Lin Xiaowan was much quieter on her way back to the classroom.

Su Lin was right. She felt mixed emotions and felt a little uncomfortable.

She had been with her classmates for three years. She knew that some of them had bad personalities, but most of them were good.

However, because Su Lin did not explain once, she was misunderstood by the whole class. This misunderstanding was so deep-rooted that she could not adjust it.

This made her feel very uncomfortable.

Su Lin did so many good things, but because of one thing, he became like this.


"Xiaowan, please don't say you sympathize with me. You know, what I don't need the most is sympathy. And don't even think about helping me. I really don't need it."

"Don't you really care?"

Su Lin said with a smile;"Don't you understand me now? And I saw you chatting with Xia Shiyu just now, so she must know it too, that's enough."


Looking at Su Lin's smile, Lin Xiaowan felt it was very eye-catching, but she had no choice. She had a lot of good intentions but couldn't help Su Lin.

This made her feel very aggrieved, a feeling she had never experienced before.

"Xiaowan, please don't worry about it. The college entrance examination will be in three months. Let me spend these three months in peace and quiet."

"It's you who haven't experienced the baptism of human form yet. These three months may not be so easy. If you are unhappy, you can come to me to tell me."

Lin Xiaowan was puzzled and asked,"Me? How can I be unhappy?"

Su Lin sighed,"Xiaowan, you hid your pride, and the rest is easy-going and tolerant, which is not bad. But when you donated more than 200,000 today, everything changed."

"The first one to be affected is your deskmate and best friend Yan Huan. She is a person who loves to take advantage of others, and she has been asking you for free food and drinks for a long time. I estimate that people like her will ask you to borrow money within three days, one or two hundred, two or three hundred. If you lend her money, she will borrow five or six hundred next time, and then keep borrowing."

Lin Xiaowan was dissatisfied;"I'm not a fool. I won't lend money to others without a reasonable reason."

"Haha, this is the problem. Everyone who wants to borrow money will find a reasonable reason."

Seeing that Lin Xiaowan still looked unconvinced, Su Lin smiled and said,"You will know when the time comes."

Lin Xiaowan remained silent. She felt that Su Lin was just catching wind and drinking. Although Yan Huan often ate and drank for free, it was because her family was relatively poor, and she also brought some food from time to time, although she almost never ate it.

Su Lin shook his head and returned to his seat.

A girl like Lin Xiaowan will only face this problem squarely after she really faces it. At that time, her pride and nobility will surely be revealed.

Su Lin remembered that in the original book, Lin Xiaowan was so innocent until her sophomore year, until one day she was targeted by a student department.

As soon as she sat down, Yan Huan came up to Lin Xiaowan and said sarcastically,"Xiaowan, what's going on between you and Su Lin?"

"What’s going on? Huanhuan, what are you talking about?"

"Xiaowan, you don't usually go to hand in homework with Su Lin, nor do you come back together."Yan Huan looked at Lin Xiaowan with inquiry in her eyes.

Yan Huan knew very well that Lin Xiaowan usually behaved very easy-going and close, but she was very proud in her bones, and not everyone could be her friend. The reason why Yan Huan was able to be close to Lin Xiaowan was largely because they had been deskmates for three years.

"Well, there is only one way from the classroom to the office, so we will definitely run into each other."

Lin Xiaowan is now upset and irritable, and she doesn't want to tell Yan Huan about Su Lin.

Yan Huan is a person who is good at making friends in the class. Once she knows, it won't take long for everyone in the school to know.

By that time, it will be really hard to clear it.

"Oh~! Xiaowan, you have to listen to me and stay away from Su Lin. Yan Huan kindly reminded

"Yeah, I know. Huanhuan, don't worry about me. Instead of thinking about me, you might as well think about Ye Feng. He has deep feelings for you."Lin Xiaowan joked with a smile. Yan

Huan turned her head and glanced at Ye Feng, then shook her head with disdain:"It is impossible for Ye Feng and I to be together. He and I are destined to be from two different worlds."

Ye Feng is one of the few students in the class who has been given up by the teacher. Even if he works hard now, it is unlikely that he can go to college.

Not to mention that Yan Huan is in the top ten in the class and has good grades to get into 985,211.

So it makes sense for Yan Huan to say that she and Ye Feng are from two different worlds. As long as they pass the college entrance examination, they will never meet again.

"Although Ye Feng's grades are not good, he has good intentions towards you, and we can all see that."

Yan Huan said bluntly,"What's the use of just having good intentions? Ye Feng's parents are both from Jiangning Food Factory, and Jiangning Food Factory hasn't paid wages for three months. If I really get together with him, we'll both be starving."

Yan Huan's parents also work at Jiangning Food Factory, but their family is much better off than Ye Feng's.

Her parents are directors in the food factory, while Ye Feng's parents are just ordinary employees.

In addition, she occasionally comes into contact with Ye Feng, so she hates people like Ye Feng.

Especially since Ye Feng actually had thoughts about her in that aspect, which made her feel not sweet at all, but disgusted.

In her opinion, being liked by Ye Feng is a disgusting thing

"Xiaowan, if you are still my good friend, don't mention Ye Feng anymore. This guy is not ambitious and just plays games all day. He is useless."

"Okay, but I still want to remind you, Huanhuan, you will never meet someone who loves you as wholeheartedly as Ye Feng after this time."

Yan Huan curled her lips and said nothing.

Although her appearance is not as good as Lin Xiaowan, she is still in the forefront of the class.

In her opinion, without Ye Feng, this burden, college life will only be better.

It's not like now that she is stuck like a dog-skin plaster, and no boys like her.


As the class bell rang, the two ended this chat

PS:Let 's go for the flower monthly ticket

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