The night passed quickly.

Under the command of Ye Xuan, a song called "Sorrow of Liren" was born!

"I should hang out in Rivers and Lakes and drink a jug of dirty wine!"

"Looking at the flowers while drunk is deeply sad~"

"Don't take that pass for a field trip, leave the beautiful woman waiting!"

"How many floors higher is this love in Menglishang~"

After finishing the lyrics, and Ye Xuan sang a few lines in the voice that he thought the noise was deep and pleasant, but it was actually a duck voice.

Everyone in the recording room showed somewhat shocked expressions.

Although this song is "referenced", it still sounds pretty good.

And everyone is not worried about the "reference" being discovered. After all, the number of listeners to the song "Fireworks Are Cold" so far is only 16 people.

"Don't worry about it, just send it out!"

Ye Xuan commanded proudly and confidently: "Just use the newly created account I just created!"

Soon, the song "Sorrows from People" was released through the account of Huafeng Entertainment Company [musician Ye Xuan].

And there is also an accompanying text: "This song is called "The Sorrow of Liren". It is a real Xia Guofeng song. It was released on the bib for the first time. I hope you can listen and love it. I am Ye Xuan, a musician. A lot of support."

And Ye Xuan also hired sailors. Just a few seconds after the bib was released, some sailors commented below.

"It's really nice! It's a complete hit on that song "Blue and White Porcelain"!"

"I don't know how the song "Blue and White Porcelain" became popular. Our "Sorrow of Liren" is the real Xia Guofeng song, okay! I just listened to it no less than ten times. It's really good. You can try it!"

"It's my duty to revive the glory of Xia Guofeng!! Support, it's really nice!!"

At this time, it took only two or three seconds for the scarf to be sent out, and some people said that they heard it no less than ten times. These sailors are extremely ironic.

But it's not a big problem, because it is true that because of the joining of the navy, the popularity of this scarf has been increasing. In a short while, thousands of people have heard this song.

At this time, there are already many comments from real audiences.

"Damn it, I don't know if I don't listen to it. I was shocked when I heard it. This song is not bad!"

"I didn't expect that after listening to "Blue and White Porcelain" just now, I could hear another song by Xia Guofeng when I turned around. Am I too lucky?!"

"What's the matter today? Good songs are appearing frequently, is our internal entertainment going to be saved?"

With the increasing number of people, "Sorrow of Liren" has really started to rush into the trending searches from tens of thousands of views!

All of a sudden, it caused a sensation all over the Internet.

Countless netizens are praising the sound.

Of course, there is also a sailor hired by Ye Xuan, who fanned the flames and said that everyone should repost it so that more people can hear this beautiful song.


In Huafeng Entertainment Company, Ye Xuan and a group of musicians were opening their beers and celebrating with bright smiles.

Everyone is delighted with this traffic.

Although it is plagiarism, but this flow is real!

It's been a long time since their Huafeng Entertainment's official blog has seen such enthusiasm.

In less than an hour, [Musician Ye Xuan, a Xia Guofeng song "Sorrowful of Leaving People" shocked the world! 】

It was on the hot search and attracted a lot of attention.

Why does this make them unhappy, why don't they feel overwhelmed?

There was even an accompaniment at the scene, and the guitar played those passionate and happy music!

Although, to be honest, they don't like copying this kind of thing very much, which is contrary to their previous style.

However, since you have done it, don't be afraid of being discovered.

After all, the song "Sorrows from People" is really good.

And on the other hand, less than twenty people have heard the original song "Fireworks Are Cold", so how could it be found plagiarized?

Moreover, it is even more difficult to notice plagiarism when the navy brings the rhythm to "Sorrowful Liren" and "Blue and White Porcelain".

Quite a number of sailors boasted: "My God, such a beautiful song, this is a treasure, it's a hundred times better than "Blue and White Porcelain". No matter what you think, I support this song anyway!"

"Then what's so good about rotten blue and white porcelain? I suggest that everyone should listen to "Sorrows from People". This song definitely beats "Blue and White Porcelain""

"I just took it to my family and asked them to compare. Do you know the result? 10 to 0! Blue and white porcelain has zero votes, while Li Renchou has ten votes!"

On the Internet, the sailors invited by Ye Xuan are still touting wildly!

I can't wait to praise all the lyrics of a song in my life.

And some artists from Huafeng Entertainment also quickly forwarded it.

[Chicken Basketball]: "I didn't expect this song "Sorrows from People" to be so amazing. It's so amazing that I can't even say a word. When the time comes, our boy group will definitely cover this song and dance. , I hope you will support me a lot.”

[Toothick side]: "Whether it's the prelude tune or the singer's voice in "The Sorrow of Liren", I admire it very much. At the same time, I hope everyone will support it!"

[Anti-smoking ambassador, Xiao Wang]: "Yes, I really never thought that our company would have such a great talent. I hope that Ye Xuan big brother can write a song for our three little brothers in the future. Anyway, I support it. Ye Xuan big brother!"

At this time, countless traffic stars from Huafeng Entertainment Company came out to support Ye Xuan.

Their fans were also relatively ignorant, and they all followed suit.

"This song is absolutely perfect! My big brother likes to listen to it, and so do I!"

"Oh, I really love you so much, I also fell in love with Ye Xuan big brother without knowing it!"


However, the senses of most passers-by still feel that the song "Sorrows from People" is not as good as "Blue and White Porcelain".

But, even so, among the songs they had heard before, they ranked very high, at least the second place, and the first place must be "Blue and White Porcelain".

Unknowingly, under the heated discussion, "The Sorrow of Liren" successfully climbed from the top 50 to the tenth place! !

And the heat continues to increase.

Just when Ye Xuan and a group of musicians were smiling brightly and happily.

A netizen named [Starfall] made an own comment!

[The melody of the main song of "Sorrowful Liren" is plagiarized from "Fireworks Are Cold"! Angrily punish the plagiarism dog, the plagiarism dog will die! 】

remarks appeared on the Internet.

And this netizen named [Star Falling] also made a live hammer video that was played simultaneously on the left and right channels.

The right channel plays "Sorrows of Liren" throughout, and the left channel plays his plagiarized "Fireworks Are Cold" according to the progress!

As a result, when netizens heard it, they were surprised to find that the two songs were shockingly the same.

I can't say that there is no relationship, I can only say that they are exactly the same! !

In an instant, under [Musician Ye Xuan]'s account, countless netizens began to rant!

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