Su Chen, driving the poison, not only attracted the attention of all audiences.

Even the few special guests invited to the scene, racing experts, were shocked by his uninvited guest.

In the studio, when several bigwigs saw Su Chen's car, their faces immediately darkened.

"How do you do your work? How do you let outsiders rush into the arena?"

"Drivers who have not been familiar with the stage before the race are not allowed to enter the track! Don't you know?!"

"This game is a live broadcast! If you screw up, I'll see how you end up!"

Before the words were finished, Su Chen's poison had already begun to catch up with Qi Tianda who was at the front.

I saw that he looked calm, not panicking at all.

Gently turning the steering wheel, shifting gears, lightly stepping on the brakes, controlled Poison to turn one corner after another on the flat ground.

Simply not too elegant!

Even, in the eyes of the audience in the outfield, Su Chen seemed to have run the track under his feet hundreds of times in advance.

Otherwise, how could he be so skillful, making drifting movements like special effects in movies! ?

As Su Chen accelerated, the speed of the poison soared crazily.

130km/h! !

160km/h! ! !

190km/h! ! ! ! !

Whether it is a straight road or a curve, Su Chen keeps moving forward at a high speed as always.

If it is said that he is not professional, the audience will not believe it!

After seeing Su Chen complete several runs without any pressure, and was about to catch up with Qi Tianda who was leading the way, the audience even exclaimed.

"Damn?? The person sitting in this car is not a professional racing driver, is it?"

"I think it's very possible. Could it be arranged by the organizer, in order to increase the effect of the program?"

"The scariest thing is that this guy doesn't slow down in the corners, he's a little too confident."

"Wow! He's almost catching up to Monkey King!"

And Qi Tianda, who took the lead at the forefront, was sitting in the own Martha intoxicated.

Since spending millions on refitting the car, his racing performance has become even better, and there are almost no tracks that cannot be completed.

Now, he returned to the track again, just to break the previous record.

Throw a new generation of racers trying to overtake him and claim his title of racing king!

Hmph, want to surpass him?

Practice for another ten or eight years!

At this time, he didn't know that there was a car shadow approaching at a high speed behind own.

Until the voice of the navigator sounded in the single-ear earphone.

"Hey! Qi Tianda pay attention to your rear, a car is about to catch up!"

Qi Tianda frowned immediately when he heard the words, "Impossible! I didn't make a mistake in that corner just now, and it was enough to throw the driver behind, unless..."

The navigator answered: "You did not make any mistakes, and you are a bit faster than the previous best result, but the opponent's speed is also very fast!"

"Besides, his car refused to slow down at the bend, and it looks like he's going to overtake you right now!"

Qi Tian was shocked.

Curves without slowing down? Is the other party crazy?

"What is the car model of the other party?"

"Lamborghini, poison!"

Qi Tianda was even more confused.

F*ck, isn't Poison a limited-edition sports car for viewing? What kind of prodigal must it be to drive this car on the track?

But it was not over yet, the navigator seemed a little afraid to say: "The other party is not in the list of competitors, it seems... still wearing a dress and a female companion."

Monkey King:? ? ? ?

f*ck, this is the co-author. This is the young master who is holding on after eating, and came out to take the girl for a ride? ? ?

Moreover, the scariest thing is that according to the navigator, the opponent's driving skills may even be slightly higher than his own.

How did he accept this?

You know, in order to practice sports cars, he has no woman in his heart, and has been single until now!

hateful! The other party actually dealt him a double blow!

Qi Tianda's face was a little dignified, and he became unusually serious.

"No matter who this guy is, as long as he is on the track, he is my opponent, and I will do my best to defeat him!"

After all, he slammed on the accelerator, his eyes burning with fighting spirit!

As time passed, the two cars got closer and closer.




All the people present held their breaths, for fear of missing the grand occasion in front of them.

And the male commentator, who is familiar with Lanpo, also raised his fist, and said, "According to the information we have obtained, the owner of this Lamborghini Poison is not on the list of contestants!"

"And through the high-altitude camera shooting, he is not a registered racing athlete! He is probably a pure racing enthusiast!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

F*ck, a racing enthusiast runs faster than a professional racer? ?

The most crucial piece of information, the male commentator did not say.

That is the hundreds of miles of track, and the opponent is completely alone without a pilot.

One must know that the ruggedness of the Huoyan Mountain Road is well-known throughout the country.

The whole journey is hundreds of miles, and ambulances are waiting outside. I'm not joking with you.

Except for those veterans who have run countless times, those who come to this track for the first time, it is good not to get lost without a pilot!

"Qi Tianda, the opponent is catching up!"

It is their own pilot.

Qi Tianda frowned and remained silent.

I am already advancing at full speed, with zero mistakes in the whole process.

But even so, it still didn't shake off the tail.

After thinking about it, Qi Tianda's face was a little gloomy.

The opponent is absolutely impossible to be a novice!

"Coming! He's trying to overtake you!"

Qi Tian was taken aback, has he already arrived? !

Before his brain could react, the arm triggered muscle memory first.

Turning the steering wheel violently, the car suddenly vibrated on the driveway like a long snake.

Su Chen, who was following closely behind, almost laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

Naturally, he knew that the other party was causing trouble for himself.

"Interesting, it seems that there are still experts in the domestic racing industry, but..."

Su Chen looked at a crossing not far ahead, the corners of his mouth raised.

"It seems that your luck is not very good..."

That's right!

Su Chen is ready to surpass Qi Tianda at the crossing!

At this time, the distance between the two cars was hardly more than ten meters!

The speed of the two cars also reached 250 kilometers per hour!

When Qi Tianda saw the crossing, his heart skipped a beat.

"Perhaps, we can completely get rid of him here!"

Master, sometimes ideas overlap.

It seems that Qi Tianda still has real skills.

However, at the moment when the crossing appeared.

Su Chen accelerated!


Qi Tianda looked at Su Chen's car, a few meters behind him.

to be parallel to your body.

In the end, he actually accelerated while drifting, and caught up with him fiercely!

"Oh my god! Who is this mysterious player, Sacred? He's about to overtake Qi Tianda!"

"If he can catch up with Qi Tianda, then he will most likely win the title of the final champion of this competition!"

"And, set a new record for the Flaming Mountain Road!"

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