After Su Lin finished speaking, Lin Xiaowan and Xia Shiyu fell silent.

Su Lin's idea was very complete, and it could be said that he had thought of all the aspects of opening a supermarket.

After Lin Xiaowan finally digested Su Lin's information, she asked,"Su Lin, what should Xiaoyu and I do? We are just senior high school students. Apart from having better grades, we don't have any special features."

Su Lin shook his head,"No, you haven't realized how much potential you two have."

"Putting aside other things, Xiaowan's ability is obvious. You have clear logical thinking, are good at taking the initiative, and are good at using language skills. If you open a supermarket, then those suppliers will let you negotiate, I think there shouldn't be any problems."

"The goods supplied by a supermarket supplier are one of the main reasons for the survival of the supermarket. If this resource is held by others, it is like holding the throat. So Xiaowan, if you want to participate, I think it is most appropriate for you to talk to the supplier."

"As for Xiaoyu, she is good at budgeting and can spend every penny wisely without wasting money, so Xiaoyu is the best choice to manage finances."

"What about supermarket management? Su Lin, you won’t do it yourself, right?"Lin Xiaowan looked at Su Lin and asked.

Su Lin smiled and said,"I will definitely not do the management myself. There are people who are more suitable than me."

"Is there someone more suitable than you? Who is it?"Lin Xiaowan asked curiously

"You all know that person, Chen Yang from our class, but he may not be good at developing markets, he can only manage business."

"Oh~! Chen Yang....Su Lin, if you don't tell me, I can't even remember this person."

"Yes, Chen Yang’s presence in the class is not very high, but I don’t know when he stopped going to the cafeteria to get food after school. Xia Shiyu recalled

""I didn't go to the canteen to get food. Su Lin, this should be your credit." Lin Xiaowan looked at Su Lin and asked with a smile.

Su Lin nodded and said,"Chen Yang has made a lot of money with me. Now he can provide for the expenses of the whole family by himself, so he doesn't need to go to the canteen to get food."

"Tsk tsk....Su Lin, don't be so modest. Even the best horse needs a good trainer. Without you, Chen Yang might still be eating cold food in the cafeteria."

"What other good things have you done in class?"

Su Lin waved his hand and said,"No, really no."

"Su Lin, what are you doing?"

"Oh, Su Lin, what are you doing?"

Seeing both women looking at him, Su Lin smiled and said,"Of course I am in charge of the overall situation and coordinate everything."

"Tsk~!! If you say that, then you won’t do anything." Lin Xiaowan rolled her eyes at Su Lin.

"How could you do nothing? Xiaowan, do you know how to negotiate with suppliers? Xiaoyu, do you know how to arrange finances? Chen Yang, do you know how to manage a company? You all don't know. Without a coordinator at that time, the supermarket closed within three days of opening."

Lin Xiaowan always felt that what Su Lin said was not the case, but when she heard him talk, it seemed to be true.

However, what Su Lin wanted was to be a hands-off boss.

In the original book, Ye Feng opened a company here and there, and then threw it to Xia Shiyu when they were established. Xia Shiyu could manage it in an orderly manner.

And Xia Shiyu also started from knowing nothing and developed herself.

So Su Lin was not worried about their abilities at all, but was worried that he would not develop fast enough and could not keep up with the pace of their growth.

"You don't have to worry about Xiaoyu and I bankrupting your company."

Su Lin said with a smile,"Even if we lose everything, so what? I have the ability to let you lose it and learn from it."

"But then again, I think you two have the ability to do this job."

Xia Shiyu was a little timid, she shook her head and said,"Su Lin, I can't do it. Xiaowan has been a class leader since she was a child and has management skills. I am different. I have never managed people, let alone finance."

"Xiaoyu, don't push it. Don't forget that you have already signed a contract with me."Su Lin said with a smile.


"It's okay, I'll be there to supervise."

After saying that, Su Lin looked at Lin Xiaowan:"Xiaowan, what do you say now?"

Lin Xiaowan gave Su Lin a smile and said,"I will definitely participate in such an interesting thing. How can I be absent from starting a business?"

"Where is Xiaoyu?"

"Hey, Su Lin, didn't you say that I have signed a contract with you? Don't worry, I will try my best to keep a record of the income and expenditure, and will not let anyone spend your money recklessly."Xia Shiyu said with a firm face

""Okay~~! Then let's go find a suitable location now."

After parking the car, Su Lin walked down the street with Xia Shiyu and Lin Xiaowan.

Since they had agreed to Su Lin's invitation, Lin Xiaowan and Xia Shiyu began to observe carefully.

Chain supermarkets not only need a good location, but also a wide area with a lot of traffic, so it is not easy to find a suitable house.

"Su Lin, you must have already thought of a suitable location to open a supermarket in Jiangning District."

Su Lin nodded and said,"I have two favorite locations and even a house in mind, but there is no way that the house is someone else's self-occupied house and it is not easy to buy."

"Ah~! Are you planning to buy it directly?"

"Of course, if you rent a house, if the business is good this year, what should you do if the price goes up next year? It is better to buy one. This way you can save a lot of money, and it will be easier to get a loan later."

"Loan? Su Lin, you already have more than 10 million, why do you need a loan?"

Su Lin said with a smile,"Xiao Wan, do you think that my 10 million is a lot? Once a chain supermarket is established, it will grow wildly. When we open several or even dozens of stores at the same time, do you think 10 million is enough?"

"This is the case when everything goes well. If someone sees that the supermarket is making money and wants to open a supermarket, will there be a price war? At that time, 10 million will not be enough to burn in a day."

""Hmm~! It sounds very exciting." Lin Xiaowan said eagerly.

"Haha, this is just healthy competition. What if it is vicious competition?"

"this.....It's just a supermarket, is it that dangerous?" Xia Shiyu asked in surprise.

"Of course there are, but there are definitely not so many things going on right now."

""Hmm~! Su Lin, which building are you talking about? Why don't I go and give it a try? Maybe I can negotiate it. If I can negotiate it, I can avoid a lot of detours." Lin Xiaowan said hopefully.

"Xiaowan, do you want to try it?"

"Hmm~! Now that I have decided to participate, I have to fight for it. I want to give it a try!!"

"Okay, then you go and negotiate, as long as you can get it for around one million."

The land price in Zhongjiang is very cheap now, more than two thousand per square meter, Su Lin thinks it should not be a problem to give Lin Xiaowan one million to get it. If the owner of the building is willing to sell, one million is more than enough, and there is still more.

"Is one million too much?"

Lin Guoqiang is the mayor of Zhongjiang, so Lin Xiaowan has some understanding of the land prices in Zhongjiang.

Su Lin shook his head and said,"It's not much, and there is no premium. Why should they sell it to you?"

"makes sense~!!!"

"Come on, I'll take you over to have a look. You'll have to worry about how to get it."

Lin Xiaowan said proudly;"I won't take on easy tasks."

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