Su Lin didn't know what Lin Xiaowan and Xia Shiyu talked about outside, but when he saw the two of them walking in like sisters, Su Lin knew that he was one step closer to his ultimate goal.

Seeing Lin Xiaowan sitting down next to him, Su Lin smiled and said,"Xiaowan, I'm right, right?"

"Eat your breakfast quickly, it's getting cold."

Su Lin smiled and said,"Not yet, do you want to join us?""

"Forget it, I had breakfast this morning, you should eat it quickly"

""Okay, then I'll eat first."

After saying that, Su Lin saw Ye Feng walking in from outside, holding his stomach.

He was really scared this time. Su Lin's knee strike was too powerful, and it took him twenty minutes to recover.

Ye Feng could see from Su Lin's eyes that Su Lin would really do something to him.

In his previous life, he was just a useless employee who had not experienced any great storms. In this life, he suffered repeated setbacks. Ye Feng no longer had the ambition he had when he was reborn.

Su Lin glanced at Ye Feng and stopped looking at him.

If Ye Feng listened to him, it would be fine. If not, Su Lin didn't mind doing something to Ye Feng to make her unforgettable...........

For the next period of time, Su Lin entered a busy life of going to school.

Chen Yang took three days off to recruit a lot of people, and the decoration of the supermarket has been set up.

Su Lin, Lin Xiaowan, and Xia Shiyu will go to the supermarket to help when they are free. After all, this is the first time for the three of them to start a business, and they are all very concerned.

In the blink of an eye, it is already mid-April.

The exterior decoration of the supermarket has been completed, and the interior decoration is also in full swing.

Su Lin called Xia Shiyu and Lin Xiaowan together.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaowan, the supermarket will be renovated in ten days at most. I just remembered that we still have something important to do."

"Ah~! What else is going on? I have already signed contracts with all the suppliers I need to contact."

"There is no problem with the finances on my side. Sister Xiaojuan is a professional accountant and every penny is recorded."

Su Lin shook his head and said,"That's not it. I mean, we haven't decided on a name for our supermarket yet."


"Oh, the supermarket hasn’t been named yet."

"Isn't it Rain Forest?" Xia Shiyu said naively.

Lin Xiaowan smiled and said,"Xiaoyu is the name of our registered company, not the name of the supermarket."

"Oh~!! I understand."

Su Lin smiled;"It's not impossible, the Rainforest Supermarket chain sounds like it's okay"

"How can a rain forest be mixed with a supermarket? Su Lin, think of a more normal name. Look at those supermarkets abroad, such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, and Carrefour. Although we don't need to learn from them, a good name is easy to remember."

Su Lin nodded:"Indeed, the name of the supermarket should be catchy and easy to remember, and it is best to add the chain supermarket, so that it has a higher B-level."

"Haha, Su Lin, have you thought of a name?"

"How about"Quanleguo"? I think this name is not bad."Su Lin suggested

""Everything is available at Tesco, so everyone can enjoy shopping?" Lin Xiaowan immediately saw the core idea of these three words.

Su Lin nodded:"Yes, that's what it means."

"Let's use this one. I think it's catchy and easy to remember."

"Xiaoyu, what do you think?"Su Lin looked at Xia Shiyu and asked

"I think it's good too.~!!"

"Well, that's fine. I'll call it Tesco later. I'll drive to Shanghai and Beijing and kill Tesco and Walmart."

"Haha, you should start in Zhongjiang first. I want to go to Shanghai now."

"What? Others can go to Shanghai, but I can't. Xiaowan, you have to greet your people and ask them to deliver the goods in advance. We'd better open the supermarket on May 1st Labor Day."

When it comes to business, Lin Xiaowan no longer has the mood to joke. She said confidently,"Don't worry, I have signed the contract here, there will be no problem. I'm just afraid that the decoration will not be completed in time and we will miss the deadline."

Su Lin sighed as he looked at the interior that was being decorated,"Chen Yang is already in a hurry, there is no point in urging him, but I have asked the contractor before, as long as the funds are in place, there should be no problem completing it on the 25th."

"The work will be completed on the 25th, and we still have five days to deliver the goods. So, it should be fine." Lin Xiaowan nodded.

"Yes, before we started, I couldn't have imagined that we could run a supermarket in a month."Su Lin sighed.

This time when he opened the supermarket, he was able to fully see the abilities of Lin Xiaowan, Xia Shiyu and Chen Yang.

He was already a master, but these three all learned from scratch, and in less than a month, they were already quite capable, even more masterful than him.

But what made Su Lin happy was that they were all helping him.

"No one could have imagined it before we did it. Sulin, I think we will succeed this time."

"Oh? Do you think we can succeed too?"

Lin Xiaowan nodded:"The shopping model of supermarkets is too advanced. No matter who comes to the supermarket, they will want to buy something before leaving. Nowadays, people rarely stock up things. There are always things missing at home. As long as they come in, it is unlikely that they will go back empty-handed."

"Xiaowan is right. From vegetables to rice, snacks, home appliances and clothing, supermarkets can be said to supply people's needs to the extreme."

Listening to the analysis of the two women, Su Lin nodded:"This is also one of the reasons why I want to open a supermarket"

"One? Are there any other reasons?"

Su Lin nodded:"Another reason is that I am optimistic about the future real estate market. Supermarkets are generally opened in prime locations, and housing prices will definitely appreciate in the future. By that time, even if a supermarket is opened���If you go down, you can make a lot of money even if you sell the house."

Lin Xiaowan understood Su Lin's intention after a little thought. She looked at Su Lin with a complicated expression and said,"No wonder you said you would rather buy than rent. It turns out you have a backup plan for yourself."

"Haha, Xiaowan, you can't just see the immediate benefits, you have to look at the long term."After saying this, Su Lin looked mysterious.

"Haha, your strategic vision is indeed impeccable. But you always fail to take care of the details."

Su Lin's face turned red;"We have you and Xiaoyu, both of you are thoughtful people. I have said it before, I will control the company's strategic direction and coordinate major events, and you will be responsible for implementation."

"Humph, you are just making excuses for being lazy"

"Xiaoyu and I have been very busy recently, and you are the one who has the least time."

Xia Shiyu rarely spoke up for Su Lin this time, and nodded in agreement:"Xiaowan is right, I haven't read at home for a long time, and every time I go home, I fall asleep immediately. Su Lin, I feel that I will definitely fail this midterm exam."

"If you fail the exam, Sulin, you can find a way to compensate us."

""Hey, can I give you two extra lessons?" Su Lin said with a grin. Lin

Xiaowan widened her eyes when she heard it:"Su Lin, you have the nerve to say that. You are giving us extra lessons. Don't forget that your English can be improved by reading Xiaoyu and my notes."

"That's right, speaking of this, Xiaowan and I made a mistake by lending you our notes, but we both didn't do as well as you did."

"hehe....You two are a united front, breathing out of the same nostril, pointing your spearhead at me"

"Who allowed you to always exploit us?~!!"

"I call that exploitation, I call that reasonable use of your abilities. You should know that a person's ability is only strong as an individual, but if a person can reasonably use the abilities of others, then the power of everyone can be combined to accomplish great things."

"I won't argue with you, you are always right. I'm hungry."

"Su Lin, I'm hungry too."

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