In the end, the three of them went to the playground together to watch the fun.

"There are so many people here, are they all here to watch Yan Huan and Feng Yifei running laps?"

Su Lin said with a smile,"It may be true that they are here to watch Yan Huan running laps, but as for Feng Yifei, who is watching him?"

"Ah~! Why are they all watching Yan Huan running around instead of Feng Yifei?"Xia Shiyu asked in confusion.

Su Lin looked at her 34B and then shook his head:"Xiaoyu, you won't understand why, maybe Xiaowan knows the reason."

Lin Xiaowan glared at Su Lin fiercely:"Su Lin, you are almost the same as these guys, all birds of a feather."

Su Lin nodded:"On this point, I admit that I am a vulgar person. Otherwise, how could I make friends with you."

Lin Xiaowan was so angry at Su Lin's straightforwardness that her chest heaved:"You really don't hide it at all, you even say you are lustful so nicely."

Su Lin shrugged:"If I hide it, you will say I am hypocritical, and if I don't hide it, you will be angry that I am lustful. It's really difficult."

At this time, Xia Shiyu already understood what Su Lin was talking about.

Because she vaguely heard a lot of boys' more explicit remarks

"It's the school beauty Lin Xiaowan. Lin Xiaowan is here to watch the fun."

"And Xia Shiyu, Xia Shiyu is so beautiful"

"Wow! Su Lin, Su Lin is so handsome, he is simply the school idol of our No. 1 Middle School"

"Ye Feng....Ye Feng is here"

"Ye Feng is here, where is Yan Huan? Is she here?"

"I think most likely they won't come. Boys might be able to do it, but a girl like Yan Huan definitely can't do it."

Ye Feng and Xu Jie walked to the playground together:"Xu Jie, I'm not bragging. In two months at most, my grades will surpass Su Lin and become the best in the school."

"Brother Feng, stop kidding. Su Lin is not a human. She got full marks in everything except Chinese. She is simply a monster. I know your grades have improved a lot, but you should not make yourself suffer by comparing yourself with Su Lin."

Ye Feng saw Xu Jie's face full of disbelief, so he smiled and said,"Remember you said the same thing when I made a bet with Yan Huan before, and then, Yan Huan and Feng Yifei both lost, and now they dare not show up in school."

"Therefore, Su Lin is destined to lose to me"

"this...."Okay." Xu Jie nodded, agreeing with Su Lin's statement.........

"Su Lin, did you hear that? Ye Feng said he wants to surpass you." Lin Xiaowan winked at Su Lin and said.

Su Lin shrugged and said,"If he wants to surpass you, then so be it. It's a good thing that he has this confidence.""

"cut~~!~It's boring."

Su Lin said with a smile;"Don't worry about whether it's interesting or not, Xiaowan, don't forget our bet."

Lin Xiaowan's whole body trembled instantly, and then she leaned close to Su Lin's ear and whispered;"Let's talk about it when we go back to the ball tonight"

"OK, let's talk tonight."

Xia Shiyu on the other side looked at the two of them strangely. She felt that they were whispering something, but she didn't hear it clearly.

Seeing Xia Shiyu looking at her, Lin Xiaowan hurriedly said,"Xiaoyu, has Uncle Xia's surgery been scheduled? What did the hospital say? Didn't they say they would have the surgery this week?"

"Ah~! The hospital hasn't arranged a time yet. Ordinary doctors don't dare to do this kind of surgery. The chief doctor must come."

Lin Xiaowan nodded:"Then it will be postponed to next week."

Xia Shiyu nodded:"As long as the surgery is done within a safe time, I'm not in a hurry now."

"Well, just wait for the notification."

As he was speaking, the crowd in front of him suddenly started to make noise.

"Ye Feng, you are too arrogant. You are only over 600, while Su Lin is over 740. How can you compare with him?"

"That is, Ye Feng, although you have made great progress, this progress is based on your poor grades. It is much harder to improve from 600 to 700 than from 300 to 600. You should wake up."

Ye Feng heard the words of distrust from everyone, and he felt happy again.

This is the effect he wanted, he wanted everyone to look down on him, so that he could make a big splash, so that when he slapped Su Lin in the face, it would make a loud bang, making Su Lin a permanent joke in No. 1 Middle School. When people talk about No. 1 Middle School, the first thing they think of is that his grades surpassed Su Lin's.

"Whether I can pass the exam is my business, so you don't need to worry about it."

"you....You don't know what's good for you."

Ye Feng sneered and ignored the girl. His eyes searched the crowd quickly and soon locked onto Su Lin.

He walked up to Su Lin and said,"Su Lin, do you dare to bet with me?"

Su Lin shrugged and said,"Ye Feng, if you are bored, go back and memorize more words. Otherwise, you can call Feng Yifei and Yan Huan to run around the playground."

"Humph~!! I think you don't dare, because you are afraid of losing to me."

Su Lin shrugged again, not caring at all how Ye Feng angered him.

At this time, Lin Xiaowan next to him instigated;"Su Lin, bet with him"

"Yes, Su Lin, bet with him, this guy is so arrogant, he doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."

"The deputy monitor bet with him. Ye Feng needs a lesson."


Su Lin didn't care about what others said, but looked at Lin Xiaowan on the side and said,"What benefit do I get from betting with him?"

"If I win the bet, I have good grades, so I just beat a poor student. If I lose the bet, I will become the biggest joke in the whole school, and it may spread to other schools. Xiaowan, you don’t want to see me make a fool of myself, do you?"

Being stared at by so many people in public, and Su Lin affectionately called Xiaowan, Lin Xiaowan felt a little embarrassed.

She didn't have any good feelings for Ye Feng, especially after the 80,000 yuan incident, Lin Xiaowan only had disgust for Ye Feng.

Seeing Ye Feng so arrogant just now, she subconsciously wanted Su Lin to bet with him, but now thinking carefully, she was indeed a little inconsiderate.

"Su Lin, if you are afraid of losing, then don't gamble, and I won't say anything."

Lin Xiaowan looked at Ye Feng who was standing next to her with an imposing manner. She felt that Su Lin had to gamble again, and he had to win beautifully, otherwise Ye Feng would get crazy.

Lin Xiaowan gritted her teeth, pulled Su Lin over and whispered,"Bet with him, I bet on you to win this time, if you beat him, I....I will date you and be your girlfriend"

"What if I lose?"Su Lin asked with a smile

"Don't tell me you know me if you lose." Lin Xiaowan had a cold face.

Su Lin narrowed his eyes when he heard it;"Xiaowan, are you serious?"

Lin Xiaowan did not dodge this time, but looked directly into Su Lin's eyes and nodded firmly;"Seriously, but you have to win."

Su Lin nodded:"Get ready to be my wife."

After that, Su Lin looked at Ye Feng and said loudly;"Ye Feng, I accept your bet, what's the prize?"

"Good! You still have some manliness."

"The prize is simple, it's still running in circles, if you lose you have to run three laps in the playground and shout loudly, I am a pig."

Su Lin nodded:"Yeah~! You are indeed."

Ye Feng's face was livid:"Su Lin, if you lose you won't be like Feng Yifei and the others and refuse to pay, right?"

Su Lin smiled;"There are so many people here, I still have to save face"

"Damn Ye Feng, who said I'm a debtor."

Feng Yifei walked in from outside the crowd, gave Ye Feng a fierce look and said,"Huanhuan is not feeling well, I'll help him run these three laps."

After saying that, he threw his clothes away, shouted"I'm a pig" and ran out.

Su Lin and Ye Feng didn't expect Feng Yifei to come at the end.

Su Lin narrowed his eyes and said,"Running laps seems too easy, Ye Feng, why don't you do frog jumps, three frog jumps, otherwise anyone can bet with me, then I'm too cheap."

"OK! Just do the frog jump. Don't forget to shout"I am a pig" while you jump."

"Well, you don't have to stress, I know you are"



Xia Shiyu and Lin Xiaowan laughed out loud at the same time, and everyone around them laughed along.

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