Lin Xiaowan hung up the phone and quickly ran to Su Lin and patted his shoulder;"Hurry, hurry, let's go to the bus station."

"Has your friend arrived at the bus station?"

Lin Xiaowan said tearfully;"He's been waiting for me for more than half an hour. He called me several times, but the lines were all busy."

"You didn't ask her to take a taxi here." Su Lin said with a smile

"Take a taxi? Yanyan was so angry that she was almost dying. She still wanted to take a taxi. Let's go, Su Lin, let's go quickly."

Su Lin also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he nodded and pulled Lin Xiaowan to trot into the car.

"Oh, how could I forget about Yanyan? She will definitely scold me to death soon."

Su Lin said helplessly,"I reminded you several times just now, but you asked me not to interrupt you and even kicked me."

"You saw it just now, I was busy making and receiving calls. The people in Zhongjiang are too crazy. Lin Xiaowan said with lingering fear.

When the two came out of the supermarket, there were still many people queuing to pay. It was estimated that the queue would not be completed even after lunch.

"Especially the elderly, they are crazy when buying things. Su Lin, did you hear that just now? Several old ladies came around 5 o'clock, when it was still dark, just for a few cents of discount. They are really crazy."

"Hahaha, Xiaowan, you don't understand. It's fun for them to rush to the morning market. They can be happy for a few days if they can save a few cents. Sometimes we don't understand because we are not that age. These old people have been busy all their lives. They feel bored when they are idle, so they rush to the morning market."

Lin Xiaowan looked at Su Lin in surprise;"Su Lin, you even guessed their psychology~! No wonder you asked those people to distribute flyers before"

"Haha, I don't know psychology, I just need to read more information on the Internet. Supermarkets in the capital and the magic city all have morning markets, to put it bluntly, they are to attract the elderly."Su Lin smiled. Lin

Xiaowan wanted to say something, but the phone rang again.

Su Lin looked at her busy appearance and felt a little distressed. After Lin Xiaowan hung up the phone, Su Lin said,"Didn't Yangzi arrange an assistant for you?"

Lin Xiaowan nodded and said,"Yes, she did.""

"I have arranged it. I will ask your assistant to deal with some unimportant customers. There are so many things in a supermarket. You can't go to each one in person. It will be very busy."

"Hehe, I think it's very interesting, especially dealing with these small businessmen, it's pretty good"

"You can't be too busy, listen to me, let your assistant talk to some unimportant customers later, and give some to Yangzi later, so it will be much easier. The superiors must learn how to use people."

Lin Xiaowan saw that Su Lin was serious, so she nodded:"I understand."

Before, Lin Xiaowan went to contact these businessmen by herself, because Su Lin said that these customers were resources, and she was worried that if she gave these resources to the employees below, they would run away later.

"Xiaowan, how many suppliers are willing to sign exclusive agreements with us?"

"Very few, only a few, and the products are not easy to sell."

"We will tell them later that we plan to open supermarkets in all seven districts and try to sign exclusive contracts. With today's sales, I'm sure many merchants will be willing to sign contracts, and then we can relax a bit."


As they were talking, the car had already arrived at the Zhongjiang Bus Station.

At the entrance of the bus station, Lin Xiaowan saw Zhao Yanyan standing at the entrance.

She looked a little embarrassed:"Su Lin, that's Zhao Yanyan, please pull over."

Su Lin followed Lin Xiaowan's gaze.


What long legs!!

This was Su Lin's first thought when he saw Zhao Yanyan.

Zhao Yanyan was tall, with a net height of 1.75 meters. Although she didn't wear high heels today, but only a pair of sneakers, she was still about 1.78 meters tall.

Those long legs were really eye-catching.

A pair of slim black trousers perfectly outlined her straight long legs. The most outrageous thing was that more than ten centimeters of her ankles were exposed at the end of the trousers.

Su Lin sighed, these legs are amazing.

Lin Xiaowan's height of 1.68 meters is already perfect. She is a typical short waist and long legs, and her proportions are very perfect.

But compared with this Zhao Yanyan, these legs seem a little less attractive.

"How about it, aren't your legs very long? You've always said that your legs are long, aren't they amazing?"

Su Lin gave a thumbs up:"It's really amazing, it would be a pity if you don't use these legs to ride a tricycle"


"a ha ha ha~!!"

"Su Lin, I'm getting off the car soon, can you please stop making me laugh? Yanyan will definitely get even angrier when she sees me, hahaha...."

Su Lin once again sized up Zhao Yanyan out of the corner of his eye.

Well, she has a common problem among tall girls, small breasts, but not particularly small, just a little mediocre compared to her perfect long legs.

Her looks, needless to say, are very delicate.

Although her face is tense and she looks unhappy, it still can't hide her beauty.

After Lin Xiaowan recovered, she glared at Su Lin and said,"Talk nicely later. Although Yanyan is good at joking, that's only with people she's familiar with. She's very cold to people she's not familiar with."

Su Lin gestured,"Understood."

He remembered Lin Xiaowan when she first crossed over, wasn't she also very cold. But now, isn't she chatting however she wants and saying whatever she wants?

The two got out of the car.

Lin Xiaowan knew she was in the wrong, so she immediately got in front of Zhao Yanyan and said,"Yanyan, you're here~!!"

"Go! Go! Go....Lin Xiaowan, don't think that you can change the fact that you left me at the bus station for an hour by being cute. It's impossible to think that a hug will make me not angry."Zhao Yanyan had a cold face and looked angry.

"Hehe, Yanyan, I didn't mean it. I was really too busy. I was ringing all morning."

"You just run a supermarket, how busy can you be?"

Just as she finished speaking, Lin Xiaowan's cell phone rang.

"Sorry, Yanyan, I have to take a call first."

"By the way, this is Sulin, my friend~!!"

"Su Lin, this is Zhao Yanyan. I told you to chat first."

After saying that, Lin Xiaowan took the phone and walked to the side to answer it, leaving Su Lin and Zhao Yanyan looking at each other.

Zhao Yanyan looked at Su Lin. He was very handsome, especially with a smile on his face, which made him look like a celebrity. He had a great figure, and although it couldn't be seen because of the clothes he was wearing, Zhao Yanyan could tell from her many years of dancing experience that Su Lin had the best figure among the yellow race.

Zhao Yanyan secretly said,"No wonder Xiaowan was fascinated by Su Lin. With this look, which girl wouldn't be in love with him?"

"But Lin Xiaowan is not a superficial girl. Su Lin must have other attractive features, which she needs to discover by herself."

Su Lin looked at Zhao Yanyan boldly looking at him from head to toe several times. He stood there and let Zhao Yanyan look at him.

It was not until Zhao Yanyan felt embarrassed to keep staring at Su Lin that she spoke;"Su Lin, Xiaowan mentioned you to me."

Su Lin nodded:"Xiaowan also told me about you"

"Oh? What did she say about me?"Zhao Yanyan asked curiously

"Beautiful, long legs!!"After saying that, Su Lin looked at Zhao Yanyan's long legs again.

"Phew~! Hahahaha.....Xiao Wan was right. If I stood in front of you, you would stare at my legs first. I thought she was joking before, but it turned out to be true."Zhao Yanyan laughed while holding her stomach.

Su Lin:"?????"

He glanced at Lin Xiaowan, a little confused.

You call this aloof?

It would have been fine if Zhao Yanyan didn't say anything, but when she did, Su Lin looked at her again.

Zhao Yanyan boldly shook her legs in front of Su Lin:"Are my legs so beautiful?"

Su Lin nodded:"Your legs are at least 1.1 meters long. There are very few people in China who have such long legs."

"Haha, you really don't hide it at all, aren't you afraid that Xiaowan will be jealous?" Zhao Yanyan asked with a smile.

Su Lin nodded:"I am afraid, but I still have to see."

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