To save effort.

Yun Lie directly sacrificed the Black Lotus and asked Ye Ranshuang and the others to get up to the Black Lotus and fly directly to Sancha Lake with the Black Lotus.

The guards headed by Zhuo Tianhang all used their flying skills to follow.

About half an hour passed.

Arrive at the charming Sancha Lake.

This place is far away from the Three-Eyed Giant Sacrifice.

The secret realm opened soon.

Except for Yun Lie and his party, it is difficult to find anyone.

On the way here, Yunlie had already informed that someone was spreading vicious rumors. In order to avoid causing unnecessary conflicts, he first went to the secluded Sancha Lake to establish a safe zone to accommodate allies and low-level warriors of Great Xia.

Sun Shangxiang knew that there was something strange hidden at the bottom of Sancha Lake, and the underground palace was most likely underneath.

I have to admire Yun Lie.

Riding on the vicious rumors, they rushed over immediately. Even better, they established a safe zone to protect the warriors who entered the secret realm.

This move not only won praise.

You can also occupy Sancha Lake first.

If the rumors were not too vicious, the Yun family would be in a huge crisis if they were not careful. They all suspected that Yun Lie ordered his men to spread them deliberately.

The upgraded Black Lotus is larger than the Eight Immortals Table.

Feng Ziyu stood on the black lotus, looked around Sancha Lake, and then turned to Yun Lie, her eyes filled with admiration.

Sancha Lake is located in the northwest corner of Jiangzhou Secret Land, far away from the Three-Eyed Giant Sacrifice Platform, Fisherman's House, and Chongxinhou Cave Mansion.

Because the secret realm is only open for 24 hours.

Time is very precious.

It's impossible to come to such a remote place.

Yunlie probably predicted that Sancha Lake would hide an underground palace!

"Zi Yu, could it be that at the bottom of the lake..." Ye Ranshuang's thoughts were similar to Feng Ziyu's.

The purpose of entering the secret realm of Jiangzhou is to compete for the Blue-Eyed Kirin Inner Elixir. You can't even ignore the Blue-Eyed Kirin Inner Elixir just because others spread vicious rumors.

Follow normal logic.

He should go to the Three-Eyed Giant Sacrifice, and quell the rumors in public with his dazzling aura as the future head of the Yun family, the number one rising martial artist in Great Xia, Master Yun, the God of Song, etc.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages to this. There are too many warriors pouring into Jiangzhou's secret realm. Once a fight breaks out, old and new hatreds will come to mind, and it will be red-eyed. It is not easy to appease them.

If someone continues to secretly add fuel to the flames, the situation will not be under control and will fall into the center of the storm.

Send someone to refute the rumors, stay away from right and wrong, and establish a safe zone in Sancha Lake, if this happens to be the entrance to the underground palace.

Gain huge reputation and seize the opportunity.

Simply kill two birds with one stone!

Feng Ziyu nodded excitedly.

Since being kidnapped by Yun Lie.

I never saw him suffer.

Someone was spreading vicious rumors, and Yunlie's response this time was obviously a bit strange, and he was probably trying to dig a hole to deceive again.

Not only Feng Ziyu and Ye Ranshuang, but also Fan Yuting, Yun Yan, and even the members of the guard team all felt that Yun Lie had other motives for coming to Sancha Lake.

Under everyone's gaze, Yunlie used the flying technique to fly quickly along Sancha Lake, while trying to recall the original plot.

"Eagle Beak Stone...!" Yun Lie's eyes lit up.

In the original work.

When the dark clouds over Sancha Lake dispersed after nightfall and the full moon appeared, Ye Ranshuang was looking down from a boulder shaped like an eagle's beak by the lakeside and accidentally discovered two blue bronze doors reflected on the lake.

Three Forks Lake is not small.

It’s not like you can just look for a place and see the reflection of the underground palace’s secret door.

Find the Eagle Beak Stone.

It’s more than half successful.

Yunlie landed on top of Eagle Mouth Rock, which is also the highest point on the shore of Sancha Lake. The open space behind it, which is larger than a basketball court, is just right for camping.

"Jingcheng, camp here!"

Yu Jingcheng and other four followers, as well as the Nine Shadow Elites under Yuan Xueyi, all carried huge backpacks.

They acted quickly and in less than ten minutes set up seven or eight tents in the open space behind Eagle Beak Rock.

Yunyan led his brothers and sisters up to Eagle Beak Rock.

I am very satisfied with Yun Lie’s location selection.

The terrain of Sancha Lake is high in the east and low in the west. If you camp here, you can almost have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.

Sun Shangxiang was very surprised.

I originally thought of waiting for nightfall and dragging Yun Lie up to Eagle Mouth Rock. When the dense dark clouds dispersed and the full moon was revealed, I could see the blue bronze door reflected below.

But he didn't tell Yun Lie that the underground palace was most likely in Sancha Lake, and the secrets could be discovered by standing on the Eagle Beak Stone.

If it was a coincidence that Yunlie chose to come to Sancha Lake in order to avoid causing unnecessary conflicts, but he chose to camp behind Eagle Mouth Rock.

That...that's really not a coincidence.

Unable to hold it any longer, Sun Shangxiang quickly walked to Yun Lie's side and whispered: "Big gangster, don't you know that this place is weird?"

Yunlie pretended to be surprised and said in confusion: "I chose Sancha Lake to stay away from the chaos caused by vicious rumors. I just made a tour and of course I chose a place with a wide view to camp. No way this is..."

"Yes!" Sun Shangxiang no longer hid it and nodded heavily.

"It seems that we really have a good understanding of each other." Yunlie said with a smile.

Sun Shangxiang rolled her eyes at Yun Lie charmingly and felt a sweet feeling in her heart. She did not bother to find out why Yun Lie brought everyone to Sancha Lake by chance.

Ye Ranshuang covered her mouth with her hand, coughed dryly, pulled Feng Ziyu over, and said sourly: "Hey, you are so happy, what are you talking about?"

The Blue-Eyed Kirin Inner Pill can improve your cultivation across levels. Once Yun Lie obtains and takes it, he can be promoted to a seventh-level warrior.

In addition to the evolving armor Black Lotus and Blood Sword Hero Sword, there are probably other S-level armor weapons.

Even if Yun Lie, whose strength has greatly increased, faces Yun Yuan, he may still be able to compete.

The key is to find the underground palace.

Since Yunlie chose to come to Sancha Lake by coincidence, and based on the terrain, he used Eagle Mouth Rock as a camping site.

That must be said first.


Who knows it’s his own fault?

So, Sun Shangxiang held Feng Ziyu in one hand and Ye Ranshuang in the other, whispering for a while...

Yun Lie had no intention of stopping it at all.

About the secret door of the underground palace reflected on the surface of Sancha Lake.

It would be more appropriate for Sun Shangxiang to say it.

It makes sense to bring it here to Sancha Lake.

Just because Sun Shangxiang informed him in advance, Ye Ranshuang would pay more attention to observation, which was a real double insurance.

Yun Yan almost never left Fan Yuting, but her curiosity was aroused by the whispers of the little girls, so she came over with Fan Yuting on her arm.


A cry of surprise.

It attracted Zhuo Tianhang, Yuan Xueyi, Feng Tuo, Feng Yun and other seventh-level warriors to look at him.

Anyway, with Sun Shangxiang as a shield, Yunlie was not afraid of arousing others' suspicion, so he simply summoned everyone and informed them of the strangeness of Sancha Lake and that the underground palace was most likely at the bottom of the lake.

The guard team suddenly realized.

Not only did he secretly praise Yunlie for his ability to cope with the situation, he also envied Yunlie for having such a virtuous wife as Sun Shangxiang.

The great hero Sun Shangxiang's cheeks were rosy. He had helped Yun Lie a lot and he would definitely not treat him badly in the future.

Feng Ziyu, Ye Ranshuang, and even Fan Yuting silently held back their energy. When the moon was full at night, they must look carefully and try to find the accurate position of the blue bronze door of the underground palace first.


Core members meet.

The focus of the discussion was on how to ensure the first entry after finding the blue bronze door of the underground palace, and how to deal with competition.

Just during the discussion.

The spies from the Intelligence Team began to send back news one after another.

Fierce fighting broke out at the Three-Eyed Giant Sacrifice Platform, Fisherman's House, and Chongxinhou Cave Mansion.

Yunyuan boarded the Three-Eyed Giant Sacrifice to clarify the rumors, and led the elite Black Cloud Army of Daxia to maintain order.

The rumors spread too fast, and since Jiangzhou's secret realm is nearly a thousand square kilometers, many people are not aware yet that hundreds of Daxia fifth-grade and above warriors formed a group to hunt down non-Daxia warriors.

The non-Daxia warriors who enter the secret realm of Jiangzhou are mainly high-level warriors.

Considering the overall situation, the high-level warriors from the Wind Clan and the Electric Clan retreated one after another.

The Fire Tribe, Thunder Tribe, Rain Tribe, as well as high-level warriors from major countries and federal alliances with bad relations with Daxia launched a counter-hunt.

Daxia's low-level warriors suffered heavy casualties.

Yun Yuan was furious and led the elite Black Cloud Army of Daxia to attack the hostile forces that attacked the low-level warriors of Daxia.

As the discussion draws to a close.

One after another, low-level warriors from Daxia came to Sancha Lake.

Most of them looked frightened.

Some people even took advantage of it.

Liu Tingzhou and the Thirteen Thunder Guards of Suizhou also brought back more than ten high-level warriors from the Song and Yan countries.


Daxia warriors kept coming.

about an hour.

Hundreds of warriors gathered in the Sancha Lake area.

The warriors who come all trust the Yun family.

Or an ally of Daxia.

Yun Lie was very pleased to see this. With the testimony of these warriors, the vicious rumors would definitely be clarified, and the Sancha Lake area had been booked in advance.

There were too many people coming, so it was inconvenient to tell Liu Tingzhou and his party that there was an underground palace hidden at the bottom of Sancha Lake.

However, staying at Three Forks Lake without going anywhere would arouse suspicion.

It's time to brush up your luck.

Using the soaring technique to fly over Sancha Lake, Yun Lie summoned his energy and said loudly: "Everyone, people with ulterior motives are spreading rumors in the name of my brother Yun Yuan. Many innocent people have died. The underground palace and the Blue-Eyed Kirin Inner Pill are really Leave aside the holiday for now, the top priority is to establish a safe zone in Sancha Lake. I hope everyone will stay together through thick and thin and tide over the crisis..."

Mr. Yun, the God of Songs, is so righteous.

In order to protect Daxia warriors, they gave up searching for the underground palace.

The warriors have quite generous personalities.

I don’t know who took the lead in applauding.

Sancha Lake burst into applause.

Yun Lie was happy.

As expected, these words aroused great emotions in the group of relatives and friends, and the system's voice prompts were too late.

Convert to text prompt.

A long list of luck values ​​+666.

Although it is all slander, as long as it can increase the luck value, it doesn't matter whether it is a positive emotion or a negative emotion.

As night falls, the simple camps around Sancha Lake gradually become quiet. Only the bonfires dance with orange-red flames in the night, adding a touch of warm color to this peaceful lakeside.

at this time.

There are nearly a thousand warriors gathered at Sancha Lake.

Dozens of people were also seriously injured.

Most of these people are low-level warriors from Great Xia who are just joining in the fun.

A few high-level warriors came here to avoid the limelight.

After the riots caused by the rumors have passed.

Take a look around again.

See if you can find the underground palace.

Occasionally, high-level warriors from hostile forces appear. When they see such a huge formation, they basically stay away immediately.

But Yunlie knew it.

Sancha Lake has been targeted by Su Chen and others.

These guys are lurking in the dark.

Wait patiently to stop.

Time passed by minute by second, and at exactly nine o'clock in the evening, the last dark cloud over Sancha Lake dispersed, revealing a bright full moon.

The moonlight shines on the lake, making the waves sparkle, as if the whole world has been plated with a layer of silver brilliance.

Ye Ranshuang, Sun Shangxiang, and Feng Ziyu were already sitting side by side on the edge of the Eagle Beak Stone. Yun Yan was standing behind them with Fan Yuting on her arm.

The girls stared at the lake intently, looking forward to the appearance of the two green bronze doors.

Finally, at the brightest moment of the moonlight, the reflection on the lake changed, and two towering blue bronze doors slowly emerged on the lake.

"I saw it, it's there!" Ye Ranshuang pointed excitedly to the lower left.

Yun Lie was overjoyed. She was worthy of being the number one heroine with incredible luck. She knew the exact location of the underground palace just by looking at it.

It is a circular passage. Just jump into the lake and pass through the circular passage to reach the secret door of the underground palace.

"Ranshuang, lead the way!" Yunlie reached Ye Ranshuang in a flash and held her hand.

Holding hands together, Ye Ranshuang gained endless courage, pulled Yun Lie, and jumped into the cold lake without hesitation.

Sun Shangxiang pouted, annoyed that Yun Lie had crossed the river and demolished the bridge. He hurriedly held Feng Ziyu, who was a little stunned, and jumped into the lake too.

Follow the prior plan.

Yuan Xueyi and Feng Tuo followed closely behind.

Behind them are Yun Yan and Fan Yuting, who are escorted by Zhuo Tianhang.

Before the other warriors had time to react.

Liu Tingzhou, the smartest one, also jumped into the lake.

With Ye Ranshuang and Yunlie leading the way, everyone used their protective energy to isolate the lake, and the fish penetrated through the circular channel glowing with white light at the bottom of the lake.

The circular passage is not long. It takes about five seconds to pass through it, and it feels like you are in another world.

Yun Lie's eyes lit up, and he saw a stone wall thirty meters away in front of him. There were two huge blue bronze doors inlaid on the stone wall. There was a huge golden lock on the bronze door. The door was closed tightly, and on the stone wall beside the bronze door , engraved with four large scarlet characters: Trespassers will die.

These four words are particularly eye-catching under the moonlight, as if they carry a strong breath of death, which makes people shudder.

"Those who trespass will die?" Yunlie was surprised and happy. These four words made him feel something was wrong. These four words definitely did not exist in the original plot.

Infer from this.

The level of the blue-eyed unicorn must have improved.

Upgrade to level 7 or level 8?

In addition to the blue-eyed unicorn, are there other risks in the underground palace?

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