

"So what if I was the top student for three years? I studied every day for three years. How about you? You often slack off but still have such good grades."

"Haha, I admit that you study, but most of the time you spend reading extracurricular books."

Lin Xiaowan curled her lips and didn't continue arguing with Su Lin.

She took the answers Su Lin had copied down and quickly checked them.

The answers to the simple questions at the beginning were the same, and she soon got to the short-answer questions.

Lin Xiaowan quickly frowned:"You got the last physics question wrong again, Su Lin, how did you answer it? I saw that you finished it in less than an hour, and you got all the physics questions right."

"I got all the biology questions right. I got two wrong.~!!"Xia Shiyu was also hit by Su Lin

"Chemistry, let's check chemistry." Su Lin had no choice but to check chemistry for them.

The two soon found that they had made mistakes, and Su Lin was right again.

Xia Shiyu and Lin Xiaowan looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Su Lin got full marks in mathematics, comprehensive science and other subjects.

"Sulin, you...."

Su Lin held his hands and said,"Keep a low profile, keep a low profile, I'm just lucky, just lucky."

Lin Xiaowan gently kicked Su Lin's calf;"Luck? Can you tell me what kind of luck can help you get the most difficult questions right?"

"The last question in physics is not something that a human can do. Xiaoyu and I both got it wrong."

Xia Shiyu nodded.

Su Lin looked helpless.

At this moment, Wang Yi came to the door of the classroom. He looked at the noisy classroom and shouted,"Where is Ye Feng? Where is Ye Feng?"

"Teacher, I'm here."

Wang Yi hooked his hand and said,"1 Come with me to the office."


Seeing Ye Feng being called away by Wang Yi, the classroom suddenly became quiet, followed by a more lively discussion.

"I heard that Ye Feng did well in the Chinese test this time, scoring over 100 points."

"hehe....I heard from students in the next class that there is a dark horse in our class, Ye Feng, who scored over 130 in the math test."

"Tsk....Why do you think Wang Dapao called Ye Feng to his office?"

"What else can he do? He must have cheated. The teacher asked him to go to the office to explain the situation."

Everyone was talking at once, almost concluding what happened to Ye Feng.

Su Lin and the other two also heard these discussions.

Xia Shiyu had no expression on her face, and looked indifferent.

Su Lin and Lin Xiaowan looked at each other and saw something flashing in each other's eyes.

The two of them had a bet.

Lin Xiaowan whispered,"If Ye Feng cheats, you lose."

Su Lin nodded:"Of course.’

"Xiaowan, what are you talking about with Su Lin?"Xia Shiyu asked curiously.

Lin Xiaowan blushed when she thought of Su Lin's bet, then shook her head:"Nothing"


Ten minutes later, Ye Feng and Wang Yi came to the classroom together.

Wang Yi was holding a stack of papers in his hands.

Ye Feng glanced at Feng Yifei and then walked back to his seat.

"Be quiet"

"The results of each subject have come out, and the results of comprehensive science will also come out before school ends this afternoon."

"There were some dark horses and some students who fell behind in this monthly exam. I will call out the names of those who will come to the stage to take their math test papers.

The whole class fell silent again. Before the results were announced, the students were most nervous.


"Wow! Awesome! Su Lin is so fierce! Full marks!"

"Too strong, is it still human to get full marks in math?"


Su Lin ignored the students' exclamations and walked up to the podium to take the test paper.

"Lin Xiaowan...145"

"Xia Shiyu...142."


"Ye Feng.....130."

As Ye Feng's results came out, the whole class became noisy.

"Is this fake? Ye Feng could score 130? He has never passed math."

"That's right, it's absolutely false."

Feng Yifei stood up and said,"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I don't believe it, Ye Feng must have cheated, teacher, I suspect Ye Feng cheated."

As soon as Feng Yifei's words came out, the whole class fell silent.

Everyone looked at Wang Yi, expecting what he would say next.

Wang Yi cleared his throat and said,"Student Ye Feng did not cheat, at least not in math. I have just asked Ye Feng in the office, and he did get his results through hard work."

"What a joke! It's only been a short time since the start of the school year, and you went from failing to 130. Do you believe that it's you, Teacher Wang?"

Ye Feng was secretly happy when he saw that the whole class was questioning him. The pretentious spirit hidden in his bones was ready to move.

Ye Feng stood up and said,"I did all these questions. I didn't plagiarize."

"Haha, will a thief say he is a thief? Will a psychopath say he is a psychopath?"Feng Yifei sneered.

Wang Yi:"This...."

What should I do?

At this time, Lin Xiaowan stood up and said,"Teacher Wang, if you want to confirm whether Ye Feng did this paper himself, it is very simple. You just need to give Ye Feng a question on the spot and let him do it. If he can do it, we can give him a certificate. If he can't do it, then his score is questionable."

"Yes, the monitor is right, do the test on the spot, otherwise it is cheating"

"That's right, the monitor is right."

Su Lin looked at Lin Xiaowan, and Lin Xiaowan gave him a bright smile in return.

Su Lin smiled faintly;"Xiaowan, you haven't given up yet."

Lin Xiaowan whispered;"It's indeed suspicious. You failed before, and now you get 130. Can you believe it in your place?"

Su Lin nodded:"I believe it"


Su Lin smiled and said,"Because the power of love is great."

After saying that, Su Lin looked at Lin Xiaowan with burning eyes.

Lin Xiaowan's heart trembled.

She could understand what Su Lin meant by this, and combined with Su Lin's eyes.

So the reason why Su Lin's test results were so good this time was because of her?

You know, although Su Lin's grades were good before, they were not so abnormal.

Now he suddenly did so well, what else could it be except because of her?

No wonder Su Lin always emphasized to her that the power of love is great. For a moment, Lin Xiaowan was confused. Is the power of love really that strong?

Then if she also falls in love, will her grades be better?

Lin Xiaowan suddenly realized that she was thinking about some content that is not suitable for children, and quickly drove them away, and then glared at Su Lin fiercely.

Su Lin:"????"

"Woman, inexplicable~!!!!"

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