When Su Lin sent Xia Shiyu home, he saw Liu Mei pushing the Wanwan milk tea cart.

"Is this Ye Feng's mother?" Lin Xiaowan had met Liu Mei and had a good impression of her.

Su Lin nodded:"I saw her at the amusement park before, and we even bought milk tea."

"I just don't understand, Ye Feng's mother looks like an honest person, why is Ye Feng like that." Lin Xiaowan frowned.

Su Lin said calmly:"It's because Ye Feng was successful at a young age, so he became arrogant."

"Who can be more successful at a young age than you? Our supermarket has only been open for a few days and we have already made millions."Lin Xiaowan looked at Su Lin and said

"Hehe~! I am lucky to have met you and Xiaoyu. Without your help, it would not be so easy to open my supermarket."

"Hehe, Sulin, you are also very good. I will go home first."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, Xiaoyu"


Seeing Xia Shiyu enter the door, Su Lin was ready to start the car and leave.


"Call husband"

"No, don't call"

"If you don't, I will punish you according to the family rules."


Lin Xiaowan subconsciously stretched out her hands behind her back to prevent him from doing anything to her.

"Hahaha~! Xiaowan, you are so cute, haha."

Seeing Lin Xiaowan protecting her butt with both hands, Su Lin couldn't help laughing out loud.

It was because she was so cute.

Lin Xiaowan punched Su Lin twice in shame and anger:"Damn Su Lin, stinky Su Lin, I will beat you to death"

"No, no, no, I'm driving. I'm driving."

"Humph, you are asking for trouble."Lin Xiaowan said angrily.

Su Lin shook his head helplessly. This girl is still too thin-skinned.

But I can understand that she needs to be taught slowly.

"Okay, Xiaowan, I'll take you home."

Lin Xiaowan shook her head and said,"Let's go to the company first. If we go home so early, there will be no one at home. We have to come out to eat later.""

"Why didn't you say anything when Xiaoyu was here just now?"

Lin Xiaowan rolled her eyes at Su Lin.

"Oh~! I understand. My Wanwan wants to live alone with me."Su Lin said with a smile.

"who....Who wants to spend time alone with you? I forgot when Xiaoyu was here." Lin Xiaowan said unnaturally.

Su Lin smiled and didn't expose her:"Okay, let's go to the supermarket and have dinner together. What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat skewers. There is a skewers restaurant near the north gate. It is said that it is very delicious. Su Lin, let's go and eat."Lin Xiaowan looked at Su Lin eagerly, waiting for his consent.

This girl would never show such an expression in front of Xia Shiyu.

But Su Lin likes it very much. Such expressions and gestures only need to be shown to himself.

"OK! It's just skewers, let's go eat them"


Lin Xiaowan really likes the way Su Lin agrees to any request she makes without thinking. This kind of unconditional pampering really makes her overwhelmed and indulge in it.

The two of them went to the supermarket and took a look around. Chen Yang was not in the supermarket.

He had handed over Store No. 1 to the acting store manager and went to negotiate a suitable location.

When the store manager Zhang Yong heard that Su Lin and Lin Xiaowan were coming, he immediately came over and wanted to report the situation.

Su Lin waved his hand:"No need to report to me, just report to Chen Yang later. Is the situation in the store okay?"

Zhang Yong nodded:"Everything is normal"

"Well, work hard, and if you do a good job as the acting store manager, you will be promoted to a regular employee.

Zhang Yong nodded excitedly.

Tesco No. 1 Store is now the most famous supermarket in Zhongjiang.

He was lucky enough to be the store manager of this supermarket, which made him very excited.

"All right, go and do your work. We'll just take a stroll and then leave."

Zhang Yong also saw that Su Lin was cultivating a relationship with Lin Xiaowan, and he was very envious.

Su Lin, Lin Xiaowan, and Xia Shiyu often came and went together, and the supermarket employees all knew them.

There were all kinds of rumors about the relationship between the three of them in the supermarket.

But everyone tacitly believed in one rumor, that is, Su Lin and Lin Xiaowan and Xia Shiyu had an extraordinary relationship.

Two beautiful girlfriends.

Tsk tsk~!!

They are role models for our generation.

Many employees envied them.

"Su Lin, is this Zhang Yong reliable?"

No.1 Store is their joint effort, so Lin Xiaowan is a little bit extra concerned about it. 1

Su Lin nodded and said,"He should be reliable. He is the person brought up by Yangzi. We have to trust him."

"Aren't you afraid that Chen Yang will run away with his people and become your competitor? You should know that in business, Chen Yang's management ability is obvious to all, and most of the people in the supermarket are brought up by him. If they really want to make trouble, you may not be able to control them."

Su Lin smiled faintly and said,"It doesn't matter if you can't control the employees. As long as Chen Yang doesn't stab you in the back, they won't make trouble, right?"

"Do you trust him so much?"

Su Lin smiled faintly:"Xiao Wan, do you think you and Xiao Yu will betray me?"

"We definitely wouldn't do that. I'm your girlfriend. Xiaoyu definitely wouldn't do that either. She's not much worse than me."

"Yangzi is not a person who repays kindness with enmity, so we have to trust him."

Lin Xiaowan nodded:"Okay."

Lin Xiaowan was a little puzzled. Although Su Lin had helped Chen Yang, that kind of favor could not tie someone down for life, especially a very capable person like Chen Yang. Would he be willing to be inferior to others?

But Su Lin was confident.

Lin Xiaowan did not ask any more questions.

After dinner, Su Lin sent Lin Xiaowan home.

When the car arrived at the gate of Zhongjiang Family Compound, Sister Lin Xiaowan was about to get off the car, and Su Lin quickly grabbed her.

"Xiaowan, are you going to leave like this?"

Lin Xiaowan turned around and said,"What else can we do?"

"cough cough...."Has someone forgotten their identity change?" Su Lin pointed at her, then pointed at the side of his face.

Lin Xiaowan instantly understood what Su Lin meant. She smiled silently, then hooked her finger.

Su Lin was instantly overjoyed and moved closer.

Lin Xiaowan reached out and pinched Su Lin's nose;"Hahaha, you've been fooled."

Su Lin grinned, then held Lin Xiaowan in place and kissed her directly

"Woo woo woo...."


Lin Guoqiang was about to open the window to ventilate the room when he saw Su Lin's Mercedes-Benz at the gate of the family compound.

He saw the lights of the Mercedes-Benz flash a few times and then go out. He didn't see Lin Xiaowan getting out of the car.

Lin Guoqiang was instantly confused.

Would these two people do anything in the car?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case:"Wife, wife..."~!!"

Wang Xiaoqian came out of the bathroom with a few cucumber slices on her face:"What are you doing? Can't you see I'm getting a beauty treatment?"

"I saw Su Lin's car."

"Su Lin brings Nannan home every day. Have you ever missed her?" Wang Xiaoqian rolled her eyes at Lin Guoqiang, her expression and movements were exactly the same as Lin Xiaowan's.

"It's different this time. Nannan always got off the bus directly before. Today, the lights were off for a while, but Nannan didn't get off the bus. Do you think they are in love?"

Wang Xiaoqian said angrily;"Here you go again, here you go again"

"I have asked my daughter so many times before, probably at least a hundred times, and she always answered me that they haven’t talked about it yet. Don’t you know your own daughter?"

"If she had talked to Su Lin, she would definitely not hide it from you. Why are you so suspicious?"

Lin Guoqiang blushed after hearing this. He did ask Lin Xiaowan this question often before, and Lin Xiaowan was a little impatient with him.

"I haven't asked recently."

"Nannan didn't get out of the car. Maybe she was talking to Su Lin, or just chatting. Old Lin, I'm telling you, don't ask nonsense questions. If Nannan gets angry and really gets along with Su Lin, you can't pull her back even if you have ten cows."

Lin Guoqiang smiled awkwardly. This is a family tradition.

Wang Xiaoqian is like this, and so is Lin Xiaowan.

"Well, go read your news, don't bother me, I still need to do beauty treatment."

Lin Guoqiang shook his head when he heard this. Who would have thought that a strong woman who is so powerful in the business world would be like this at home.

So no matter how strong a woman is, she is still a woman. She is still unable to escape from the world and still loves beauty.

"Okay, I won't ask any more questions, but this Su Lin is too much, he keeps pestering our daughter every day."

"He sends your daughter home for free every day, you should be grateful to him"

"Me? I thank him?"

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